Is classic worth playing?

Part of me is nostalgic, but the other part of me knows better.

Some things in retail are better. If I tried to join classic, would it be too late to get started? Is everything on classic about gold runs?


Imo yes it is, it’s just as good as before. The people are different but the game is the same.


Classic is more about leveling than the end game.

If that is all you care about - yea it’s worth it.

Coming from one who got a pally to 60 during SoM.

Won’t do it again as I’m deep in current content. But I don’t regret it.


Oh, good point. Do you mean classic era or wotlk OP? There is more endgame content in wrath if that is something you care about too.

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True. But I meant classic in general (including wotlk).

It’s about releveling those zones as they existed.

Though I never did level wotlk. Started… but then DF came out.


I played woltk back in the day. Started in vanilla though I couldn’t raid much back then working 60 hours+ a week.

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Leveling a Paladin from 1-60 was one of the worst video experiences of my life.

A lot of that is my own fault - I have an addictive personality and was going through a particularly bad time with self-restraint, but suffice if to say, taking 8 hours to go from level 57 to 58 did not feel good. Especially when those 8 hours were largely utilizing the same 3 abilities and auto-attacking.


I was thinking warlock, mage or rogue. Can’t go wrong with those. If I even bother that is.

I ended up going holy and just dungeon farming the last few levels.

Had a blast XD

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In particular, I would probably recommend wrath over classic even though both are good and ultimately you should do what makes you happiest. The reason I personally prefer wrath is that there are much more quests and the questing xp is great. Grinding is possible but you can level to max without grinding at all if you want to. And there are more dungeons (and almost everything in vanilla is also in wrath)


yes, but only on fresh realms

It’s a little late yeah.
If you’re just looking to level solo and not really interested in end game then it doesn’t matter but yeah.

Hardcore classic vanilla is still doing pretty good.

Regular classic is pretty dead

Classic wrath is pretty late in the patch cycle and is a lot of gold carry / boost runs.

It’s fun for different reasons than retail.

Go try it out yourself, don’t base playing it or not on the forum response.

Listen to that part.

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I did a weird sort of Holy/Prot hybrid that probably wasn’t optimal, but I was somehow able to tank BRD and hold aggro against two mages dropping their AOE, so I must have done something right.

That bit was fun, at least.


Vanilla is seeing a huge resurgence right now.

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Paladin was one of the notoriously worst classes to level in classic imo.

That’s actually why I did it - always wanted to play a paladin but couldn’t stomach it in vanilla. :p.

Wanted revenge lol

Which server?

Whitemane. I’m leveling right now, and the zones are packed at all hours of the day.

They connected a lot of Vanilla servers, so I don’t think it matters which one you roll on. The game has a very robust population though despite people saying it is dead.

I probably should have played a different class - I knew better.

But that experience has fundamentally tainted my perception of classic, and I went into it with a pretty open mind!

Kinda wish I hadn’t missed the window on Wrath, though. It’s more palatable.