Is Blizzard Fixing the Honor Bug? We Are Forced to AFK!

Well you are wrong about that. We definitely want BGs to flourish and PvP to be awesome but Blizzard is messing that up.

Of a short Prepatch filled with bugs preventing a great TBC experience. This is it. Can’t be more clear about it. No point in stating it over and over again. Just read or don’t either way ignored.

So what makes a great pvp experience isn’t the gameplay… It’s the amount of honor you get from the bgs?

And don’t pretend like you’re arguing for the sake of the health of pvp. Your original post is crying that you “have to afk”. Your original post is all about how much of a grind it is to get gear now

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LUL he is so transparent it is hilarious. No one cares you can’t get your gear in a short period of time. Worthless post.


You seriously going to take about trolling after the years you spent on the retail arena forums? lmao

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I got gear in BGs so can you if you spent less time crying.

Never trolled before so you would be mistaken.

This is literally something that’s never happened, inside of reality or outside of it.

If there’s anything that’s made BGs worse, it would be this movement to afk battlegrounds and grief the unfortunately people queuing into your BG who just wanna play battlegrounds.

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Blizzard already gave us 2X the normal honor and that is 4X on BG weekend. Stop complaining. They could have just not given us anything.

The honor fix was correct. There is plenty of proof that has been gathered from old blue posts proving the fix was correct.

If you can’t live with 4X the normal honor rate on BG weekends then you don’t deserve to get the gear.

Lots of people seem to have no issues getting gear with the 4X honor rate.


No one tawks to papa bliz blizz like dat!

How do you feel about the latest change to make limited recipies unlimited on vendors?

I am very impressed with the smart changes they are making to refine gameplay to suit 2021.

Except it was like this. There’s several videos and screenshots proving how much honor pre-patch kills gave. This is the exact amount. More even since Blizzard decided to give us 2x the bonus honor in BGs.

This is not how BG weekend works.

For AB its one tick worth of honor per 200 resources instead of every 330 resources.
So this is 10 ticks worth of honor instead of 6 ticks worth of honor.
67% or 3.33X (repeating of course). Other BGs the modifier for weekend is lower.

It’s not awful with this rate, but come season 1 we are gonna have to heavily rely on concerted efforts to turn any sort of honor out of battlegrounds.

Actually it was like this and this USED to be the meta before they nerfed all kills to Unranked.

Kills used to range from unranked 140 CP (14) to rank 1 - 198 CP (20) to rank 14 - 398 CP (40). Double honor definitely puts the average kill between rank 7 and 8 which is about equal or a little higher than the average we had back in Original TBC.

And only in large AV fights do you get honor split that hard. In AB and WSG and AV backcaps you’ll get split 1-4 ways usually and the kills end up falling around 7, 10, 14, 28 per kill.

Shouldnt it give extra rep though?

Because GDKP is easy gear right? Not everyone in classic has thousands of gold to blow on items that will be replaced in a 2 weeks.

No. You’re not forced to AFK. Blizz scuffed it by having a short pre patch sure, but do not for a second think you have to AFK a BG to get gear. Play out the game like it is intended.


idk, i missed the boat on the huge honor last wednesday and i’ve still grinded out the marks and honor needed for 6 pieces of field marshal gear. Did it take a few days of grinding? Sure… but… it didnt take months of 12+ hour days to do it like other people had to do earlier…

I personally like setting goals for myself, so i targeted ab marks, got enough of those for the 3 armor pieces(70) was able to buy 2 of the pieces while grinding those marks. Then i got 30 WSG marks, picked up my 3rd piece of AB armor while doing WSG’s… then i just did no stop AV’s until i had all 6 pieces. Next up… weapon.

I work, i did this in the evening for 5-6 hours every night. and put in some extra time of the weekend since it’s a long weekend here. Just drinking/goofing off in pvp every night after work for less than a week i got full field marshal gear.

It’s definitely attainable. A bit more of a grind than i would like but what can you do? cry on a forum? lol

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Those people didn’t do it for the gear. They ranked for the title of HWL/GM…not for some BWL-ilvl gear. They had naxx or aq40 gear.

This pre-patch is already shortned to just 1/4 of the original. Therefore, it should be 4x the honor.


I thought you wanted RPG PvP. If you’re looking for fast games, maybe you’re looking in the wrong place?


Are you trying to get other players banned? Do you need more people to AFK in bgs so you can try to hide amongst them?

No. You’re 100% promoting AFKing.

Enjoy being banned, you made it easy for them on this one.

^ This.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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