Is demo dead?

I quit, like most demo locks

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I don’t play demo, I play affliction, but this is actually why I didn’t main a warlock this expansion. The generator for affliction is abysmal and you’ll be drained when you need them, and full of soul shards when you can’t spend them. Destruction is okay but it does take some time to ramp up. Demonology seems very satisfying how you can just cast one or two spells and immediately have soul shards.

Albeit very slowly with a 2 sec cast for shadowbolt plus the cast-time of whatever demon you’re trying to summon.

Demo is way easier than aff wtf?

Demo was killed off when the emo tard king Demon Hunters were introduced.


Except that Demo actually performed very well across Legion, not Affliction levels but still existing on top 5/top 10 depending on tier (except Trials, all warlocks suffered at trials)

Now, replying to OP.

Demo isn’t dead, it’s undertuned? yes, it’s less popular than Affliction? very much so, but you can do dungeons and raids fine enough.

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I think he meant to pick up and play and actually get good ratings demo is harder. You will easily push higher as afflic than demo.

It’s not bad, it’s just Affliction is better for basically everything and Warlocks prefer to play Affliction (see the massive crying over the now-reverted MR nerf). There’s just no reason to play it unless you really like the spec and very few do. Affliction has been the spec Warlocks are “supposed” to play since vanilla and so when it’s good you’ll see very few in the other two specs.

Do you post this in every thread or

Demo needs to get kiljadens cunning and less Hard casts. But it was still dead in many expansions since wod nerf. It performed in legion but the spec was trash with demonic empowerment play style. That was probably the worst design we ever had for demonology. The only thing that kept demo in the game was thal’kiels abilitie/passives we gained from the skull of manari trait. Other than that Legion play style was the worst I have ever seen demonology. Don’t get me wrong. It got a little better in bfa without demonic empowerment but this was not a fix that addressed the issues demonology had. Instead it added a temporary borrowed power rather than fixing the spec. So once we out the borrowed power we are back in this boat. The good thing about Legion was that it was somewhat viable in arenas with thal’kiels consumption, instant cast doomguard, and implosion, with our fel lord we drop on someone for a kill. Nowadays it dies in seconds and we have even more hard cast abilities. We can’t kite like we use to in mop.

Kiljadens cunning and breath of guldan slows were critical to kiting. While we build to burst the target with chaos waves. Yes rogues couldn’t even
avoid it with cloak. So they took a huge step back failing the class and players.

Lol, the devs suspended me saying that video violated their terms for 3 days. It’s like they don’t want people to know what they said in the past


or like its a clip from a game lifetime ago taken out of contex to make a stupid point that no longer applies and that’s straight up trolling? imagine breaking the rules this blatantly and getting caught on it and still being smart enough to blame the rules.


While I don’t think Blizzard actually wants people to avoid Demo, I do think there’s merit to the argument that they have an issue with it being good, or the top warlock spec

It’s never been allowed to be the top spec, and it seems any time it creeps up close to the top it’s either nerfed, or the other warlock specs are buffed above it


Sure sure. Many of us feel the same but that’s all inference and subjective and therefore useless. Feels aren’t facts and virtually every spec and certainly every class also claims they get if ored. and this clip is from before Legion. It has no bearing whatsoever on anything going on in demo for the last several years let lone right now

Do you really think people don’t know about that video by now and can make their own conclusions? Also, discussing forum discipline is against the COC and can get you banned again. Just a heads up.

And this summarizes things nicely:

Everything before Legion was better especially mop demo warlock. The version we have right now is trash. Little to no players can pvp with it in arenas. The ramp up time pre Legion to now is a huge difference. So the argument people are making is that the current demo spec don’t work and the old one will work


Everything was better-subjective.
Right now is trash-subjective and unsubstantiated. It’s under tuned and has some deep-seated lingering problems. Ohh look the same.problems many specs deal with.

Pvp is valid. :100:. Demo doesn’t work very well from a design standpoint in pvp and it needs major work to get there. Imo pvp is the only substantial argument that demo needs an overhaul instead of targeted changes.
Ramp up is also a valid argument and a meaningful one. Think that’s a first for you. But again fully capable of getting fixed with targeted changes.

And yeah they didn’t want us playing demo in the end of mop because it was out of balance and they already had plans to totally rework it to make room for the dh class.

I think they could have made it work another way, I think they could have communicated better, I think overall it was handled badly by blizzard. But bringing up such hilariously outdated information isn’t an argument. It’s disingenuous at very best and outright trolling most likely.

They had (poor) reasons to say that then, none of which apply now and so that statement from years ago is meaningless. Unless of course you just wanna be a victim baby and feel persecuted.


I’m Demo for life. I love it, even with all the issues it currently has.

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It’s pretty widely accepted that MoP had the best class design across the board. Also most of Demo’s problems are unique to Demo. Most specs don’t have deep-seated lingering problems. Especially not in the severity that Demo has them. The only spec I can really say that’s the case for is Arcane, and Feral to a lesser extent. Also every other non-tank specialization in the game has some sort of viability in PvP (except for Fury).


if you belonged to those classes. i am positive you’d see their issues more clearly.
easy to assume rogues and warriors and mages don’t have basic fundamental problems that they can get past like us and yet are being ignored again like us.
love how you try to say im wrong and yet can’t keep from listing reasons im correct though, that’s amusing. “Except for these examples which don’t count because i’m talking about them!”

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