Is BoD N obsolete already?

I’ve had my pug group listed for 2 hours. Only one person has joined and only stayed a few minutes. What gives? Is it not enough time and effort spent trying to do current content? Doubtful. Tried to complete N Uldir for months, nothing. Now trying to complete N BoD. Blizzard is not rewarding effort. What gives?

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Too much alternative gear in WQ/WF. And heroic level gear, if you’re semi-competent, in M+10. People will do AFK-LFR to “see the content”

You again.


How can you be semi competent afk and get to run a M10+, when I play several hours daily and rarely get a keystone? When I do, it’s a +2 and goes unfulfilled.

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Stop posting.


No, I see plenty of runs when going on my alts.

I’m familiar with your posts from the past. Truth is if you were any good you’d be clearing 10+ keys easily. Why? Rogues are in HIGH demand this expansion. If you play for hours a day you’re just not that good. That’s ok, just accept it and either choose to get better and look up guides/ discords, or do LFR.

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Normal just isn’t worth the time or effort when there are so many alternate sources of gear. Easy keys as low as +5 rewards gear with the same ilvl as normal raids. Just look at me. I haven’t even cleared normal and I already outgear heroic. I basically have no incentive to do any of the available raid content. Especially since there’s a boss that punishes my entire raid for my inability to use a mic. :zipper_mouth_face:

Your assessment on my skill as a rogue is flawed. I’ve played one class, one spec since MoP. I’ve reviewed and implemented all sources on how to improve. My recount stats are evident of that. I’m top 3 consistently on damage done. Spent millions of gold since I’ve started playing on gems and enchants. So, you shouldn’t just assume I haven’t put in the due diligence.

Being top 3 in a 5-man ain’t an accomplishment, bro, it’s an expectation.

You hardly ran at all in Uldir, and scored, in total, 1 blue, 2 green parses and 4 grey parses (all compared to your itemlevel at the time). The only two bosses you killed in Uldir Heroic, you also got grey parses on.

Looking at your Fetid kill, you has only 80% uptime on Slice and Dice (already a weaker talent than the other options on that tier), you wasted a total of 16 combo points over the fight, 11 of them from Marked for Death (which you cast 7 times, meaning you cast it up to 4 times with more than 1 Combo Point already. And Marked for Death is already a weaker talent than the alternatives even if used perfect). You also capped energy a number of times throughout the fight.

So now, you’re not doing as amazeballs as you think you are. Maybe being willing to admit that might actually set you down the road towards improving. In the mean time, you quite rightfully are not getting content cleared, because you are 110% a carry in any content you’re in at the moment.


Can you tell me exactly what you’ve done to get where you are at with progression? Because I listed N M Freehold for two hours and never got a T or H.

Don’t list yourself as a solo DPS looking for members. Apply to groups. Or find friends to run with. Get gear from warfronts, emissaries, and LFR.

I’m not sure where you’re getting this info or if it’s reliable. But I’ve played a rogue since MoP. I started out as combat then forced to play outlaw. One class, one spec since MoP. Granted it’s never been the same since as far as people wanting to join my N raid pug groups. If the stats you’ve revealed are true, which I don’t think are accurate, yes it wouldn’t get me into a M raid groups. But I’ve never been interested in M raiding.

From the logs I literally linked to. They are accurate. And I’m not talking about getting into mythic raids, I’m talking about doing any content and being worth the spot you take up. With how you play, you ain’t.


I clicked on the link. I don’t see how you extrapolated what you told me from what I’m looking at. However I do see on fetid that I got a kill rank of 1 or first. Yes I didn’t run N Uldir much but it wasn’t for a lack of daily effort. Just wasn’t fortunate enough to get my groups filled which is awful considering the amount of time I spent on trying.

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…/sigh. Clearly you’ve never used WarcraftLogs. You click on a boss, and it takes you to the list of your logs for that boss. On that page, if you click on the rank number to the left, it’ll take you to the log itself, from which you can derive the information I posted.

lolwat. You ranked 9th percentile (that’s not rank 9, that’s 9th percentile) for your 8.0 kill and 25th percentile for your 8.1 kill. You got no where near 1st place. In terms of your raid, you were 6th out of 8 DPS (excluding the ret pally that died halfway through) for your 8.0 kill, and 9th out of 9 DPS on your 8.1 kill.

Stop trying to make the groups yourself and join them instead.

I grouped up with guildies and we kept pushing our low level keys. We ran our keys until we were geared enough to be able to push a key to a +10. Then we just tried to complete it for the weekly reward and didn’t bother stressing about the timer. The goal was to just finish a +10 for the residuum to buy azerite. I used the residuum reward to replace my extremely low ilvl azerite gear over a few weeks, and now I’m saving up my residuum for 415’s hoping I get one with the right trait.

As a dps, I suggest trying to join groups already forming instead of the hassle of trying to start your own group. Only start your own group if you’re pushing your own key. I’ve noticed people tend to not join listed groups unless the group already has a tank or healer, then all the dps will suddenly start applying at once. It’s one of the major annoyances you’ll face if living the puglife. Try to get one or two guildies to tag along if you’re forming your own group. People are more likely to apply for a group if it already has a few people in it.

Looking at this chart which shows residuum rewards per key level you’ll see that there are spikes in the rewards at +4, +7, and +10. At your gear level, aim for a +4 first. Then you can try progressing to a +7 over the rest of the week as you gear up. Even if you fail, you’ll have met that reward spike and will get a decent amount of residuum. Then use it to replace your low level azerite. Don’t be afraid to buy the cheap 385 gear, I bought it myself when I was stuck with 370’s. Run your +2-3 keys to fill out your low slots, then progress on the path to +7 and eventually +10.

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Why the ever loving f*ck are you all replying to him?


They’re new. He’s just a troll guys. Let it die.


Na I love his threads. They’re entertaining. He must get a good laugh coming up with these comments and watching the replies roll in.