Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

I guess master wordsmith may be a bit generous, but he’s really good at saying what people want to hear in a way that can’t really be construed as a lie when it inevitably gets monkey pawed. And yeah, being jaded and pessimistic, I was starting to get good at reading between the lines, too.

I can’t help but notice how they stopped doing those AMAs not that long after his fumble. Guess rehearsing hot topic answers and cherry picking questions can only take you so far.

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Really? Awesome possum! And apologies – I really haven’t gotten the chance to do much in game. I’m trying to run some Mythics but I’m having no luck.

Tomorrow is going to be a HUGE day. I’m going to get a different car, but one I’ve been craving for the past 12 years.

Kinda overwhelming to see you as CC, NGL lol.


THEY DAY IS COME! THE PROPHECY FULFILLED! Congrats man! I’ll have to tell Crazen, I remember you talking about it last week.

Not for much longer though I’m afraid unless my re-up gets approved. Another month and I return to being a normie with no gold text.

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Thanks so much man. When I get into that Corvette, there will be so many tears. SO many.

And I wouldn’t worry about the whole CC thing anyway. I wanted to be a Runescape 2 player moderator a long time ago. At the end of the day, its all about just playing a game.

In fact you know what? I’m going do some laundry for my biker jacket. Holy heck I’m so pumped.


12 year long grind? You deserve it! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Nice response Cyrios, I hope this show some visibility about so many topics that are ignored, We don’t need to wait for PTR or any new content to provide feedback, there’s tons of things that could be address.

Focus groups and surveys are only as good as the sample that is used. I used to work in marketing research. Blizzard appears to carefully select a sample that is likely to agree with their preconceived notions.

Which, to be fair, is what most companies do in terms of focus groups.

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Wait,they are having ptr? Thought I read they weren’t doing that.

Not for pure story content patches… oddly enough

What is this council you speak of?


Nobody is entitled to a blue response.

CC was set up so blizz can say they care about playerbase input , they just forgot to mention that anything from the CC goes directly to the recycle bin.

That’s just for 1 patch, CM is talking about the next patch after that one.

This is exactly why I tend to avoid making my own statements here. I have pretty controversial opinions and my council title usually is used as a weapon against me by less than friendly forum users.

That being said I would love to be more active despite that if blues every responded to anything on here.


Continuing the discussion from Is council still about?:

Exactly, I’ll provide my personal “vendetta” against RNG from Holidays, A Reward Devs came to the forums in 2022 and said that there’s a fustrating experience…etc, then Devs start to update holidays for 2023…the solution is the same RNG scenario, therefore; same issues mentioned by Dev, now a % of players get the item but a lot of players are still grinding X amount of alts, limit instances issues, a boring encounter…etc , Players provide feedback and Hallow’s end happened with an Hardmode and a new Pet with low % drop that’s later mentioned in multiple threads and the Council live chat last year.

Then that feedback from Love is in the air 2023 doesn’t lead to any further change in the drop or limit instance…etc, not even an hardmode with some changes to the drop, so a better approach and the feedback from hallow’s end regarding new rewards with low % is ignored, Devs proceed to add a new saddle with low %… Why not hardmode for love boss? Did it work for Hallow´s end?..

During the live chat they mentioned the “jack pot” feeling, that works for some players, however; for others in the long run is a bad experience and there’s ways to reach that feeling with a BLP system.

This same scenario could be used for other systems on which the feedback is provided with time, It feelk like it has been falling on deaf ears, I don’t think Devs should reply to every thread but some sort of confirmation that’s being checked or input after changes are implemented, so the playerbase can provide further feedback.


Very much agree with pretty much everything there.

When they have something to say that they know players will want to hear, they say it.

Also, they are getting better at saying what they think players want to hear when players need to hear it. I’m not sure that counts as “communicating”.

Many years ago in a discussion on loot design (I think it may have been in response to calls for return of reforging), Ion said that the goal of the devs was for players to get a piece of gear and feel like they won the “lottery”. Yeah, he used that word.

As you mentioned its a matter of importance for someone, my issue is that C.C members keep posting asking for the feedback tool because it’s failing and the GD outside of that forum notice the same, there’s not like a guide, its like post anything that you want, however; only a small % has some kind of reply, so the player doesn’t know if the other parts are being consider.

Also, even if we got a reply that doesn’t mean that the Devs are actually understanding the player base, just like the example of the Love Rocket, We’ve a Reward Dev that mentioned the specific issues that the community has with this reward and then provide a solution that didn’t fix any of those issues, besides C.C members providing feedback during 1 year before that implementation.

Same with the last live chat, Ravij asked about the bad experience that was the grind for Arfus a new reward for a holiday, Devs proceed to keep adding low % in the next holiday update that was this last Love is in the air, As I mentioned in the OP message, Why CMs didn’t create or ask about the last patch changes?, There’s a lot of topics that could be relevant now, so maybe they can allocate resources with proper time before that event happens again or to provide something new or a fix when there’s not a big patch.

And this is a big part of this discussion…Blizzard didn’t draw good lines for this feedback tool, its like a GD with mix topics and a small sample of players that won’t be enough for some topics, therefore; a lot of dead threads, lack of interaction…etc

If Blizzard wants to continue with this idea, they should rethink the process, players feel ignored since its creation and there’s multiple threads about that, therefore; their current approach didn’t fix that feeling.


You know, you are right with most of this.
There is a lot of desire for improvement.
There should be change within the program.
There should be constant and viable updates to mechanical, in game evaluation of systems, rares, broken ensembles, and likely a 100 other things.

Is there truly any way to deny this.

What a good majority of our posts could include in the Community Council are more methods, takes, hypotheticals to improve each situation.
Many of us do as well a job as we can forwarding community concerns and issues.

While addressing the issues that are present is what most are doing, is essential to the growth and change of these systems.
At times the conversation in stunted in a few ways when its just back and forth banter.
Blatant explainations of posts that arent required. When someone feels the need to explain what was just discussed 6 times in every thread they have been in. Causing valid concerns or topics to dimish or derail.

I dont think there very many people a part of the program currently that want anything but the betterment of the game.

The short of it is,
What else can we do to provide a quality of life improvement as the people that are part of this experiment?