IS dk gonna ever get a rework?

I would love to see a fundamental upending of the class. I think they should move blood back to the dps spec as it was originally intended. It was AMAZING. Then I would completely redo unholy and make it into a ranged class that did have dots but also do shadow damage. Less of this gross bursting sore nonsense and more of a focus on undeadness and the dark energies… Frost I would turn into a tank. A thematically wall of Ice. Slowing the attacks freezing the skin. An amazing possibility. Or maybe we bring back the tank stance and let all 3 specs tank. This is my dream. That, and a magic mage tank (which i thought dk was going to be) but a dev somewhere thought otherwise.


I think the player base would actually riot. The class does need a massive rework though. A fourth spec probably wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, dps spec that isn’t dual wield and isn’t unholy.

DW psuedo-kiting Frost tank was absurdly fun in WotLK. And Unbreakable Armor vs. frequent but individually weak attacks was pretty damn humorous.

That said, it makes little sense to just swap about which spec is the tank when many are already attached to Blood as a tank and Frost as a DPS.

Either give each spec the option of either role or leave them as is.

I be in the minority of wanting Frost Tank back.


You will not stand alone.

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The only way I would accept it back is if they brought back tank stance as a baseline thing all three specs had access to and had active mitigation in the class tree.

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Like WoD and prior when we were a class first and a spec second?
Yes please. if I choose to que as a tank in blood presence as unholy I should be in tank mode.


Tank stance as a class baseline and then Death Strike giving you a shield in the class tree, with Blood getting additional bonuses on it but everyone being able to take it.

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Welcome to a balance nightmare and ultimately a waste of time. Blizzard already did that experiment and it failed, on several occasions.

DK would either be overpowered like in wrath, or underpowered. The best option for balance is to have a focus.

DKs being 3/8ths of the tank specs would be hilarious.

I remember Blood being the Leech tank and Frost being Parry, but what was Unholy’s tanking mechanism?

Unholy DK had just as much or more healing from DS as blood did, CC from the pet, magic damage mitigation from AMZ and a better AMS.

Best burst Anti-magic, DS synergies, could offload some pressure onto pet, ease of kiting, and Bone Shield, iirc.

Tbf, if you turn Blood Presence into a tank toggle, you’ve largely then wasted Presences. : (

Why not just do as Paladin did, and have the tank toggle separate from Auras/Presences?

Would also allow for an otherwise glutted period to actually consume all its resources (via UP’s faster GCD) even if at lesser efficiency per attack (to still a small performance gain), etc, let us be less lead-footed when we don’t need to be, etc.

I don’t think any significant benefits from stance-dancing (e.g., as to oblige it at different points in rotation or under certain conditions even without any need to tank, move at any cost, etc.) should be baseline, but… I would much rather see it be a real option than basically just have two spec-passives (Frost takes FP, Unholy takes UP) each lost if tanking.

Yeah that’s what paladins got but that wasn’t what was given to DKs.
I would say though that it would be the nicer option.