I guess the alliance doesn't matter to blizzard

Literally no reason to play alliance from a PVP standpoint. We suffered through BG’s and losing because the queues made up for the lopsided 30% win ratio. And i hear some horde say you still have fast queues. Yes but why would i play to lose with fast queues when i can join horde and also have fast queues and play with sweats and tryhards and win more games? From a Alliance PVP viewpoint it doesn’t make sense


Firstly, they are TESTING this potential solution this weekend. They are not implementing it as of right now… so no, they’re not incompetent for this… they’re handling it correctly. Read the fine print.

What guarantee do they have that people will do this? Sure, it’s lucrative solution but not a guaranteed one.

No it doesn’t. It makes things more convoluted. If they can’t guarantee people leave the faction they started on, then they can’t assume it will fix the problem. Furthermore, what if EVERYONE transferred? If they have more people transfer than they bargained for, the same problem exists.

And before you say “they can regulate it”… this is a big decision for someone to make. So what if a guild wants to transfer over and only half their members make it? Not only do you have this issue, but you have people looking to spend time to undo what was once allowed.

Your knee-jerk reaction to this TEST is exactly the issue. They are testing solutions and you should be happy to see that they are not just implementing solutions. People are losing their mind over a 4 day trial with no guarantee of what’s going to happen. Stop clogging up these forums with this low-IQ nonsense.

The Alliance are incredibly fragile. This news will shatter their already low morale. Do you remember that opening scene from Jacob’s Ladder, when the soldiers are sitting around, drooling or convulsing from the effects of Agent Orange? Meanwhile the Viet Cong are in the wire, ready to slaughter them to a man? That’s every battleground from here to Wrath!

“test” is a sugar-coated way of saying;

“Get ready for it once we fix the spaghetti code, it’ll be added to the game”


“Is blizzard totally incompetent?”

Were you here for the Diablo Immortal announcement?

You don’t know that.

Totally? nah
the art and music team always carry the show

oh you mean the Devs?
yeah absolutely they should wipe the roster clean and get anew

@Title - Yes.

Because you don’t want to level again

Why do alliance need incentives to pvp? LOL… I just dont get it.

If you mean give alliance side incentives so more people would want to play alliance. News flash… they can give me free respec’s… FREE anything I would not want to play alliance again. 10 years of that toxic community is enough for me. I’m happy on horde side.

Hopefully we get paid faction changes so that I can transfer to horde to get the cake and eat it too.

Yes, yes they are

how is the alliance side toxic? it’s pretty much the same both horde ally.

They don’t.

They didn’t.

You and 90% of the other ragers.

Would not be surprised to see that they do this within the next month.

Leans it Alliance heavy, but it’s slightly Horde heavy so w/e

Helps, probably not a full on fix.

Red v Blue still gets prio. I would hope Alliance PvPers had more going for them than “at least we get to play hurr hurr!!”

What do you think will happen?

Problem : Horde queue times.

Solution: Same Faction Battlegrounds.

Test: One weekend of horde queueing into each other, reducing queue times drastically.

Result : Horde queues dropped 87%! This was a great test, now it’s in the game.

(Alliance side effects do not apply, horde problem horde game horde solution)

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Are you new? cuz you would know the answer to that already. Have you ever pug alliance side bgs? I’ll wait for an answer.

I mean I understand the skepticism, but you’re literally pulling all of this out of thin air.

They gave you those Paladin changes. Maybe they should revert those too?

I mean i’ve pugged bgs on both sides and they’re both toxic for different reasons.
Alliance bc of afking/giving up on purpose and horde was bc of being sweaty or mad cuz of long queues

Well, I have only experience alliance side for the last 10 years. The couple of games I’ve enter on horde side since tbcc have been great. No afkrs, No “let them win” attitudes. Sure, there have been some games where people argue, but surprisingly we have still managed to pull out wins.