Is duelist "good"?

Like what? It’s a factual statement. I am not gloating and it is also relevant if we are talking about who is good.

Besides not sure Glad titles matter much at all these days. Glad mount is like the most common mount in Oribos.

But I usually personally think players are good if they can crack 2100 without being carried.

Beyond that is great, amazing and incredible

I don’t think beating gladiators in 2s doing for fun lfg games is something to proud of. What are you 26-27 in 2s?

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Lower than glad is good and glad means nothing :brain:

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Big Doze with the tactical MMR drops.

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I just watched episode 3 of The Book of Boba Fet, and the black wookie gladiator in it is considerably cooler than any WoW gladiator. Just to put that out there.

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Of course, isn’t that always the story.

Doing 2s for fun and trying to win but they lose.

I play 2s out of LFG often with bad partners and probably beat Glad players 50% of the time.

But even if a Glad is playing for fun they are trying their best to win. That’s a cop out.

Regardless 2.1 players are good that’s not really an opinion as much as it is a statistically proven fact.

And 2,307-1,630 if your asking games played.

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I agree with this statement. Whether you’re taking it seriously or not, they still took a whiopin’.

Lmao I thought the same thing. Like it’s always the 2’s heroes who try and devalue achieves they can’t get. It’s weird.

I mean… c’mon man lol.

Ironic right?

Wookies are cool but like… you’ve seen my boomy right? Questioning our friendship at the moment.

This actually is very not true. Way different mindset to be had for sure. I definitely do not even feel like I’m playing the same game helping someone push wins over random 2’s. That’s what makes them fun. Mentally less taxing.

Also, not that I play to lose so you’re right that they’re trying to win despite possibly not putting forth their best effort, but that doesn’t mean much. I mean their teammate could be hyper throwing, they could be on a toon/spec they aren’t actually super experienced on, or just made a blunder, etc.

I mean I’ve beaten pika, jelly, civz, nevlen, palumor, gekz, succi, etc. and I don’t think I’m even remotely as good as those people despite having beaten some of them multiple times.

All in all I understand sentiment and I’m sure you’re not always wrong but just the “I beat a glad before” take is kinda iffy.


Play some jungle or boomy/DH on your alt, I’ll give you a cool pass. xD

I mean same reason why you have ZERO R1 titles I suppose. :man_shrugging:

That would be cool? Lol I mean I’m down! Except my alt is necro. Not sure many dhs are into that sort of thing.

He didn’t claim R1 was easy though. Speaking of easy, have you gotten 2.3 in warrior’s best season in WoW history yet?


They’ll get into it, if they want the pleasure of our company.

Everyone playing 2s is no com/lfging.

Like I said those excuses are a cop out.

I love how casually you give an unfounded opinion and then use it as proof of your other claim lol. Very nice.

I guess I’ll go apply to the golden guardians since I beat half their roster. I’ll tell them Vendes said it was legit.

When you’re right, you’re right. :man_shrugging:t2: I even got a weapon in the vault. I’m all set.

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I mean… i have glad titles though and came back in WoD too… yikes man

My boy, idk why I don’t have you added add me Kydrav#1515

Ask any R1 from back in the day until now if Gladiator means anything if you earned it in BFA and Slands. Go ahead and come back and post the clip of they’re response.

All I hear is a parrot squakin bro, where’s your personal experience input? Oh wait, you don’t have any :joy:

Tbh, I’ve gone on the forums and said % Gladiator is what I prefer but the question still remains:

If it’s so easy, why haven’t you gotten it even in BfA s1?


Not going to argue with you on this one.

You are taking this to a very specific direction.

Every Gladiator in the game is good and everyone not a Gladiator is not good.

And no non Glad can beat a Glad based off performance if that’s what you want to believe more power to you.

Same reason why you have ZERO Rank 1 titles? Idk where we’re going with this, my guy. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: Bottom line is this. You do you i’ll do me, my guy. It is what it is.

Local 1900 man pays streamer to tell him that post-Legion gladiator isn’t very hard