Is Blizzard Going to Fix RSS MMR in 10.2 So Healers Don't Go 5-1 and Get 0 Rating?

Would love to take a crack at the new title but if I’m going to get shoved into matches where I cannot gain rating then no thanks. Title is useless if MMR remains broken.


As a healer, I am pushing 2k rating, I am routinely matched with/against DPS that are pushing 2.4k in almost every game. The problem here is that usually 1 of the dps very clearly has no idea what they are doing, and so games go 3-3, because there is NO WAY to keep that one baddie alive.

It’s one thing to have to punch above my weight class, but the fact that dps can much more easily obtain 20+ rating, per 6-rounds, by focusing down the baddie-- while I am stuck gaining 3 or 4 rating-- is very poor design.


No numbers provided.

No links provided to the game of you going “5-1”.

No data provided.

No information, at all, provided to this for people to make a realistic assertation about.

Was it your CR difference? Is your MMR much higher than the game you were in? A thousand different questions that you didn’t provide any information to that would result in this as an outcome.


It’s pretty crappy. There’s a healer shortage and Blizzard has done nothing to fix it other than make a lame title that won’t fix a single issue.

At least you made it obvious that you have no clue.

You guys still have hope?

IDK I don’t really have fun in arenas. Sometimes I do on my hunter but very rarely on a healer. On a healer it seems like “yay my teammates did stuff better than the other healer’s teammates and I saved them slightly longer” this probably changes for actual good pvp healers. I’m excited for the rated battlegrounds though, it’ll be nice to fully efficiently gear for BGs through BGs without manual group forming.

Amazing, I went 6-0 in one game and got no rating.

The problem with SS is that the DPS are rated, matched and gain or lose rating against the other healers.

The tanks are against the other tanks.

And the healers are against the other healers.

You have 4 DPS, so one DPS can be smashed, every other DPS gets wins and rating. But the tanks and healers, they have to outplay the other tank or healer, they have to rely on the 4 DPS to do the right thing, they are held captive.

And worse, when you get grouped with a tank or healer who is far below your rating the game weighs more heavily towards you thinking you should now all of a sudden get more than 3 wins before it give you rating, and the further apart the tanks and healers are the more weighted the game thinks.

You could be 2K rating and be grouped with a 200 rated healer, you win 6 and gain no rating, but if you lose one because you are that much higher rated, game over, 5-1 and you lose rating.

Great for the 200 rated player, they can go 1-6, yay they got a win against a healer much higher rated so they gain 400 rating points, but it’s crap for the higher rated person, you have to hope you get grouped with someone close enough to your rating AND get enough wins before you gain rating points.

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Need to cling onto something at least.

Yup and in RSS, you also have to deal with the RNG on whether you’re even in a position to get rating. Isn’t it fun?

plenty of videos on youtube from rank 1 gladiators and the like, if youre interested in “proof” although I get the impression you’re just here to try and fill the void in your personality by throwing out forum sick burns until one sticks.

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They’ll probably claim the videos are fake or whatever.

At least they pay as much attention to the CC forums as Blizzard does.

I ended last season with 4 separate classes over 2500, with mount - screenshots of all have been provided and are readily searchable. I am thoroughly aware of how the system works, and when zero CR games exist (massive MMR difference lobbies). I also am keenly aware that healers, specifically, in RSS think 3-3 should be considered a win and want the moon/stars given to them for simply playing healer.

Making outrageous claims and then providing zero evidence means the outrageous claim never happened.

OP has given zero proof of their “5-1 0 cr gain” game. OP is on a deliberately hidden toon to where they can’t be linked via checkpvp, raider, drustvar, or otherwise.

What’s more likely - that OP was in a game MMR difference of over 499 (500 being the threshold of literally 0 cr gained at 4-2, or higher) – or that OP is lying about not climbing while going 3-3 every round?

My money is firmly on the latter.

Don’t mind me. I’m just quoting this horribly inaccurate take for posterity.

The OP probably took some creative liberties when making an extreme example, as it very common on here, but his point is still valid. It’s not “impossible” but much harder than it should be to climb as a healer. Nitpicking details while avoiding the topic is just looking for an argument.

The joke is I didn’t do anything creative other than play the game and get mad.


I’ll wait for that other guy to come back and declare how it’s a doctored video because they know exactly how the rss mmr system works since they supposedly have the “mount,” whatever that means in relation to rss.

MMR is all but invisible to me, I don’t understand it i don’t see it I don’t understand how it works. All I know is CR. Blizzard doesn’t explain any of it well.

It happens all the time, quit being so obtuse. I see it every day in Twitter about healers going 4-2 or 5-1 and gaining zero points, even losing MMR afterwards.

5-1 0 rating +2 MMR

5-1 0 rating

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No, Blizzard has abandoned PvP as a meaningful endgame pillar.

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They’re waiting to see if it fixes itself, because there’s nobody there who understands what’s going on. They’ll probably try something completely different and totally untested in the next expansion.

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Common theme with that guy.

They should at least make it so you have to accept being pushed into games where you can’t earn rating.

Their matchmaking sucks.

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