Is Blizzard Fixing the Honor Bug? We Are Forced to AFK!

Enjoy your time off from WoW. :joy:

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Merc mode is cringe.

Just stop please.

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Not my head the PvP community. The gun is the Honor HK bug with a short Prepatch. So the community is forced to do what they have to do. That much should be clear and hopefully there are fixes.

With that said time for bed and hope Blizzard will rectify this problem so PvP can flourish. I think everyone is tired since BGs aren’t giving the Honor they should be along with the short Prepatch but then again what do you expect from Blizzard. They literally screwed up an expansion they already released. :rofl:

Battlegrounds are optional. You’re not forced to do anything so if the honor doesn’t work for you, find another way to get gear.


I found classic to be way more toxic that retail in general, when you take in account looting systems, trade chat and the forums.

Instead of fixing the BG honor problem you recommend to do something else. How very Retail and Activision like of you. Always ignoring the issue and making recommendations while the community suffers. Don’t be like that. I wish you luck and good night.

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Call it whatever you want, but players with your mindset have made PvP right now trash. You’re all looking for easy gear, not PvP. Go do GDKP.


No they set up the game so the META is to AFK.

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You don’t need that rank 14 gear.


oh, well that’s not a gun that’s a bug. it’s unfortunate but it’s hardly “forcing” you to afk, that’s a you problem

Is Blizzard Fixing the Honor Bug? We Are Forced to AFK!

You are not forced to AFK. This is so painful to hear. Its quite possibly the most -200iq thing I’ve ever heard. I don’t see horde afking, they are actually benefitting greatly from the free honor and insane marks and honor per hour you are donating to them for free.

its 100% your fault and people like you.

Players aren’t being forced into something. You are forcing yourself into something that hurts other people indirectly.

I’m mad because this is probably one of the worst things I’ve seen players do in order to min/max. Meanwhile horde is gaining 10x the honor per match and 3 times the marks of the “min/max’d afk strat” due to the sheer donations.

I would consider my self baited by a troll but this is 202X and this is not a joke or parody, people actually have this -200iq thinking process.


Post this from your honor capped char so I can spit on you.

Blizzard nerfs honor and people take the path of least resistance.

In order to catch up these people are sort of “forced” to do it.

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This is not the path of least resistance
This is not min/maxing
This is not optimization

This is spiteful attacking of the game because blizzard won’t donate 75k honor to their accounts and all their alts. Nothing less, nothing more. This is nothing more than people who have contempt for the people at blizzard.

I see you are honor capped.


They’re actually not though? Let’s assume that some hypothetical player is a big enough try hard that they NEED to cap honor to get as much advantage as possible when they rush to 70, and start doing arenas.

Those types of players SHOULD have enough time to just run battlegrounds and get their 75k. I’ve managed to get 21k, in like two days of actually hitting BGs hard at all. Some try hard, who actually needs to be min maxed for arenas, will have already capped, even if they started AFTER the bugged honor.

I do think they should bump the honor up, another doubling would probably put it at about where I would personally like it to be, but people are being dishonest when they claim it’s literally impossible to gain, unless you AFK in the battlegrounds.

You can stop playing semantics.
They are being forced by the meta because all the people were catapulted ahead of them and blizzard let them keep their gains.

Basically anyone defending this was on weds and is honor capped so I just /spit on them because they deserve it for being a massive shill for this trash company only because they have something to lose from it.

There’s no semantics about it. You are not being forced to afk, that’s an issue you are having with yourself

I still haven’t figured out how the 280 HPH you get by AFKing is good vs the 2800 HPH you could get by playing with a real premade. Maybe you can explain that.

Unless it’s just for the marks.

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If you want some semblance of progress you do compared to people that are capped already and blizzard did nothing about.

Winning battlegrounds still gets you honor doesn’t it? That is progress