Is Blizzard Fixing the Honor Bug? We Are Forced to AFK!

You don’t get suspended for AFKing out and taking a deserter debuff. You get suspended for staying in a BG and not participating (like not leaving the cave in AV)


Merc mode didn’t exist then. It’s not opinion of mine that we should or should not have it. It didn’t exist in Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, Cata, or MoP. It absolutely does not belong in the game.

It doesn’t belong in any aspect of the game, one of the reason Retail is a toxic cesspool.

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You have to do more than just leave the cave. If you have zeros across the stat board you were not participating.

You don’t have to believe me. Try it and find out for yourself. :wink:


So in AV I can just go kill rams and wolves and skin them. That is participating :slight_smile: Nice to make gold in there while avoiding the fight and level a profession same time. That is efficient.

I appreciate the bumps because I want Blizzard to fix the Honor problem since this issue is on them. Along with the short Prepatch honestly all GM gear should be half price at the vendor. This is Blizzards fault for bad planning and not beta testing well enough.

Again its your opinion and you are welcome to have it. ClassicTBC guidelines are summarised as #somechanges, so weather it was/was not in the game in vanilla is less important than does the community want it and will it make the gameplay better… this is why we have seal twisting and cross faction ratial spells, tinitus debuff, a character boost, layers, 15 years of theory crafting.

Granted I agree, it goes against the sense of faction identity of the time but that ship sailed with seal of blood.

TBC was the perfect expansion. Some changes ruined WoW and gave you the unplayable dumpsterfire that is Retail. If you add in Merc mode people will uninstall and quit TBC. It’s bad for the game. It won’t help Que times and doesn’t belong. It’s a fact. Don’t ruin TBC and then we don’t have a place to play WoW. TBC is for WoW players that would never play Retail since it isn’t WoW. Leave TBC alone.


Let us know how that works out.

Again thanks for the bump. Hopefully they fix the problem so people aren’t forced to AFK. I personally would love great PvP. It’s time for some solutions.

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You do you boo. It’s your subscription.

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This isn’t about me, I am trying to help get BGs fixed so PvP can flourish. I don’t want massive AFKing but Blizzard supports this behavior with their actions or lack of I should say in fixing bugs and a short Prepatch. I am trying to get a fix for everyone. You are being stubborn and trolling but again thx for the bump so this issues can be addressed.

Blizzard is 100% promoting AFKing and other tactics in BGs because of how they handled Prepatch and bugs. It’s 100% their fault and need to take accountability.

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It certainly was one of the better ones, not perfect though.

And other people will quit and uninstall TBC for it not being in the game… the playerbase is diverse and rarely agrees.

Many changes ruined retail, I agree. Not all made the game worse. Overall yeah I have to agree comparing TBC and retail, retail is far worse.

Why won’t it? Thats literally what it is designed to do and does do that.

Actually TBC is for any paying customer. Blizzard is designing TBC based on what it gages the overall playerbase wants (which is why we got the drum changes and all the others I listed).

Fair enough, overall its not THAT big of a deal, Ill grind out a piece or two for my druid and stop pvping anyway… maybe the odd welfare arena gear now and then. Just bugs me I didn’t get to take advantage of the day one 10x honour.

If you think giving you a heads up that afking will get you suspended is “trolling” then wow I can point you to some posts that will make your delicate head explode. :joy:


The honor gain is definitely rough right now, but I’m at 20k from a single Friday evening and half of Sunday grinding. Hitting 75k wouldn’t be too difficult for the amount of time investment that you should expect to spend on TBC.

If they add Merc mode ill uninstall I came back for TBC. No thanks keep Retail out of the timeless Classic that is TBC. Merc mode is so toxic too. Its bad for the game, BGs will be worse and people will leave meaning less participation. Hence longer Que times.

This is tragic because what if Retail players want TBC changes and ruin the game. Retail players are incapable of making good changes just like Activison. Please just stay in Retail you have a game to play. The WoW community is divided and it’s better off that way. Retail players have their expansion in SL and actual WoW players have TBC.

Seriously the idea of TBC Classic isn’t complicated. All Blizzard needed to do was give us the same perfect expansion we had the first time. That is why we are here.

This is beyond hilarious coming from a guy posting on a retail toon. :joy:

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This is my original TBC warrior and decided to post on him for TBC. It felt right :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Also have over 10,000 + post on this guy if counting the old forums.

So again please don’t ruin TBC with Retail logic. Have a good night.


I don’t AFK in battlegrounds. You are the one advocating that. :wink:


No Blizzard is advocating that which is why I made this thread. Again thanks for the bump even though I know you are trolling. Have a good night and time to give you my own ban with the ignore feature. :joy:


oh wow Blizzard is holding a gun to your head and making you afk against your will? that’s terrible!