Is classic worth playing?

Then remember and realize what made Vanilla fun WAS NOT Vanilla. Vanilla it self was a bug fest. It was the people we played with at that time also the mindset of gamers back then was a totally differant mindset. No way to recapture that

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I beg to differ, a lot of people love Vanilla WoW. It is the most popular private server version for a reason.

You’re not wrong.

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They’re wrong though. It is just their opinion.

It’s worth playing but you have to choose your class, server and faction a bit more wisely. I’ve had to take a free transfer already but sometimes you might get stuck having to pay.

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My experience has been that the opening few weeks of a new Classic launch are fun, because everyone is there, and it feels like booting up the game in 2009/10 again for that short bit, to some extent.

Then everyone gets to endgame and Classic endgame just isn’t worth playing, and the way people approach it in the modern day makes it even less appealing.

Even if you only care about leveling, everyone is at endgame, so finding groups on most realms becomes… not great.

Hardcore on era has been an exception to the leveling population falling off since that took off like crazy, but, it’s hardcore. You’re not grouping with those players.

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If you log into classic this song will not start. Even though you think it will. Not without the original folks we played with

You talking about Wrath here, or Vanilla, because Vanilla WoW is hopping at all levels.

Footage of how classic came to be

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I have a few toons on a Wrath server to explore zones changed with Cataclysm but haven’t been playing there much. I enjoyed just riding around and mining for a little bit of gold but the bottom has completely dropped out of all the ore markets so I kind of stopped.


Nah. Vanilla is popping off, and Official Hardcore will be happening soon.

It’s…a very different experience, but I think it’s neat.


Playing Classic is about the leveling experience more than anything. WOTLK raids/dungeons are decent, and will be challenging enough in Cata as well so there is also that to do if you wanted.

I like playing HC these days, but even if it didn’t exist I could see myself playing ocassionally because the leveling experience is very deterministic and rewards typically last a long time so you get a sense of power progression as you level.

It really just boils down to do you still enjoy a more simplistic/straightforward RPG game with modern flaws (ie: quest design flow) where classes don’t have every tool in the toolkit and things are unforgiving or not. Because playing Classic is going to give you some grievances, but it’s still good in its own right.


Classic era is great. Wrath your too late and the entire game is dominated by GDKP. I also personally enjoyed Wrath back in the day but Wrath classic… not so much… it just felt like retail but worse while classic era feels like a different game

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Paladin is melee version of Priest. Early Warrior is early version of both, but eventually picks up post 30, albeit you still don’t have the same toolkit other classes get for emergencies.

This is somewhat subjective, but those are probably the three worst classes to level from an enjoyment perspective due to being boring and/or unforgiving. I also dislike mage leveling but I am in the minority on that.

Warlocks are pure dynamite though. Undead cannibalize, alch/herb for potions, first aid, healthstone, and siphon life by 30 is ridiculous, and then eventually death coil. Nonstop pulling, multiDoTing, and fear juggling mayhem while leveling. Super glorious, and if you do what I do which is play with VW and go down Demo after picking up SL you get Fel Dom and improved sacrifice making you even more unkillable.

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That’s a shame. It’s sadly what WoW feels like all over the place now.
I had hope things would be different, but I guess that was my optimism leaking.
wiggles toes

I agree with that poster. Classic Era is fun, wotlkc is just a different version of retail but with gdkps and a worse community


This isn’t a big true.

Server selection, and faction on that server, is an important decision that greatly impacts the game.

Retail with the entire game being cross realm and cross faction (almost all) it doesn’t really matter as you can play with anyone anytime.

I went into the classic trilogy thinking it was Wrath > TBC > vanilla based on my nostalgia, but man playing it again it’s vanilla >>> TBC > Wrath

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I would personally give Classic Era a try. Its really fun and there are TONS of people playing right now both Hardcore and not.


yeah, its almost impossible to find groups for any thing below end cap. you can’t even really pay a lvl 60-80 to run you through a dungeon, cause you’ll hardly get any exp, due to the massive difference in levels between you and the other player.