Is Blizzard really gatetiming the anniversary event?

There are some anniversary rewards from 10 years ago still not available

You don’t get to decide what’s important to other people

I still use the Plunderlord’s finery pirate outfit and Polly Roger mount all the time. The fact that Blizzard made change after change making the grind more accessible during Plunderstorm after they got feedback that it was a terrible grind, and then similar for Pandaria Remix made bronze grind easier multiple times, they’re obviously willing to make changes on these things.

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Do we know if the sets drop inside the raid or not?

Could I collect bronze and also farm sets via the raid then buy whatever I didn’t get before the event ends?

Well, if there is one thing logic and reason have taught me in my 50 years on this marble is, they only tell you what you need to know, and there are always other reasons they keep to themselves.

  • By limiting the currency, it means you have to do more to get more
  • By making it last 10 weeks, it guarantees anyone who wants the sets will stay subbed for 3 months to cover that timeframe to get it.
  • When does the event happen? During the holiday season when some folks unsub til January, now they cannot
  • Instead of being like the Darkmoon Faire and putting all of the currency in one place, they are spreading it out so if you want more, you have to go do current, open-world content

The reason timegating exists? Metrics and profit margins. They are guaranteeing 3 months of subs, active participation, and a solid bottom line during what is usually a slow holiday season. This means they look good for Microsoft and Stock/Shareholders. Maybe if you were less emotional and dramatic, you would see how it really works rather than snapping at those of us who have no control over it. We might not like it, but we take it for what it is and it is a chance at 4 mounts, 5 pets, a half dozen toys and a series of T2 gear mogs.

Breathe. I am not your enemy.


non-limited is a pretty generous term for something you can only get once a year.’

Turns out most people don’t like waiting a year for a cosmetic.

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It’s still available, though. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Yes, they put a 20 year time gate on it for…reasons.

Theyre doing it so I have more to do when i get off work.

On one hand, I do appreciate how much time we are getting for this event as its almost like a mini Classic Remix (going on for nearly the same amount of time) but I do agree that its a bit odd to have a limit to how many tokens you can earn, especially since in Panda Remix (yes, I like to call it that :3) you could earn as much or as little Bronze as you wanted depending on how much you put in and where.

So, it’s a shame to hear there is a weekly cap and while I’m not that bothered by it myself, I do think its a bit of a shame as the event itself sounds like its going to be fun with a lot of cool loot to earn, both new and old.

I think I heard that the sets not only drop from the Raid (even updated to be around I think 590? But I could be mistaken, its up there with the Nurbian Palace Raid) but there’s also a bad luck protection NPC in the staging grounds outside of the Caverns of Time that sells these pieces for I think 40 Coffer Pieces each. Again, could be mistaken, but I think that’s what they’re doing would recommend double checking before taking my word.

I would say it’s less so aimed at player enjoyment, and more so to stretch out content and meet certain engagement metrics. I think they know they’d have to mess up pretty fiercely to lose a significant number of players.

Nope too bad, I’m taking it as gospel and tattooing it on my forearm. :wink:

Thanks, hopefully it’s true.

Why does it need to be gate timed at all?
I’m not the kind to complain when i run out of content. I’d rather be able to do it at my own pace, if i finish it early and want to take a break, i should be able to. this is time metric trash lol


According to some here in this thread, it’s to protect yourself from yourself.

Yeah, it’s as stupid as it sounds lol.


I heard they were considering selling tickets but so many people got butt hurt over the idea of them being on the store they just caved in and gave it to everyone. lame.

This event was supposed to be a fun celebration of 20 years of WoW. Limiting the currency is beyond nuts people do not want to be grinding at a snail’s pace for 2 months! That is the opposite of Fun. I don’t know who keeps making these dumb ideas, but they need to stop. TWW has been one BS idea after another,


“Not so fast, we care about your time!”

Meanwhile at Blizz HQ,

“How are we going to keep them playing Bob?”

“Just spread the content out for 3 months Joe”.

I don’t necessarily think it’s evil conniving behavior by Blizz, but they are gating to make money. Thats really the main reason.

This isn’t a Blizzard thing. This is how games work especially MMOs. WoW is in a unique position. They have run off the real fans of the game and genre in an attempt to maximize subs. This has forced them to make everything so easy, the only way they can operate is time-gating. They could just make things a challenge instead but heads would explode.

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They will likely make a return in the Trading Post later on for those who missed it. That would be my guess. The only thing that for sure you will not be able to obtain after the event is the achievement. 20th anniv.

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WoW, I havent heard about this!

Crap like this is why I wish SWTOR was a better game.

In SWTOR, they have a cap for the amount of rep you can earn each week. For the sake of this discussion, let’s say it’s 12,000. I can earn that rep in one day by doing dailies on all my alts or if I don’t have any alts, I can hit that cap with one character doing the dailies every day of the week.

And as for holiday currency, I’m only limited by how many alts I can make and level to do the event.

I appreciate the way they respect your time and don’t make you feel like you’re falling behind because you didn’t log on one day. Or more.