Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

Had the potential to really bring to light the issues of the different aspects of the game…

The reality was, people just want to be in an exclusive club, and 90% of the posts made were either pandering to the devs, or just were just flat out irrelevant.

I had applied before because we really needed a strong voice when it came not non-high end raid, and M+ content and rewards. But looking at what gets posted in there, I guess I am glad I am not a part of it.

Yea, game changing stuff right there… I wish that was a major issue.

Look at the detail and work you do out of love for a game. Would be crazy if they hired you, or people like you! :open_mouth:

It would be better if they did away with it and just returned to monthly or Quarterly Q&A’s we could ALL participate in.

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Nothing saying that all feedback given has to been “game changing” (even though technically most of it will be). Others can still care for something, even if you don’t.

And it doesn’t even have to be an issue, it can just be something that one wants more of.

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They just fix any Q&A.

Yea problem is most of the posts by you guys are that type of irrelevant nature.
Sort of like someone that has a house burning down, and the firefighters are standing around discussing the color of pain used in the bathroom.

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When it comes to WoW and tossing out suggestions, it is a lot like grabbing a bowl of wet spaghetti noodles and tossing them at a wall and see what sticks.

Maybe the developers shouldn’t leave entire classes/specs out in the cold for multiple expansions, then?

Classes get ignored for years, and then it’s “uppity” of them to complain in the YET ANOTHER COMPLETE SHADOW PRIEST REVAMP thread?

Just as an example.

They overhaul Shadow Priests every six months, it feels like. Enough.

There was that 2000+ post thread in the Battle for Azeroth beta, from the Guardian Druids.

COMPLETELY IGNORED for the entire beta test, by the developers.

You’re damn right the bears would complain.

And that’s just one example.


I’d say it’s a pretty wide net but leaning more towards casual things than endgame. But to be honest, I think Blizzard has enough feedback as it is on those topics. The only thing I personally feel is missing is some more PvP oriented players on the council. I only casually dabble with BGs (and none-ranked that is) because I don’t enjoy arenas, but I don’t feel qualified creating threads for that.


To reiterate and touch up on what Safeguard has said, A lot of us were chosen for the various fields we enjoy and felt like we could help make those fields better with suggestions that we collect from our own ideas as well as those of the players. It is quite disheartening to see that PvPers feel left out when I’m fairly certain a few of those on the CC currently have that as a main focus.

Yet as we mentioned before, we barely see a majority of the people who were elected discussing things whether in the discord or here on the forums. I see maybe 10-15 of the same names posting all the time so it could be that those who were elected in that aspect are not speaking up with their ideas or engaging the rest of us over their suggestions. I’m hoping with the next batch we pick up in diversity again because I understand its not fun to read a majority of posts pertaining to one or two game aspects when there are several aspects that can all be discussed with equal amount of interest.


i still think cc should just be done with. mainly bc blizzard doesnt care about anything we ever say anyways so whats difference does it make. again, most cc only come when a thread to this title to say something in defense. even one got baited and fought with another forum troll last yr so meh lol. a relic of time thats no longer needed.

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Point out where we’re defending blizzards actions and lack of responses? A lot of us are actually agreeing the CC has been poorly implemented and mantained.

Think you’re talking about me with some guy crying over rainbow assets being datamined. I was in fact not baited but actually thought the scenario was quite hilarious after I realized he was being serious. Dude even made an alt on my server and messaged my guild lead to warn them about “a transgender being in your guild.” We all had quite the laugh over that in our guild discord.

CC aint that old. :dracthyr_lulmao:


By new things meant that we have not had dev forum posts to respond to lately nor the live q & a meetings.

I’ve actually brought up that legacy content needs to be looked at in terms of soloing it and collecting items since BFA is still highly unsoloable.

I also am exicted to be around hopefully during beta/alpha testing because I think that is where the council members voices need to be heard during this maintenance type period between expansions not much changes, but during the development in beta much can be discussed.

IMO, Devs and CMs should consider old things too, a new alpha/beta will take priority but they’re leaving behind a lot of other features, systems, content without any thread from them and a lot of threads from old and new C.C members.

I hope CMs and Devs ask about fated season, last time it was focus just in M+, Raid and pvp…I’d like too see chromie time for level up to 70, some kind of world event…etc other options between now and the release of the expansion.


The point is discussions would get derailed. The other obvious reason why Blizzard devs don’t communicate often is because it’s not part of their job. It might take 2-4hrs to reply to a single well-written post with. I’m sure someone would argue that 1 post isn’t a big deal – and I’d agree – but the WoW player base is ravenous. For a seasoned developer, losing a total of a few days of work can be the difference between getting something implemented and ready for testing, or having it a half-broken state.

I’m not going to pretend I know the history of Shadow Priest in WoW, but I’m going to assume their community is split between players who dislike fighting the energy bar and those who like trying to keep a single Void Eruption going forever, like in S2M gameplay.

If that’s the case, then the devs changing gameplay so often is a direct response to feedback. Sure, no posts, but it’s not up to the players to design the spec. If you don’t like it, just say so and hopefully the dev makes adjustments inline with that feedback.

The old joke is “it’s not a new expansion without a change to Balance Druid’s Eclipse system.” Cata and MOP’s style of Eclipse was removed because Nature’s Grace was too impactful. So they moved to WOD’s style where you have very little control. Players hated WOD Eclipse so they adapted the Starsurge/Starfall charges into a new Astral Power system and Eclipse was removed. It stayed gone in BFA. Then Shadowlands and Dragonflight Eclipse came back as a way to encourage/force Wrath/Starfire shared fillers because “target count” for a filler was boring way to determine when to use a spammed filler.

Discussions get derailed because the developers play favorites. They shower attention and redesign after redesign after redesign on the same specs they love, and ignore everybody else.

I called it again when they announced the Hero Talents:

And, 3 months later… oh hey, I nailed it! They opened with the specs they always favor, the specs they love working on, the specs they always focus their marketing around.

They just now released a single Rogue tree and still nothing for the other two classes I mentioned.

Blizzard’s developers are absolutely, 100% predictable, they’ve been failing the exact same ways for years now, and whenever it comes to a head, they say they’ll improve… and then nothing ever changes.

Don’t blame the players for being angry about the shoddy treatment they get.

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I’m not gonna blame the developer for letting other players post comments lol.

Yes, they picked their best ideas and showcased the best ideas. That is entirely expected. Why are you assigning maliciousness to it?

Would you like you acknowledge the Class Tree for Druids was the first one they showcased, and now it’s regarded as one of the weaker designs in Dragonflight? Hot tip: The first trees are usually the weakest. Lessons learned are applied done the line – Paladin Class Tree has a single talent that dwarves the majority of the Druid tree’s performance…

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See above: Because they play favorites.

The Priest Hero Talents are already being redesigned in response to feedback (more like outrage) and alpha hasn’t even started yet.

Meanwhile other classes will have their Hero Talents put out at the end of the line and Blizzard will play their “oops! ran out of time!” card like they always do, while finishing the 5th or 6th redesign on the classes they like.

A good example of this was the Monk class tree in Dragonflight. It was (along with DH, I think) the last to be released, the end-cap talents are trash, Blizzard actually nerfed the Tiger Statue by 75% during beta and said at the time, “we’ll figure something else out to do with this later.”

They never did.

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Does it have to be?

Drake Manuscript collecting has been my personal favorite part of DF. It may not matter to you, but your experiences and priorities are not universal.

As it was my thread, I feel like I’m qualified to say that I appreciate the CC for hopping in and giving it a nudge. I hope Blizzard will see my post and know that there are folks out there who really love this system and want to see it continue to grow.