Is classic worth playing?

On Aitish, I just leveled a DKs blacksmith up to BC levels. Mithril is selling for 200 gold a stack of 20, and is challenging to find. Took me days to get enough to finally move on to thorium.

I’ve also made a good bit selling my herb overstock. You can make gold, just have to find the item someone is trying to corner the market on, and make them buy your undercuts.

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If I did, I don’t know anyone. Wouldn’t know which faction to pick.

Class design just feels too out of date for me to play classic.

I would be interested in classic if it linked in to the real game in any way. Like getting removed mounts and stuff.

But being in a time locked loop of outdated game design seems pointless to me.

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Yeah because once you’re used to retail the most different thing is the most novel and interesting. First time around it wasn’t the same.

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Pick a faction and server and I’d roll something with ya

Definitely true.

TBC especially, a some with Wrath, the concept of getting an expansion at all was brand new and exciting. First time level cap was raised, doing new “leveling” dungeons for the first time at a higher level, first time getting even more new abilities and talents, etc.

Now, having played so many expansions that the act of getting an expansion is old news, and just playing the game as it is, I realized I enjoy vanilla classic a lot more than TBC and Wrath classic. And others may disagree or have their own preferences of course and that is fine.

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It’s ugly.

It has no transmog.

Way slower.

Takes forever to do anything or go anymore.

Extremely simple.


same price , why not

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It isn’t.

You can’t really go back.

I love it , great to have a character to pick at when I get bored with retail, looking forward to the hardcore version.

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I’m waiting for more gimmick servers. Hardcore is a fun idea, but not for me. Would love to see one that puts the scrapped survival profession back in the game. Like true night and needing torches, stronger enemies at night, more “permanent” afflictions and wounds.

I always wondered what all that would have looked like if it had made it to vanilla.

I would say it very much depends on whether or not you played Vanilla.

I did play Vanilla, from about a month after launch, and it has some of my best memories of WoW by far. TM vs. SS, for absolutely zero rewards, back during Vanilla, was awesome, in my opinion.

I did NOT intend to do “Classic”, but I became bored during whatever Retail expansion it was introduced, so I tried it.

“Classic” was different than Vanilla, of course, but still very awesome, and I enjoyed it a lot.

I have NOT played “Classic” since Burning Crusade went live, or any of the other expansions, and it is very unlikely I would do so.

But everyone’s experience would probably be different, and I would say this very much depends on when you started playing WoW.

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I like to view Classic and Retail as opposites, or rather, entirely different games.

Classic is all about the journey. I have a few toons that are just about at the endgame mark, and I’ll end up starting over entirely with something else just to try something new.

Retail is less about the journey, and more about just getting to endgame. There’s some lore sprinkled in there, but it’s so crazy and convoluted at this point that it’s sort of meh. Just focus on higher numbers, faster pulls, more more more.

With that said, I enjoy both. Maybe not equally, but both are playable for me at this point

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If you’re just leveling, Mage is fine.

If you’re planning on doing an end game stuff, I would probably go a different direction. Fire Mage was the “go to” spec in ICC and it took a LOT of work to stay at the top. I was generally top 3 DPS in 25 man ICC, but I had to work VERY hard to stay there. By the time Wrath was over I was so burned out by the process I ended up quiting in Cata (there was more than this, but it was a contributing factor for sure).

as someone who played only Alliance those days it has been pretty enjoyable doing it as a Horde , kind of like a new game to me never experiencing the Horde quest chains and areas leveling.

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I played frostfire spec in woltk days. So maybe lock or rogue. I still love affliction.

I tried to do this, and because we had people “on the bench” I was told if I couldn’t perform it at a higher level I would lose my spot. I switched to Fire although I hated it, and was able to get into the top level DPS (for my guild, I’m sure others elsewhere were doing higher).

I didn’t play either back then, but the people that I knew that did absolutely loved it. My best friend was a Rogue back then and wouldn’t play anything else.

Open world pvp is fun on a rogue too.

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Last time I played any real amount of time was pre-hardcore and on my non-megaserver you just didnt find groups anymore for leveling dungeons, or you spent more time searching for a group than it took to just move on to the next zone by questing.

Maybe hardcore breathed enough life into the servers in general for that to not be the case right now, no idea, but I’d imagine it’ll settle back down to “normal” eventually.