Is Blizzard promoting pay-to-win

You can’t get 5 stars with ignoring timer and taking much longer than expected.

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No, for 5 stars you need 200 points or higher… do you even research your answers or are you just making stuff up?!

Edit: See my second Horde Pally run HERE with only 86% completion and yet 5 stars.


And you get 200 points or higher by having good time, have you even played through? Feel free to screenshot it, I’d love to see it.

Show me 1 hour run with 5 stars.


Ever since the advent of the wow token blizz has been tactically changing their game in order to promote the purchase of tokens said tokens. It can be argued that what you use the gold for is up to you, but the fact is by even making something like the WoW token available, blizzard is facilitating p2w.

High End Game payed carries, token sales, yup

Oh would you look at that, 26 minute run. Now go do 1 hour run and show me 5 stars, since you claim timer doesn’t matter.


None of which is pay to win.

Let me ask you, what do you win by having gold? Nothing. Sure you can buy things from the AH, but so can literally any other player who knows how to work the Auction House. Okay, so you can buy a carry, but what do you ‘win’ from that? Nothing. Sure you get an achievement and you may get some loot, but that won’t make you a better player, you can try to take that loot into PvP, but someone who knows what they’re doing in PvP is going to curb-stomp stomp you and make you feel like you wasted all that money for nothing.

Because at the end of the day there is no advantage that you can gain in this game with gold that someone else can’t also gain by doing the content without paying for a carry.

Compare this to actual pay to win games, where there are massive advantages that you can purchase, that are not attainable in any other way and will always give you an edge as long as you keep opening your wallet. That’s pay to win. ABP Reloaded is a perfect example, since players there can kit themselves out in the best gear possible, meaning they become bullet sponge tanks with grenade launchers that cannot be killed easily by anyone who also isn’t opening their wallet in the same way they are.

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So you’re just going to keep moving goalposts to try to be right when you’re wrong? LOL

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You can buy a gladiator title with gold actually, along with mount.

Mount which you could never get otherwise. That’s where pay to win comes.

Without boosts there’d be no pay to win, just as without tokens there wouldn’t be pay to win. But since both exist, there’s pay to win.

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Something might be somewhat challanging(its not) must be blizzard promoting P2W
This is a troll post right or someone looking at nothing to complain

18-26 minutes is normal time with watching timer. If you are taking it slow, it’ll be closer to 40 minutes, where he would get 4 stars actually, as he’d lose just enough points to dip under 200 and not have 5 stars, so yes timer matters.


I have never felt a need to buy a run this expansion, why would you do that?

Congrats, you still haven’t ‘won’ anything.

That player may have the title and the mount, but they’re not actually ‘winning’ where it counts without the buddies they paid for, and those buddies don’t stick around after the transaction is completed, meaning when it comes to actually taking that character into PvP later? They’ll get curb-stomped by any player who knows what they’re doing.

I doubt he was saying it’s just you as in the only person. More so its just you as in its just your mentality that’s the problem and not the fact that blizzard adds something that requires a semblance of IQ to overcome.

Everyones definition of p2w is different :man_shrugging:

What I want to figure out is why it matters. What if we all agree wow is p2w, then what? Just gonna echo chamber for a while and still play? Obviously you wouldn’t quit since if you think it is p2w now then you would have already quit unless you need other forum posters to agree with you which would be strange.

I hope so…im a talentless retard in that type of situation

This post isn’t about PvP. And that is attainable without having to buy it as well, it’s not an instant gratification thing though, never has been.

What does one win by paying for a Torghast run?

Buy a token for what reason? You have the tools to make your own money, there is no need to buy tokens.

And that’s not rushing through it and a normal time, meaning the timer can be ignored and people can go through it at a normal timelength.

The timer can be ignored and people can still get 5 stars without rushing doing it at a normal time. You’re moving goalposts.