Is blizzard clueless?

And again someone doesn’t read the actual information and immediately jumps on to the forums to complain about false information.

Please point out where world of Warcraft made that much here is the reports


No, you’re not. You can swap covenants at will.

Once a week?

Covenants can be swapped at will.

If you picked Venthyr but find out they’re not for you, you can swap to Necrolords/Kyrian/Night Fae easily. If you want to swap back to Venthyr though, you’ll have to prove yourself by doing a quest. Not exactly the 12 labours of Herakles as far as difficulty is concerned.

The only week long cooldown is in relation to conduits. Blizzard does not want you swapping conduits all the time, so they’ve put a limit on it. This just means you have to plan what role your character is going to specialize in, and accept that you can’t be the best at all the things at the drop of a hat.

The accessibility of BFA has been pretty good, no doubt. I came in towards the tail end of Legion, but what I played of that also seemed very accessible. Just to make that word lose all meaning: I think accessibility is a big part of what defines the casual experience. Casual players have certainly been able to take part in all the forms of content, and I think that’s honestly a great thing.

The big issues with BFA have been class design and the systems surrounding that gameplay. You say the dungeons and raids are good, and I’d agree as a whole, but holy crap Tol Dagor. That’s a symptom of something else I’m going to touch on in a second.

Class design: Have you played through BFA levelling again lately? This might only be my experience, but without Azerite to prop up my character, I feel neutered. The game should never feel that way, except maybe in the very early levels where you’re expected to still be learning how the core of your class functions as abilities, features, and resources are introduced. I’m not against Borrowed Power as a concept, but without whole and complete classes, Borrowed Power is a crutch, not a feature, and it brings down the overall game experience. Needing something external to make your character work sucks. External sources enhancing your character feels a lot better.

Systems: Things haven’t gotten the attention they deserved over the course of the xpac. Islands, Warfronts, Azerite, even Dungeons-- Tol Dagor, like I said above. Particularly Islands and Warfronts were experiences that could have been very, very cool if Blizzard had continued to iterate on them, but instead they were left in the dirt. I get that development time is a finite resource, but washing their hands of these things gives the impression that they don’t care about their own product, and sours the overall experience. Their solution to Azerite was mostly “Meh, let them access everything” which I think should have been the solution from the beginning, but it took too long, and while you’re engaging with the content in the early stages you still don’t have access and wind up feeling incomplete, as I’d mentioned above.

I like the direction some of the core gameplay systems have gone. Tiered raiding makes it more accessible to the whole playerbase, I even like LFR even though it’s a %#!$show I won’t touch with a ten foot pole. M+ is a fun way to keep dungeons relevant. I don’t like timers, but I get why they’re a major factor.

I think the failures I’d mentioned do outweigh the good, and if we had access to sub numbers they’d likely show it, which is why I consider BFA a flop. Parts were fun, but it never really felt good.

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Ion has no clue, he’s the one calling the shots.

Our toon started weak… But after doing all the tasks by playing all various content BFA is offering, our toon becomes stronger… The toon becomes more complete. That’s the mechanics of the game.

The game wont give you all your toon’s powers. You have to gain it. It wont come as free.

AP is not a concern as it levels up by itself by just playing the game.

Essences are easy. Wanna get, Mythic + essence, then play a lot of Mythic +, you would get rank 3 soon. Wanna get Raid Essence, then play a lot of Raid dungeonsm you would get rank 3 soon. Wanna get Essence from Mechagon, Uldum or Rajani, well, you just have to play their faction and you would soon get their respective essences. The thing is that you have to work for it. The game wont give you Rank 4 essence to your mail by just doing nothing.

Corruption is now easy… actually like a joke now… used to be hard and meaningful before the welfare Echos of Nyalotha vendor came.

Nothing is wrong with Islands, Warfronts… If they made such content game hard like how you get pwned in Tol Dagor, it would become worse.

I feel like they have been clueless since cata. Do you think this is new behavior for them? Wasn’t Diablo Mobile like the biggest red flag a company could wave to honor how little they know about their player base? Idk.

Before echoes it was you standing over the mythic chest going, “please mythic chest have the right corruption, please, please, please” and that was as hard and as meaningful as it got.

These were very boring because you couldn’t lose.

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I think a better question is are People who aren’t willing to give the new content at least a shot before saying “it wont work” clueless?

You are looking for confirmation bias

If you know how to play the game, you would know that there are TONS of sources of corrupted gear not just from Mythic+ weekly cache. Many noob players have no clue where to find it. Instead, they whine and whine until Blizz gave them the welfare Echos. What’s fun now with Corrupted Gear WHEN EVERYONE HAS IT?

And yet people especially on Horde still whine why their group sometimes got azz whooped on Heroic Warfront when it just started.

I dont mind making Wafronts VERY HARD. I know how to ramp my DPS to 250k+ on final boss and maintain 100k on everything else. Just imagine, people whining already on Shrine of the Storm +5 or Tol Dagor +5. Just imagine if Warfront would be as hard. Just imagine if Blizz make Mythic Warfront where it requires Heroic Raid or Mythic +10 gear, many noobs would try to pull out their hair for getting pwned endlessly.

There’s no other sources of 475 gear that has a guaranteed corruption on it outside of the raid, the 2400 PvP chest, and the mythic chest. :upside_down_face:

That’s flat out embarrassing.

Idk, I’ve never had issues with these dungeons. They’re pretty easy if you know what you’re doing.

They’re already incredibly hard. It’s incredibly hard to stay awake.

Those would still be a complete joke.

And why would you need a 475 Corrupted gear? The World First has beaten Mythic Nzoth with just minimal Corruption

LOL. Why hide on your alt? Afraid to be embarassed? Youre pretending WoW is easy. Show us your main and tell us how BFA’s game difficulty is a joke.

Because I want gear?

They stacked echoing void when it was brokenly op.:upside_down_face:

Considering my main has done more than you… not really.

Doesn’t take a main to figure that out.

How could they stack something they dont have? They’ve beaten Mythic Nzoth with almost no Corruption. Just compute how much Corruption Resistance they would have by that time. They are the elites. Not a pretending elitist like you who has tons of Corruptions and yet havent even killed Heroic Nzoth. LOL.

Really, my Casual main… but not afraid to show you what my Casual toon has done.

I have AotC. :slight_smile:

I don’t pretend to be an elitist. I’m a casual and have always admitted to it.

Alt shaming while posting on an alt. Tsk tsk tsk

Jhannae you do realize they had to cap corruption because people were going over 200+?

i think it’s more them not playing the game. atleast, outside of their super-clique-y guild.

I wouldn’t call that the main argument. I don’t want covenants to affect gameplay at all, because choosing between having a fun aesthetic/story and fun gameplay is not a fun choice. I want to have fun with both my gameplay and my aesthetic/story, not one or the other. Also, adding restrictions where there haven’t been restrictions in the past isn’t fun, it’s user-unfriendly. It doesn’t hurt min/maxing at all, but it does punish experimentation. People have fun experimenting.