Had a conversation with a returning wow player recently about what the best overall class really is.
After thinking about it, I came up with druid. It’s got it all…speed, farming, all roles, unique forms per spec.
A better question would be what DOESN’T it have?
Does anyone have a better candidate for the best overall class? I’d like to hear your thoughts!
Depends on what best means.
Best for farming speed maybe, best for rare items farming no that got to the scalies, best for raid, eh they got mark, best foe keys no they arent meta but they good as every class and spec is, verdatility of playstyle yea but their clsss tree kinda sucks rn.
So really i suggest just trying out everything and find what clicks for you
As soon as the venthyr (and other newer customization options) enabled me to do “druid, but castlevania,” I have not looked back as it relates to a main character.
They aren’t like the objective best as a class or an option, but for a game that leans so heavily on its overworld, I brace for some kind of transformative mega-nerf every expansion because, yeah, druids just win, you know? Stealth, insta-cast travel form that adapts to where you are, the option to ranged DPS with a tank loot spec, increased movement speed… like I said, soon as I could make a non-hippy-looking druid main, that was it, no contest.
But again, that’s because I prioritize open world or solo content. I could see people loving paladins just as much for different reasons. It’s all about priorities.
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“Best” I think would be a subjective term, however versatile and flexible come to mind. It’s a jack of all trades, but in each of the roles (tank, dps, heals) there’s usually a class that is better overall.
I agree though, it has the whole toolbox pretty much.
Best is a strong word: Dedicated specs can do what Druids can, if not better.
Most versatile, though? Absolutely, it’s not even close, and that is often way more important than raw numbers.
I love my Bear Druid, its the best tank in my opinion.
Feral and Balance can be good but they have extreme button bloat right now.
Havent tried Restoration.
As far as best overall class goes? I have to say Paladin, Ret is near top DPS, Paladin tanking is up there as well. Holy is mid to top as well.
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In WotLK I used to make the statement that a druid was only one respec away from being better at someone else’s role than them.
I haven’t set foot in raids or M+ since BFA to know what is the top class/spec for each role, but I do agree that druids might be the best for a casual player as I have turned into. I would argue that they don’t have the best looking gear though. Plate and mail wearers win that battle.
Things that a druid doesn’t have:
Nah not in my opinion. On paper druid is exceptional but execution is bad.
Good point!
I didn’t think about the mog options.
I think we can all agree that transmog is the “true endgame” and should definitely be considered in this sort of conversation.
I think the special Druid skins you can unlock help mitigate this deficiency though
Druid, the true jack of all trade, good at everything but not best at anything.
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Druid lacks a certain zing for me. In it’s current iteration, it feels lackluster to play. Not an expert in druids mind you, but with so many specs and classes to chose from, I’d rather just play shaman or mage, who, because of their zippiness, feel better designed and more satisfying to play.
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I will say this, druid sometimes feels like it lack a certain “zing” in its rotation.
I’ve had times where I’ve been doing top damage but I don’t “feel” like I’m doing anything if that makes sense.
Right. I didn’t play wow for a long while 2009-2020 ish. Coming back from the long break, druid feels like the only class that hasn’t changed much since 2008, like a relic from another era. It needs a graphics overhaul to give it some zoomies.
If you have 1 million subscribers, you’ll get 1 million different breakdowns of what constitutes the best overall class.
If you can’t stand being in a form, druid probably isn’t for you even if it can do all the roles.
Sure you can see your gear in resto, but you can’t as a bear or a cat druid. Moonkin is hit or miss with the glyph of stars.
Yes, it’s for sure opinion based.
I’m just looking for a general consensus on what the best “overall” class is.
I usually play balance when I play druid. This glyph is pretty great but sometimes my vanity character window turns me solid white when I mog the tos set from legion.
if you want to farm, play delves, do world quests, and do low level group content, it is a great class. class flavor is excellent too. shapeshifting is fun, but you also loose transmogs. but there are more animal forms nowadays.
if you want to push endgame content, it is average.
the real benefit is that you can be all of the roles: tank, heals, melee, caster.
they are not nearly the best in any of those categories, but they are okay.
if you just want to focus on one toon, then it is the class.
that is, until shaman tanks come along (/crosses fingers)
I’m right there with ya buddy!
I have a shaman tank on classic seasonal that’s pretty fun to play. 
The fact that they gave you the option there gives me hope for retail.
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Why Yes. I am the best, thanks for asking. But only in the way that you can do everything. I still have a ton of fun on the other 12 classes. But it is a tried and true workhorse class.
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