Is Blizzard THAT Evil Or Is There A Logical Reason?


As was said before,

So if anything, this bug was encouraging people to boost to 50 and then take the quick route to 60. This fix actually makes boosts less desirable.


You lost me at “casual scum”.

Nice to see your bias not bursting at the seams.

Newsflash… this game would be shuttered for the 1% no lifers if not for us “casual scum”.

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I totally agree with you. But there are people out there who think of all casuals as unworthy of the privilege of playing the game. They think the game would be more “successful” if all casuals were gone. There are even those who think that there are many millions of hardcore players would would subscribe if only wow went full wildstar.

There are not enough hardcores to support development of a game the size of wow if all the casuals whose money goes toward elite content development were to leave.

Ion is a mudwimper.

Using logic in GD? You can’t do that!

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There is a point at 60. Them juicy dom socket.

Blizzard absolutely does not want you leveling any where but in Shadowlands atm.

Not only have they fixed the TW “bug”, they have nerfed the experience you got from gathering, pet battle master dailies, holiday quests and DMF quests for any toons 50 and above.

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Not fixing it would have give even more reason not to level in shadowlands. Did you read any of the posts mentioning it? TW was only 50+ and made it possible to skip the entirety of SL whilst making it only every other weeks.

I meant to have a “but” in there.

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Oh boy! Doesn’t that make me want to buy the expansion! This will bring in loads of new players!

It was a bug you know it I know it get out of here. Quit whining go level in tbc right now and come back happy. Hard times lol wtf are you talking about the only people having a hard time are people in this lawsuit and current employees.

I don’t think they do want you to buy it… which confuses me.


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Are you saying that what Tovi said is incorrect, that they haven’t nerfed xp for +50 players in gathering, pet battles, events, and dmf?

It’s a moral crusade at this point. They’d rather have people quit than play the game wrong.

If they do say I’ll tell you right now they’re lying. I’m one of those people with a bunch of alts and after I leveled my 10th one through an xpac, I get bored with it. I then start leveling them with pet battlemaster dailies, waiting for a holiday (Hallow’s End, Midsummer, Honor the Elders), and turning in DMF artifacts to get exp and buy pets for selling.

All of that has been nerfed to the ground. Either I level in SL or I don’t. I think I heard someone say archaeology wasn’t nerfed yet but I haven’t tried it.

Petty? Absolutely
Inept? Sadly yes
Tone Deaf? YES, It is the only thing that Bobby K has been honest about in a long time…

You only have to level 10 levels every expansion and quit crying. You and I both know it’s already quick you ain’t forced to constantly level toons it’s your choice. Y’all really need to take a break and get off everything in the world is a conspiracy. These trolls make some people look I’ll leave it blank. Btw that big option of I can unsub is always there to since wow hates us so much. I’m sure Bobby knew all about a dumb bug in tw lol. Dumber and dumber.

They are stuck in a loop where unexpected responses from the playerbase are immediately dealt with by cracking the whip. After so many years of removing or nerfing old content to try to force people to play the game right, they are unable to even conceive of a different mindset.

Shadowlands is the expansion where they intend to prove that all the failed implementations of the past would have been successful if only they had stuck to their guns instead of reverting them when they got that call from the accounting department.

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Fixing a bug that gave too much XP now makes you evil?


I’m not crying. I’m pointing out that they have nerfed alternate paths to max level for no reason. Learn the difference.

I never said it wasn’t quick. I said I get bored doing the same thing over and over.

I never said I was forced.

They keep pissing people off and too many go on “a break” you’ll be playing alone.

Nice hyperbole.

Giving an opinion doesn’t make one a troll. Why are you so angry?

I was thinking the same thing every time you post something.

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So… I see you haven’t read any of the thread besides the title.