Is DF leveling going feel horrible again: power loss

So from 60 to 61 my crit chance, haste, mastery, vers will all drop by 2% or more? For 10 levels?

There is no solution to this is there. With every new expansion, as we level we get weaker and weaker significantly. Our gameplay feels worse and worse each level.

This is something we all have to accept, but it still does suck by the time you hit 70, and your character feels so much weaker.
Sigh, feels bad. Hopefully the zones and new experience covers for it.


Yeah, but with each level you get a talent point to be overall stronger. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


They really ought to revisit the WoD leveling perks tbh.


I don’t think there is a way to do linear progression that doesn’t work this way.

If you hit 70 and felt equally as strong against mobs as you do now, there would be no reason to get gear.


Well for most people if they felt that bad about a game they were playing they would go find some new way to entertain themselves.

Of course for people who love to hate the video game they are playing, that’s actually a feature.

So which camp do you fall into?


That’s a nice theory but the past couple expansions have had you getting weaker, not stronger, relative to content as you level all the way from the start of the new zones to cap. It’d be nice if leveling actually made us feel stronger but I’m not holding my breath.


DF doesn’t have scaling your first time through the story if I remember correctly. So it shouldn’t have the issue of mobs keeping their power.

That’s the plan. They are trying to incentivize players to do the hardest content by starving them of gear.

Because the expansion was designed with an end-game system in mind that we just didn’t have yet. This time, the talents should account for that curve as we gain them in levels.

Assuming, of course, that Blizzard balances them properly.

Lol you have more faith than I do.


My class hasn’t even had talents revealed and alpha is presumably about to shift to beta.
Trust me, I have no faith.

I was just making a statement.


It’ll be present but I don’t think it’ll be nearly as bad.

Going from Legion → BfA, losing both artifact weapon and Legiondaries sucked, and going from BfA → Slands losing Azerite/Heart/corruptions sucked (if to a lesser degree). There’s not really any analogue to those losses going from Slands → DF.

Well when the world didn’t scale, this is how it worked.

Red mobs, yellow mobs, green mobs. The mobs didn’t scale. As you leveled, the mobs stayed the same level, so you would become more powerful relative to them.

Now in the current game you become weaker. The mob scales to your new level, but because your ilvl is the same, you are weaker relative to the mob.

No one is really talking about gearing or end-game… this is all referring to the leveling process.


The OP did specifically mention max level…and I wasn’t talking about end game either.

But to your point, World scaling is the price of being able to level in any zone we want. In the pre-scaling days, we had to level in the zones with level ranges that matched your character level. Now, we can level anywhere.

I personally prefer to have leveling options vs a forced linear path. Sadly, in SLs they combined the worst of both versions into a bad first play-through experience.

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This. I think this is the root of the OPs complaint and I would agree. They hedged their bets and it feels worse for it.

You would think the more “linear” path would yield a more cohesive story, but it really didn’t. It felt almost as disjointed as Legion or BFAs.

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The comparable date soulbinds and conduits. Are those just shutting off as we enter DF? That will be a power loss.
It should not be as bad as Legion or BfA transition but still bad, as we get normalized down to basic low power level again.

Iirc, haste reduces the GCD?
So as we lose haste with each level, the gameplay slows down until we hit bottom baseline at 70.
This journey always feels bad, is my point.

Tiffany, where do you get “felt that bad” from my post. Does my post sound like a rage quit level of bad feels?

You may be a bit too sensitive to WoW criticism.

Losing legendary power won’t feel as bad. There was no rank 8. Your leggos should be your lowest ilvl slot.

Well you said this:

“There is no solution to this is there. With every new expansion, as we level we get weaker and weaker significantly. Our gameplay feels worse and worse each level.”

That sounds pretty hopeless.