Is blizzard ready for 1 million + classic players?

More like the rest of the expansion… I’m so sick of the ap grind on each character and the time gates that only let you play 20 minutes a day. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels like this.

There going to have to try harder with the next expansion to drag me back, bring talents back, bring more weapon choices to specs back, adding player housing or guild halls would be a good start.

I don’t want to see another artifact system and another pathfinder in the next expansion again… if its just WoD reskinned again for the 4th time in a row with war tables yet again then I’m only going to play Classic WoW from now on.

I want more features and gameplay, not another reskinned expansion that’s just like the old expansion in a new continent. This is why Classic WoW is appealing to me, it has more depth with more spells and talents and micro managing and raid progression then any of the expansions had since Cataclysm started pruning everything and adding catchup mechanics.

There is no raid progression anymore, its always skip to the newest raid every patch now and that’s not fun… that’s what makes me quit after the first month of every expansion now.


Where did they say only 8 servers?

Yeh it was a major flop.

I have seen no confirmed evidence of anything.

That said, when most people use the 1 million number, they are referring to NA subs, so trying to argue against it with worldwide numbers seems disingenuous.

Im guessing atleast 2 million people play classic at launch, if not more.


First month, six months, a year, five years. Whether they do eventual TBC and beyond servers, or some form of Classic+, I can’t see Current WoW ever competing with the Classic servers.

Blizzard is in for a big surprise, as are the naysayers.


Well tbh Ion knows current wow is a joke.

I think classic will help them get income for future xpacs and Ion had a Q and A admitting to a lot of the changes they have done moving forward were wrong, i watched the Asmongold reaction video of it.

I truly think next xpac might have a chance of being decent.

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ill say no the servers will crash a lot on the first day.

Well blizzard no longer report sub numbers. That’s a very good indication that sub numbers are actually terribly low. If they were high, they’d still report them to shareholders.


Who needs subs when they can just add another store mount?


I think its possible that classics population might peak above BFA a few times within the first few days of release, assuming blizz is able to handle everyone. But most of these people will quit within the first week.


Yeah, I think trying to say they’re talking about NA subs is disingenuous.

Why did they report the 10 to 5.6 million drop in WoD?


You can think what you want. I’m telling you what I have most often seen. Most people only think of sub numbers in terms of NA.

Because 5 million is still decent and they hadn’t figured out their new reporting metric yet.

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Blizzard always reported overall subs, most of the people talking about subs on this board or any other WoW related board do too. I’m not going to go find you 500 posts of people talking about overall sub counts because I’m not going to be baited into a pointless argument all night.

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makes excuses

Oh, okay.


Blizzard don’t report sub numbers because BFA has a high and healthly population.



They say 8 servers initially with more ready to be spun up. This way they can wait until the existing servers have high pop before adding more, instead of opening 100 at once and risking many of them being Low pop.

Remember they said that we can ‘expect queues’ on highly populated realms.

This leads me to believe that there will be caps on shards…