Is Druid the best overall class?

Druid is tops for a TON of reasons:

  • Instant flight form, even while falling
  • Can turn into 40+ different shapes
  • Aquatic form for underwater content
  • Tank spec
  • RDPS spec
  • MDPS spec
  • Healing spec
  • Faster indoor movement speed
  • Self heals in combat
  • Able to get the Leg staff from Firelands
  • Specific NPC acknowledgements in Legion Dungeons

and the list just keeps on going. Aside from them slipping a bit in tank rankings, this class will forever be my main class. As soon as Gnomes can be druids, I am race changing and deleting every other character in my roster.

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Druid because you can do most gathering and quests without leaving flight form.


I’m a bit confused if you’re talking about classic or retail.

Classic I don’t know.

Retail I roll monk, it works for me.

Most versatile I’d agree. Tank, Healer, Melee/Range DPS specs and some great utility.

Best is in the eye of the beholder. My most played is Paladin/Shaman.

If most versatile is your definition of best, then yes, it’s Druid.

But Druid is in the bottom 25% for me. Animal Forms aren’t cool. I want to see my character and even Glyph of Stars obfuscates it. And Resto is a HoT Blanket healer. I prefer having spammable AoE between CDs rather than a bunch of HoTs that constantly feel like they’re doing nothing even when they are.

Druid can do every role, but two of those roles are just dollar store knock-offs of other classes

Unless you play Balance or restoration you’re better off just deleting the druid and rolling the class they’re ripping off instead.