Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

That is the general consensus of some of my fellow CC members who have mentioned why they don’t want to venture into the forums as a whole. I’ve been around even before my tenure on the CC and I’ll continue to be so even after I lose the gold wrapper.


Wow that is surprising. He’s been around a very long time. I mean I’m not 100% certain but I thought I remember him posting as far back as 2010 or 2012 at least.

He was 6 months away from being at Blizz for 20 years. :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Ohhh I hope they gave him the 20 year crown…imagine being that close.

This is why you are a good CC noodle.

Yes, he was rather senior. Very very kind human too. I got to meet and spend time with him and Ythisens (laid off in 2019 layoffs) at Blizzcon 2018 when the MVPs had an event.

The whole thing just plain [insert something horribly negative here].



All this means is people need to stop pursuing in the tech industry cause no one is safe apparently.

Time for people to look at alternatives

Yeah, I like that some CC members talk with GD and PTR threads, also we can tag their CC threds…Even if We don’t agree that’s feedback from different point of views and I think that kind of interaction happens in the CC threads but its only for few threads, besides that there’s not Blue interaction.

I wonder how many CC threads have more that 5 comments, there’s so many with 0 comments.

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Bornakk resonated the gentle giant aura. I always found him approachable during my time on the CC.


Theres even thread with tons of likes from forum goers or responses from fellow CC members and not a pipe from a CM or Dev. A lot of my threads have some 50+ likes across the entire thing if not more.

There are also threads pointing out glaring issues that you’d think would be addressed asap (-cough my sharding thread cough-) but doesn’t seem to be worth of a response despite the evidence being collected.


And the rare spawn thread. Watched that one a while.

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My poor rare spawn threads. :dracthyr_cry_animated: No matter how much we collectively posted against their bad philosophies it didn’t matter.


I know. Eventually they will listen, maybe. Probly not, but I can hope :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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[Mythic Raiding Needs To Change] thead has 24k views, 209 likes…I wonder if we’ll see any sort of response there…and its not the first thread regarding Mythic raiding.

There’s threads about Raiding Size, Respawns, Particles, Combat…etc because lets be real…Mythic was added 10+ years ago and now we’ve other features like M+.

How is Delves going to impact raiding as a whole? I think this should be a more active thread from both sides.

If I had to hazard a guess, there appears to be the perception that if a CC member isn’t 100% on board with what GD decides is the most important thing at the time, they would be called Stupid Blizzard Shills who are bad at the game and should never have been selected for CC and it should have gone to someone else who was in Beta back in 04, who moonlights as a mythic raider and a the top 1% of both M+ and PVP.

I agree there. With a new expansion on the horizon we need more clarity other than a blue posting then not responding to anything.

Tbh SoD gets more blue feedback it seems than retail.

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Man that is just really sad. Wish the dude the best. He was good one.

I mean I’ve been called some questionable things while posting on these forums and I invite every one of those people to try to apply for the CC themselves. It’s not as easy as filling out a form, you have to show you have something you can bring to the table. Only 100 or so people get selected out of the potentially ten thousand or more applicants.

Oh I know, like I said it’s a perception.

I am currently blaming this on this weird experiment of theirs where they don’t have an active PBE for the next patch. That being said, they haven’t interacted with the CC long before that. Do they even have a person to communicate on the forums anymore after the last Purge?

Maybe its a thing about budget, resource allocation…etc but it feels bad.

I hope S4 Fated this time includes a strong world events, maybe incluse something for leveling besides another season of M+ and fated raids like last time.

I’ve to level up like 40 alts to 70 because I know Blizzard and they’re going to move the Love rocket grind to be minimum 70…I really hate that requirement being move, I don’t think it provides anything good for the player. They could keep the minimum at 50…and some collectors are still doing the alt grind because the fixes didn’t work at least in my opinion for the bad rng.

Maybe 20th anniversary event will have some massive XP opportunity.

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