Is CC ever going to be addressed?

First I’d like to start out with saying that I love PvP in WoW. I love BGs especially. After PvE content has been run or I’ve been saved to a raid, nothing keeps me playing the game like BGs do. To me nothing beats being on a team of up to 40 other players fighting against another team of players. I love.

However, we need to have a real conversation about CC.

It’s been about 10ish years since I first picked up WoW, and BGs still feel like trying to swim through molasses - sapped - disoriented - feared - rooted - “release spirit”. For new players it’s a very jarring experience (it was for me) and for seasoned players after a while it stops being frustrating and just becomes boring and tedious.

I remember hearing/reading about diminishing returns on CC. But from what I understand, the diminishing return only applies to each type of CC, meaning that as I get feared repeatedly, each fear has a shorter duration - but if someone roots me, it has a full duration.

I think this needs to be addressed in BGs. BGs should be a fluid, fun experience. CC just breaks the flow of gameplay. I understand CC is an important part of many classes and the way they play. So I’m not saying remove CC. But the way CC works in BGs should be addressed. Maybe a global diminishing return on each character, one that builds up quickly (and falls off quickly/doesn’t persist through death). Trinket’s are cool and I like how it’s a talent now, but all it does is break CC once every 2 minutes - no immunity is granted so you just get CC’d immediately after. Maybe add a 5 second immunity (in BGs)? Maybe reduce it to a 1 minute in CD (BGs)? Or give it multiple charges (in BGs)? Maybe reduce the duration of CC effects (in BGs)? I’m not saying “do all these things”. I’m saying “here are some ideas that will improve the BG experience for people”. None of this would change the way characters function in the world or in arenas. It would just make BGs a more fluid, dynamic and fun experience.

Not sure how this will be received on the forums. But I’ve spoken to about 20 of my friends about this and pretty much everyone responded agreeing with the overall premise. A few even said they’d come back to BGs if changes like that went through.

EDIT: Plz flag a second time.


Look I understand going mongo is fun at times, doesn’t mean cc needs to stop or grow weaker just so you can have an easier time to mongo.


I have no idea what “going mongo” means. Is “mongo” short hand for a certain racist phrase? I don’t think that’s appropriate.

Well showing your age are we? Or am I mine? Either way you uncultured swine…

Also this where your mind goes is rather telling of your personality.


Okay so I’m here for discussion, not trolly meme stuff. Flagged and muted.


So was I, not my fault you don’t know the movie “Blazing Saddles” or that you need to grow thick skin.

This is called a joke statement, because you didn’t know what mongo was, even though it’s a term I have heard for more than half the length of wow’s life.
You called me a racist immediately after I gave a very serious reply, you are going to need to grow some thicker skin, because this thread is about to get you roasted.

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This guy serious?

To answer your question truthfully you’re a warrior. If unchecked by CC your class can destroy. CC is a core principle of the game utilized by other classes who fight in different ways. Getting in a CC chain means the other team is working well together to lock you down as best as possible. You can also do that with a little bit of game knowledge and maybe a few addons to see what your teammates are doing. Knowing when to utilize your trinket to counter an additional CC is also something that takes time to learn.

WoW is welcoming to new players, but it cannot be so easy that it gets boring.

You have the ability to choose 3 different ways to break CC. Placing an immunity on a trinket would make the other choices even less desirable than they are now (with exception of humans who can utilize relentless consistently other options are situational based).

Grow some thick skin, try to find ways to counter or know what CC to utilize trinket on, and try to line up your CCs with your teammates as well. Once you understand what CC is best to pull trinket on and how to do this chain with friends/teammates you’ll have a better time playing and it will turn into more of a strategic chess game rather than probably a hectic mess you see now.


I’m not here posting as a class, I’m posting as a player.

I feel like we’re walking into “false dichotomy” area here, where you’re supporting the current status quo (“thick molasses CC spam”) juxtaposed against some straw man of “no CC”. I’m not proposing to remove CC. Just tone it down a bit, and only in BGs. The majority of people I talk to are in agreement.

Or it just means they’re spamming, which is more often than not the case in BGs. And we’re talking about BGs here, not arenas, or World PvP. With changes like I proposed spamming CC would be tactically unwise as you’d just be wasting it. It actually opens up more opportunities for your team mates to be “tacticool”.

Warriors have 1 ability which breaks a limited amount of CC, then there’s trinket and potion. Potion provides a very short window of immunity and cannot be used while under the effects of certain CC. These are very limited options that you end up popping all at once in order to have a few seconds of actual play before you’re either CC’d again (because of CC spam), or dead.

