IS dk gonna ever get a rework?

Glad you mentioned D&D. I think generally speaking ground effects should be tank abilities. My reasoning is that tanks can control where the mobs are tanked. Whereas if you are a DPS you get to watch them get moved all over the map by most tanks and end up needing to expend resources to reapply it.

Unholy has Outbreak. It has pimples to pop on top of that. So for myself D&D as fun as it is at times should be a Blood ability only.

opinion rejected, posted on rogue

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Ben-Porath, Morey, and Millon are screeching right now.

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11.0 will fix it.

This so much. If they got rid of wounds, the spec would be so much better.

And ground based dnd cleave.

Right away, a buff to diseases and pet damage (and a huge one to SS) to make up for the pimples. Then, rework UB to blight the area around the DK, making your spells and abilities cleave anything inside of it. Make DnD a utility spell, causing enemies inside of it to fear in place and be slowed.


Big agree on your assessment of Frost DK. DnD shouldn’t have been made a part of its kit in the current design atleast.

A rework like Ret would help them greatly. It’s unfortunate but Frost DK has become less fun over the years.


Unholy’s rotation has been boring since MoP imo


Whats wrong with shackle? And are you defending soul reaper? Because thats a wild take from someone with generally good opinions on spec changes. I suppose one part of shackle that i like is the DR specifically for PVP but not sure why youd think its worse than soul reaper. If you gave it the legendary buff too it would have the rune regen as well which is nice. Again just confused on the hate for it


No. I have been using my trusty Rune of Fallen Crusader since 2008. (ringing shame!)


Its a boring, passive DoT, That only saw any form of relevant use in PvE, And Frost DK shouldnt be designed around strange DoTs

Im defending the idea of soul reaper, An ability that could be good with a bit more attention than its gotten this expansion

They made a necessary change to the ability, but forgot about the other half of the problem (Cost) And its tuning is still a bit laughable

Its a very boring, useless passive, between SR and shackles, Soulreaper has far more interesting potential

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If the argument is that they “have potential” anything has potential, what’s stopping them from adjusting things about shackle the same way they adjust things about SR? Its fine if you just don’t like shackle but the argument that “its a useless dot” as if they couldnt tune it to be more “useful” is disengenuous at best. Just leave it as you don’t like it.

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They are screaming at you for talking about a psychometrically poor instrument made by librarians who thought Jung was cool. You also forgot the reference to the PAI and MCMI in your quite literal airy (read: useless) description of the MMPI-2-RF (The 3 is out BTW) and the SCID-II (which isn’t used as much in practice settings since it is reliant on interrater reliability and is primarily used for grouping purposes in research settings) but we’ll ignore that. You’re the Kelleste of psychology which is something I’d never thought I’d find.

If you are some form of a mental health professional, I suggest you re-read APA ethical code (or relevant ethics guidelines) and see if being an armchair psychologist on the internet falls in line of any of the guidelines.


More viable rune options. Maybe make rune of the fallen crusader baseline for all specs as a proc so we can use different runes. Buff frost noodle to actually feel like frost strike. Get rid of dnd cleave, make rw our cleave ability w/ obliteration. Make GA not boring/ugly or just get rid of it. Probably got more things to gripe about but im distracted at work.


well i reject your rejection, as if yours are the only ones that matter…

the argument that an ability can potentially be good with attention and tuning applies equally to everything. if you simply dont like it fine, but dont try to hide behind make disengenous arguments and pass them off as chill’s wisdom. i utterly dislike soulreaper and its mechanics and always have, finding it clunky and boring.

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Make masterfrost an option again.

All I am gonna say.

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Yes you are correct I didn’t mention those as you said and should have to some degree.

At no point did I insinuate anything like that so I am confused how you came to that conclusion and if I gave you that idea then you have my apologies as it was never intended to be anything in that vein.

You’re on the WoW forums discussing psychometric instruments (inaccurately), inferring personality traits/emotional states of posters, and essentially providing psychoeducational information (not random tidbits of information about things) on various topics. Regardless of your intent, this is a very inappropriate place to do that.


Seems to have gotten way off topic. Is DK gonna get a rework?


Patch 17.1.0 easy.


Wow! That soon! :laughing: