Is Blizzard Fixing the Honor Bug? We Are Forced to AFK!

Somehow they have it in their head that fast games with zero honor is the fastest way to do it.

Please increase honor by a little bit more i don’t think it should be 10x at all it was too much for sure but we have 1/3rd the time of the vanilla - tbc pre patch this honor would be fine if we had 6 weeks but its 12 days realistically with the bgs kicking us out nonstop.

The funny thing is, when you ask them how much the abusers of the ‘broken honor’ got they say “12k an hour it was 3k a game” but meanwhile they claim to get 400 hph with 2x honor and hks doubled, lets say honor is 30% of what it was, 30% of 12k = 400? not sure on that math

I have a priest, mage and lock in full T-3 Naxx BIS. Why would I need welfare epics?

LOL you didnt need to ask that question to know the answer was no

The only thing that needs to be fixed is Ally quiting every BG at the first sign of resistance.

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One of several things that need to be fixed. It really seems like they give up completely at the sign of resistance but when it comes to snowballing an advantage, alliance optimize the heck out of that.

That gets fixed by HK’s rewarding more honor. There just isn’t motivation to resist if it hurts your reward. If you have 2 bases in AB and are down 400 pts you should give up another base and defend 1 and just get honor at that base. Game speeds up and you can try again next game. No need to drag out a loss.

The problem is people are in there for a massive amount of honor with no time to acquire it. Blizzard created this problem and needs to resolve it.

Obviously Beta didn’t do a good job and TBC was rushed to compete with other MMOs and to boost this financial quarter. This is 100% blizz fault.

Look I was a bit proponent of upping the honor, I am on your side, but it’s clear at this point that is not going to happen. This entire situation reminds me of when the AB premades stopped and Ally just let every game become an AFK turtle.

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I still think honor needs to be upped too short of prepatch for this level of honor

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Why is everyone so mad? They fixed the honor gains to how it was back in the day. Prepatch isn’t meant for people to get geared af before leveling to 70. Plus all your rank 14 gear is going to all be replaced by level 65 anyways… And not only that, but all you sweat neck try hards who only care about gearing efficiency are just going to be dungeon spamming anyway… Why does the honor gain fix even matter? … Oh that’s right it doesn’t. People just need to make a big deal of every little thing in the game

Honor seems to work for me and all the other people I see running around with lots of honor gear. You are just mad you can’t get honor cap in 2 hrs of playing.

They really didn’t though. There was 2 bugs, one rewarded too much honor from bonus, one didn’t reward enough from HK’s. So the bugs cancelled each other out. They fixed the bonus honor bug now you can’t earn honor because they didn’t fix the other one.

You should be getting 1,000s of honor per hour from HKs alone. The main source of honor in BGs is from HK’s. Since that is non existent. People are trying for fast Win/Lose so you get more games in per hour.

Okay I’ll believe you… Now… Why does it matter? So you can be uberly geared on your boosted character with no effort before the 1st?

Because the game should work how it is supposed too so PvP and BGs can flourish :man_shrugging: :man_facepalming:


So THAT is why everyone is mad… Not anything to do with my pervious point haha okay man

What are you even talking about lol… you have to be trolling. Thanks for bumping the thread though and maybe we can get some fixes so Honor is flowing like it should be.

The point is that people don’t actually give any f**ks about pvp and bgs flourishing. People are pissed because they want easy gear and they feel like this was taken away from them… That’s it

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Yep like taking a toy from a child, child gets big mad.

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You’re not forced to AFK. You’re not even forced to enter the BG in the first place.