From reading your post it sounds like you don’t play BGs or you don’t understand that I’m only talking about BGs, which must be why you’re landing off mark. But I do appreciate your input.

Soft CC is typically broken by other players if you have more than one on you. You can use free action potions to remove and give temp immunity to stuns (and roots). A lot of people dump their hard CC into it since they aren’t used to seeing it. For random BGs, ofc.

edit: I see you mentioned the potions. Not sure what to say since they are quite effective when available.

The problem is because people in BGs are spamming, this doesn’t mater. If a soft CC is broken because of more than one, you just get CC’d by something else immediately after.

I’m not sure I’d consider a 3 second window of being able to actually play “quite effective”.

Do you folks play BGs? I feel like nobody really plays BGs here.

Like, I understand what you guys are saying and stuff

Meanwhile the experience is the same - trying to run through a thick molasses, break CC, immediately back to thick molasses.

I think it’s pretty simple to understand that this is not good game design. “Grow a thick skin” is not an actual argument.

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Rogues had annoyingly good CC in PvP and thus mpr dominated TBC.

So then everyone had to have their own version of kidney shot. Their own version of blind. Their own version of gouge.

Now, hiding behind a pillar for 15 minutes before trying to hit a warlock is the most viable strat.

They just went too far.


I think he has a valid point about new players getting into battlegrounds.

I started about 14 years ago and it didn’t seem all that bad to me, other than those nasty rogues.

However, in today’s game, there is an extra amount of a learning curve required to understand how all the cc works.

But I can totally understand the frustration of players constantly not being able to use their own abilities because they are feared, sheeped, silenced, rooted, slowed, feared again, stun locked and sheeped again.

It’s certainly helpful to use potions and trinket properly but that doesn’t mean cc is okay the way it is right now.

I mean, there are what, 6-8 thousand complaints in the forum’s about cc ?

Players are obviously not happy with the current state of PvP.

For that reason, I agree with the OP.


It is a personal attack on you in an attempt to discredit you and there by you opinion because said person has no valid argument or intellectual debate to offer.
From past experience on the forums i think you are likely to get 2 response

  1. The classes that have heavy cc or spamable cc will say its a fundamental part of the game and you need to learn to play better
  2. people who acknowledge cc favors some classes over other and would like a more balanced approach.
    I personally dont find it enjoyable winning or losing because the other player was not able to play the game. While that is how wow is designed i never cared for that design. However i think at this point its unlikely to change.

Is there an option for muting people? as in you can no longer see their post? If so please tell me how its done. Would be amazing to be able to block the far left side of the bell curve here.

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I figured as much. Just flagged and muted and move on with life.

Yes. Right click their name, “open in new window”, and you’ll see it on the right. There used to be a straight up “ignore” but the best you can do now is mute.

Just warrior to warrior we have an ability to get out of fear / sap on a 1 min cd and i think that is what you were referring to.
I can also say that i sue fear, bladestorm, Pummel, stormbold and spell reflect to help with CC. So while i dont like how heavy cc is in the game we do have some utility if used well that can help us a lot. Hope that was helpful. :slight_smile:

Yes but now I have to be spec’d for that. This reduces choices and pigeon holes me into “you have to play this way or stay stuck in molasses”.

This is bad game design.

I’m not posting as a warrior though. I’m posting as a player who wants to play, not be stunned for 30 out of 40 seconds.

It isn’t just cc, its nearly everything. Healers are way too influential in pvp there is no drawbacks to their unlimited reservoir of mana. Some DPS classes have to much burst (DH, Warlocks, firemages) while others take way too long to kill, its a circus.

There isn’t really a dev team, and if there is they are definitely incompetent.

Do you prefer fury in bgs? i have very little issue with cc as fury i just prefer arms. Fury has a pvp talent that removes snares with bloodlust and increases movement speed. There is also another tallent that reduces the cd of bloodlust with lower target health. Damage is good but kill potential is less as fury. However if you hate being snared you may enjoy that playstyle better.
Be glad to QnA with anything you want about bg’s Its actually my fav part of pvp. Im also rarely not top damage and kills in a bg.

btw seriously TY SOOOO much. That ignore feature is great. Sad i have to select a time frame though. My screen would only let me scroll down as far as 3 months

Yes I understand there are talents I can choose to help with CC. What I’m saying is this is bad game design, because it forces me into those spec’s or punishes me with not being able to play. And those specs don’t help with all CC.

I’m talking about all CC, not just silly snares.

While i see your point and frankly agree. I would like to see all cc on 1 DR.
That said their must be some way to peel melee of casters.
Most classes if they could not cc me at all or only very short duration i would destroy. our sustain is probably only matched by DH.
I would like to see things better balanced though.