Is demo dead?

Demonology isn’t as bad as you make it out to be.

It’s objectively the worst designed spec in the game right now. You cannot argue that another spec has it worse off. If you do, you’re just wrong, and if you for some reason disagree with me, I’d like to specifically hear what spec you think has it worse off in terms of inherent design flaws. The only other spec that is even remotely comparable is Arcane.


My point in naming the few exceptions was that you said “many” specs deal with deep-seated lingering problems when that’s just not the case. Actually you know what, you’re right. I honestly believe every spec in the game is designed pretty terribly compared to their previous iterations. Class design the past few expansions have been a complete failure. If we’re speaking relatively though which would make more sense, I’d say about 90% of the other specs in the game don’t have deep-seated lingering problems even close to as severe as demo has them.


dead means you can’t play it on a prog raid, and if you do ur in a disadvantage compared to aff

I’m sure it will probly climb a little in the final raid of SL when demo gets more haste. That seems to be what happens every expansion for demo. The issue is that it really needs to have less hard cast spells. Its not just pvp, it needs to be adjusted for raiding and mythic+ as well. It does fine for low keys. Higher keys its too slow and ramp up does not work.

I’m sure they would prob start with pvp if they actually cared because doesn’t look like they did past few expansions. But demo’s regular talent tree is bad as well in some areas. Felguard specific talent has to go and sacrificed soul.


Yes we do need far fewer hardcasts.
Felguard doesn’t need to go away just needs to go 1.5.
Ss… Ss wouldn’t be a big deal if it went away but the smarter move would be to keep it, buff it, and kill DeCon completely. They’ve shown that the DeCon mechanic looms too heavily over the other 2 and it’s not going to stop and it locks far far too much of our dps into that cooldown

they can just put Demonic strength as a passive chance on activation for felguard and soul strike as one of its controlled abilities.

On the other hand blizz can do wat warlocks have been asking for since the begining even before we had metamorphosis. Which is to control two of the current primary demons we have. For example we can have felguard and Felhunter.

Now, I already see that for pvp about 80%+ will prob go felguard & succubus with pleasure through pain for damage out put. Since we can get the silence from pvp talent.

Prob felguard & void walker vs some me to survive.

I know it will change up our command demon spell but I’m sure they can work it out.

On the other hand sacrificed soul is a boring talent. It doesn’t look as cool as
Nether portal(although the playstyle with it needs to change), or demonic consumption. I think they can just put the ranged warlock version of metamorphosis in its place to match wat warlocks should have. Power, command, and control.

I’ve been playing multiple warlocks since vanilla and have enjoyed all of the iterations of the class. The current iteration of Demonology is perfectly fine, you build up an army for big tyrant damage on around a 1 minute CD if you are using Wilfreds.

Our role is to deal damage, which we do. Fun is subjective; however, I’m currently very much enjoying the current iteration of Demonology. Sjele, who is a well respected lock has joked a few times that the problem with Demonology is there are only like 2 good players who play it and everyone else just plays it poorly. I’m not 1 of those 2 good players but I’ve still found pretty good success with the spec. At the end of the day, play what you enjoy and you’ll find success.

Happy hunting fellow demo locks!


i DO agree that 2 Minions is likely the best path forward to us.

i also agree that SS is boring as hell, but that’s par for the course and not a fight worth fighting. blizzard likes having boring passive options available for players that don’t wanna think and i suppose that’s fine provided it does balanced damage. SS doesn’t. it’s not poorly designed, it just needs more damage or another effect installed. NP is badly designed but excellent at spec fantasy and awesome to look at. best decision blizzard could make regarding this talent is to fix it. almost every demo lock i talk to at all wants to play NP so badly, but well. NP hell even most warlocks in general seem to want to at least goof off with NP demo once in a while but it sucks.

the DeS and SSt suggestions i have no real comment on other than a better priority to changing those 2 would be to make them work for all Minions somehow. i suppose you can’t really have the imp do DeS but i think blizzard can get out of that hole pretty easy. SS going to any Minion would be easy and it’s a bloody shame it hasn’t already.

by that definition 75% of the specs in this game are dead.

Also, unless you are aiming for the 1% of mythic raiding, your spec won’t rly matter.

edit: to be fair, i think my original post i posted it by mistake, it has to answer a complete different post from this one (it has about Demo not being ever good since its rework when in legion it has clearly good)

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Off topic a bit but I knew you knew what you was talking about, but daaaaaaaaamn cuz. Didn’t know you pumped like that. Guess you really are one of those 2 lol.

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Lol, no way. There are many better players out there than me; however, I love the class and especially Demonology. The spec is working pretty well in PvE. While I haven’t done arena at a high level in some time, as a former Gladiator Warlock, I would even argue that Demonology has some benefits that make it attractive in arena and rated Battlegrounds. Demonology is alive and well, functions well, and doesn’t need a rework.


matter or not, you are playing at a disadvantage if you play demo, compared to aff, big disadvantage

true technically speaking but realistically speaking if you are raiding below the mythic level you are going to be getting more dps out of learning how to handle the spec you enjoy playing than you will from chasing meta.

realistically speaking most people that play never set foot in mythic raid. for most people demo functions enough to be competitive and it really doesn’t need a lot to fly much higher.

Seeing you be so successful with demo makes me want to dust off my warlock

Warlocks are a lot of fun, come on over to the dark side. :slight_smile:


I think I’m going to.

I’m not liking my Shadow Priest as much as I thought I would :slightly_frowning_face:

well, you could say you are playing at a disadvantage for playing warlock when fire mage and boomkin exist and are more desirable either on m+ or on raid.

Agreed. It gets really annoying when people talk about a rework when it just has a damage problem. Really it has a problem because of Affliction’s damage. Demo can do solid, upper-middle tier damage in raids but aff is broken up there with balance. It looks a lot worse than it is because 98% of Warlocks play Affliction.

The issue is it is not just a damage problem. If it was just a damage problem then they would still have some sort of viability in arena. But they don’t because their issues lie so much in how they currently deal damage. In a PvE environment with minimal movement, the spec can get by just fine. Demo begins to suffer when movement is involved. Or when mobs need to die fast and you don’t have time to ramp effectively (the same problem affl has in M+). Especially in heavily reactionary environments such as PvP. Your setup is so telegraphed that it’s easy for anyone with a brain to just kick your ramp or kick Tyrant and you get essentially 0 damage off. This can’t be fixed by making Tyrant instant cast because if you just track Tyrant they’ll know when you’re ramping and they can just kick/cc your ramp. Not to mention such heavy reliance on NPCs to do damage makes PvP even worse. Tyrant has 0 mobility so if you just near on a pillar it can’t do anything at all. It’s also susceptible to CC.

TLDR Demo has more than just a damage number problem and the fact that people on these forums are saying the spec is fine is stopping blizzard from actually making meaningful changes to it. Just because you can have some success with it in raids does not make it an ok spec. It’s completely inviable in arena and is pretty subpar in m+. Suffers heavily on high movement fights.