Is dampening really needed?

Like I be spam healing my boy over here and one interrupt at all and my homie… he gone be deleted.
Can someone explain to me why dampening is needed in the current meta?


Dampening doesn’t need to ramp up so quickly for sure, but it still needs to exist


We got what we got because peeps complained about 30 minute matches in SL.


Dampening is a hand-wavy solution to avoiding situations like BC arenas.

Yes, but they could partially revert some of the aggressive damp tweaks they made coming into DF.

I think, anyways. Or at least in shuffle.


A lot of classes would need to get more cc to be able to stop healers just casually keeping people up.

Then more cc break abilities would need to be brought in to counter that

All I know is that they really don’t want a repeat of the end of Burning Crusade, where a druid could indefinitely out-heal DPS and could do it without losing mana. I still remember the 5+ hour long arena matches.

Idk, damage is really high rn i dont personally think damp is needed literally at all

But if it does exist, should only start 5m into the match like before

What i hate about damp too is that it effectively unfairly nerfs some specs more than others and it seems really biased

Dk for example has AMS, AMZ, Ghoul sac, Death pact, Deathstrike, Fallen crusader, all nerfed by dampening where as rogue only loses vial

Some cds are much more powerful in dampening because of their immunity nature like evasion or die by the sword

So if dampening nerfs certain specs specifically this way, why should it exist essentially out of the gate?

Its like they nerfed deathstrike with the damp changes by themselves, then nerfed it again with all the mortal strikes, then nerfed it again directly


I can face tank 2 fully geared dps with my mostly honor geared healer out in the world and basically only die after I’ve been oomed.
Currently dampening is still needed unfortunately

Then change druid, and their mana. Not the overall arena as a whole for literally everyone at once

No it should be removed

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That’d likely involve nerfing healer mana.

Damp is fine. However they need to remove other healing reduction effects if damp is what they want to keep.
Having both is extremely toxic, especially in RSS/2s where damp goes up so quickly.

The problem wasn’t druids though, it was healers at large. Druids just came last after paladins and shaman and priests dominated. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, I’m just saying it’s what Blizzard does.

I would rather they remove drinking than have dampening

Agreed… could see it turned down a little, but it’s still needed.

As lame as dampening is I promise promise Promise promise promise you guys not enough dampening is 1000000x lamer.

Feeling like there is no reason to move your character and play the game because absolutely nothing you do in the first two minutes will effect the outcome of the game is incredible boring and makes me hate WoW way more then dampening being too aggresive ever did.

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I’m not trying to que 30 minute matches.

I like the other team auto losing on my second arcane surge personally. Better kill me first.

Dampening is a mechanic that has gone through the majority of this game, largely unchanged in nature (other than it stacking faster now). Meanwhile, the game itself changes constantly with the addition of new abilities, more/less damage, new cc and dr’s, etc.

Dampening is an outdated and unnecessary mechanic and should be completely removed. You can’t tell me that it’s needed in a meta where people are getting chunked for 80% of their hp with dampening at 10%, or simply globaled randomly.

I highly doubt 20-minute games would be the new normal if nothing else changed.