Hard to heal when someone dies to two hits within 1.2 seconds for a total of 250k hp.
Queued into a few arena matches now where my dps kept dying in 1-2 seconds from almost full hp with almost full HoTs, even a shammy healer hit about 200k with lightning bolts one after another.
Screenshots of 3 different matches
Can you give me that guys name so I can copy his build? The biggest toll I’ve ever seen with full burst spec, all cooldowns popped, all buff procs, double dps trinket, 418 ilvl, and used on a squishy target with no defensives used is around 100k.
Very much is true.
Ret buddy did it 2 nights ago. 347k worth of judgements to the healer.
Lets not forget the 170k radiant decrees I’ve been seeing also
Lol this dude just tried to say this on another post… Divine toll has never hit somebody that hard my guy. If it did, they were in full pvp gear and the opponent was in fresh lvl 70 green pve gear.
I could see complaining about final reckoning, radiant decree, or something of that nature, but divine toll? Ret’s damage is good dont get me wrong but it has to be because they are a wet piece of paper that gets shredded in two seconds, why do you think theyre just trained in arena.
With seraphim, wings, final reck debuff, trinket, sophic proc and blessing of dawn mine are not half of what he’s talking about. Yet to see 100K judgement in a match, checking my meter after each solo Q… With all the buffs and debuffs it does a lot of damage but nothing like he’s talking about…
An off target? Are we talking primary target with zerking and saltwater?