Is downtime normal?

Some people take their money very seriously and consider a company taking their money without providing the service as THEFT. Taking someone’s money, and knowingly not providing the service is called FRAUD. If this was any other industry they would be forced to issue cash refunds or be shut down by the Government

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This combined with the picture somebody had of the moth man in an earlier thread, is proof. These are the end times…

My opinion is based off of things I read on these forums which we know to be true. The end is nigh!!

Oh dear gawd, save me from…ugh


PLEASE…give all these people 3 days worth of free game time, they feel they are entitled to, on their accounts.

Thank you

Good luck proving that in a court of law vs. a gaming company :laughing:

yes because “gaming” is different from any other service company? If you paid for Netflix, and it was unavailable when you wanted to watch a movie, would you be okay with not getting the service you paid for?


Stranger Things season 4. Did we get refunded? I honestly don’t remember.

If Netflix needed to do maintenance? Yeah. [Gaming companies need to do maintenance, and also have issues]
It happens.

Back in the non streaming days, if a channel I liked was having issues, I didn’t call up Rogers, or Bell to demand a refund. I didn’t call that channel-station to ask for money.

Your logic reeks of entitlement.

You are exactly the customer these companies appreciate. You give your money to them expecting nothing in return. Can I get $20 a month?


About that…

“At this time, we expect to keep the Trading Post disabled until we deploy fixes.”


this literally never happened.

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Ahh, I should be more like you, an entitled weirdo who should know things like this may happen and can’t do anything else in that time but insists on whining and demanding a refund.

That’s fine, the implementation is going there today. So point still stands.

Down time on Tuesday is normal but the recent “hot fixes” isn’t typical.

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When I go to work, whether they are ready or not, I get paid in full, even if it is me driving back home and them rescheduling.

Don’t bring family ordeals into a business transaction, shill elsewhere.

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False equivalency. Servers being down constantly would be like my kid breaking their arm constantly, multiple times a week. At some point I would have to ask what the hell are they doing to cause an emergency multiple times a week? (and in this analogy who am i compensating?)

An analogy would be to say you work at a company and you have days off and days on. However, the company keeps scheduling you and changing your days off to on. You’re forced to work those days and complain to management saying “you’ve had to work more days this week than you were scheduled and forced to do so” - wouldn’t it make sense for the company to compensate you with time off?

It may sound like whining, but either way, they are still voicing their frustrations and suggestions for compensation (most people I see are talking receiving game time)

If you’re looking at it from a corporate standpoint, sure, game time = $
If you’re looking at it from the perspective of a customer, game time = hours or days left.


So you think someone is an entitled weirdo for expecting to get the product or service that they paid for? Seriously I feel sorry for you.

You must have gotten taken advantage of your entire life. Someone who allows themselves to be grifted out of their hard earned money is exactly why we have laws to protect people who are too incompetent to protect themselves.

There isn’t a live service company, outside of gaming, where it is acceptable for their service to be down for maintaince. Could you imagine if your internet company just decided to take your internet down for 6-8 hours 2-3 times a week? They would be out of business in a month.

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Except they are not fixing the issues they are putting out “content” that will likely be broken on arrival. Dragonflight despite how much I’ve been enjoying it has had major lagg issues since prepatch and they have yet to fix it. You can still DC for flying into the wrong area at the wrong time, people had characters stuck in time locked dungeons for days on end to the point where they had to bring the dungeon down. I would agree with you if the issues in the game were being fixed, and its normal to have maintenance on Tuesday not Wednesday why did they not just do this yesterday instead of having another day of downtime.

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Precisely… I work weekends but have Tuesday mornings off. It sucks to essentially lose a day of gameplay every single week.


Just so everybody knows its Wednesday today not Tuesday. Just seeing alot of post talking about Tuesday.


Are you also one of those that want them to do this late at night or something lol - - and no your whole post is wrong. I tried but you still want to continue be entitled so nothing I can do there, quite frankly, stopped caring at this point lol