Is calling players out for low DPS considered harassment?

In Shadowbringers it hasn’t been commonly said, but in Heavesnward and Stormblood it was a common meme people used when getting called out for doing dumb things.

I’ve always believed that it depended on the content and context. So for instance, starting in TBC, if I were running a Heroic (early in the expac), I would expect those players to be raider caliber players and therefore are expected to carry their weight. However doing content that’s fairly easy, well I think riding someone about their DPS is kind of a dick move.

If I’m running a mid to high level M+ or a raid anything beyond LFR, I expect people to have at least some semblance of intelligence enough to play their characters. I won’t go about it in a dbag manner, but I wouldn’t hesitate to let someone know that they are causing an issue. If you want a free raid carry and can’t or don’t want to bother trying, find a guild of people that will do it for you. Don’t put that pressure on pugs. They have enough to contend with.

TL;DR - Don’t be trash in content that’s meant for a higher skill level, else you might get called out for it.

Say what you want about Final Fantasy. Their lack of addons makes their community nicer.

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Except the part where a great deal of the community runs damage meters. You’re just not allowed to talk about it. I still saw people getting roasted about their dmg in dungeons, and it’s certainly a part of raiding with parses and such.

I agree, the community there is pretty cool, but it’s not all good, and I don’t think it has anything to do with addons.

The great thing about FF14 is that the game really doesn’t need addons. The only thing people really use as an addon is the parser tool. In regards of their community. I will say that they have their own faults as does the WoW Community. Because they lack addons in the game does not make them nicer by all means.

If you are the group leader and it is your group and you are not being a jerk, then I’d say no… in most other cases leave people be.

It really depends in my eyes because there’s “low” dps and then there’s “are you even paying attention” low dps. Bad players are one thing because you can help them but lazy players ruin any desire to group up.


If you can’t handle good or bad criticism just stick with people that think your DPS is fine.

In raids low dps are often booted particularly on wipes. The raid leader often says they are removing low dps but doesn’t give names. Everyone knows who they are from the dps meters. If you lose a healer or two then you need to remove some dps if you don’t get a replacement promptly. I think calling out a persons name for low dps is unnecessary, but removing them is depending on the situation.