Is BM as bad as it appears?

You’ve kind expanded past that now lol saying stuff like swap specs when people want a reasonable buff to bm is pointless.

Oh wait you’ve literally proved it again right here lol

Suggesting people play another spec temporarily doesn’t mean they can’t want bm buffs.

I think you missed the point.

It provides nothing to the discussion about bm having awful aoe tho which is a fact and people just want a reasonable buff. What does that have to do with sv and mm thank you captain obvious that you can respec but that doesn’t change the fact that bm aoe is terrible.

I don’t really understand your angle here other than just being a pest?

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I have responded multiple times that I agree a small buff is needed till the anniversary patch comes.

It’s a temporary solution.

Because the people blaming BM for being tank level damage aren’t being honest.

Is BM aoe an issue? Yes 100%

Is people doing rank level damage 100% because of that? No.

People would gain more damage if they spent the time improving their play instead of just blaming the class tuning.

BM is okay for single target, middle of the pack, but dead last for AOE. What more is there to say and they’re not being fixed for 9 weeks.

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I’m going to get into this discussion just a bit on the AOE. Is it low cause the cleave damage is that weak, or are packs dying more quickly than Bm can get damage up? Either would show that Bm needs some buffs to cleave. It might also explain why some are saying Tanks are out DPSing as their cleave could finish off a group before a Hunter could finish their full rotation.

BM AoE is too low atm, that being said it’s absolutely not below tanks unless there are massive gear/skill issues involved.

As Ogdenir mentioned there are 2 issues

  1. Decent amount of ramp time (3 stacks barbed, cds, multishot, etc) - this will be mostly resolved as we go up key level, and has been the case historically (at least after legion with the rework of dire beast into barbed shot)
  2. Overall low damage on abilities - i’ll blame basilisk collar which drastically increased % of our dmg on primary target, which results in our AoE being nerfed once ST abilities got hit.
    Since i don’t think we’re getting a basilisk collar nuke, i hope we’ll get additional % scaling to beastcleave
  3. Pack Leader (which feels like it was designed to be the AoE hero) isn’t performing anywhere nearly as good as it should, even in AoE setting.
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On some aoe fights I struggle to stay ahead of my friend’s blood dk, you can say skill issue all you want. It’s even worse when you see a ret pally come in and pull ahead of you by a football field with 1 or 2 hits. Then comes ST where you wonder how are you doing that much damage compared to aoe

Ya it’s pretty bad, I shelved my bm hunter atm until buffs. My fury war can top damage in like 3 buttons.


If the tank can’t beat the BM hunter on trash packs, that’s a tank skill issue. (Unless CotW is up, for those 20s BM’s damage is where it should be)

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Both the hunter and prot pally were same ilvl at the time.

BM is parsing middle of the road and even superior to marksman on normal raid right now. Lots of new MMs though seems like comparing parse numbers to last XP; probably skewing some stuff.

I think your data is off


Must have been. BM is ranked 7th followed by surv then marksman who is in the middle. This doesn’t tell the whole story but this looks ok for BM?

Outside of a few fights like brood and silken council the fight favors a st profile especially.

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I heard the AOE is very bad and it will be dead in M+


It’s doing just fine in the raid and it’s absolute butt cheeks for M+. If M+ is your thing run screaming for the exit and don’t look back until it gets some serious balance changes.

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I did all the lobbying I could.

Gotcha. Well there’s ST at least! We’ll see long term. Plus we have the large update on the horizon.

Update is looking very promising for sure.