Oh that’s a transmog? Thought someone hacked the forum servers and put a .jpeg of a priceless work of art in as your character icon.
Wow, you sure do know how to flatter your arena partners. Take notes, team.
The healer was OOM. You let me drink more than a few times. Then you randomly 1 shot from 40%. So pretty much it was luck. but a win is a win still.
Oh, I forgot about Boundless Judgment. I mean, it’s probably what it is, divine toll counts as a judgement so it might have just been RNG bounce.
Me winning every game I’ve won
I wasn’t going to bother, but I’m not going to let you trivialize our win when we fought hard all night and pulled out W’s for it. You and a DH had over 5 minutes to make something happen.
No meaningful setups, just expected to get a win from DH damage eventually overwhelming. Meanwhile Jim and I called out goes, I vortex’d on his HoJ’s to keep you in damage range, and cloned the DH to stop him from going on Jim while he had damage on you as much as I could. The rest of the match I spent kiting/healing through a DH swarming me, and then when it came down to win or lose Jim went out and did what Rets do. The post game Jim did 200k more damage than the DH, and I did 1.1m more healing than you.
It was a very close game, and what got us from the gate dropping till the post game scoreboard saying victory was showing up to play, and giving 100% until the match was over. It wasn’t some mush brain, cheap CC chain followed by a Rogue 1 shot in the first 15 seconds, it was 4 people PVPing for a fairly long match. So truly GG, but that was an exercise in perseverance, not luck.
This inspired me, I think I’ll go lose some solo shuffle.
Amen. Queued up now and ready to lose.
Still in queue?
Nope, got to round 5 and someone left. I’ve lost my inspiration.
I think he hit my partner so many times so quickly some of the damage didn’t even show up in the death log.
It looks like the warrior intervened a Divine Toll, getting hit by 2 double damage Judgements (Divine Toll Judgements are twice as strong). The 3rd Judgement was likely from the talent Boundless Judgement, which has a 25% chance of getting Judgement bounced onto a nearby target (roughly 5-8 yard range). This is not possible under normal circumstances.
pretty sure its the talent that adds damage soaked from hand of sac to your next judgement + full cds + badge etc
DF PvP is trash. Blizz is on a downward spiral. You think they would have learned from SL. SMH.
Yes, damage is out of control and it has been since the start of shadowlands. There’s a middle ground between the snoozfest that was BFA, and the “someone’s gotta die in .01 seconds” that was last expansion and now dragonflight.
They should have a test realm where they can play with different tuning adjustments (things like reduce all dmg across the board by 10% or buff all healing across the board by 10%) and see how it feels and make adjustments accordingly. As of now it seems like blizzard just decides how arena is going to go at the start of an expansion…and if you don’t like it…(too slow pace, too fast pace, healers too powerful, healing too weak etc), well F off until next expansion.
Ok, you did play well. It was a good game. The win was pretty random. Those things can all happen at the same time.
My earlier wording was pretty salty. So sorry about that.
I meant he should have trinket’Ed and pressed defensive.
The damage was higher in shadowland season 1. Convake the spirit can kill 2 people from full hp in 1 cast. And greater pyro blast was op
You have to ask yourself: why aren’t you hitting 200k damage as a healer?
If it’s any consolation we both agreed after that winning against you meant our comp change was a step in the right direction. You’re a good healer. Hope the hotspot suggestion is working out okay for you.