It is because I looked it up.
Theyve only been doing what they have been since Legion. The start of Legion was a complete cluster yet people only talk about the like post 7.2 era of the expansions.
No one says how ‘good’ it was to be gated real life weeks to get your 3rd relic slot, how slow the azerite grind was and how they tried to throttle AK, how bad half the leggos were before they got changed or the ‘bad luck protection.’ Thinking back on it just makes me not want to deal with SL until 9.2 when all these gates/issues get fixed and it isnt even out yet…Very unrewarding game to be at the forefront of unless you like making gold.
Yes. Yes they are.
I’m actively FOR the Covenant restrictions but AGAINST the week-long Conduit change. I think you absolutely SHOULD be choosing a Covenant and having it be a meaningful choice (ie one that Blizzard doesn’t decide to ‘balance’ the way they ‘balanced’ talents by making them bland or eliminating them entirely). Conduits are just weak Essences. They should be changed whenever you feel like pretty much like Essences are.
So yeah even people that are entirely for Covenant restrictions like me aren’t entirely happy with Blizzard or their ideas.
I agree that the covenant choice should be meaningful and I’m ok being locked to one, but the weekly lock-out on conduits is a very bad design. Conduits should be like essences, once you earn them you can switch them at will.
I think it will better to not have covenant abilities, or at least disable them in pvp. Blizzard is just giving a class ability to other classes (venthyr teleport is just a warlock gateway or casted heroic leap). Melee mobility will be out of control
It’s more so the player base is clueless
This is just WoTLK class design but more annoying
Give Blizzard an example of such quality content… A content that dont repeat but instead nothing to do after some weeks of play? Show Blizzard an MMO better than WoW.
Short answer. Yes.
Long answer absofreakinlootly.
At least what it seems for most classes and specs. But least now getting back into covenent s is just a quest now?
I still dont get why they dont just make it an increased gold cost instead since its more realistic (with a gold cap this time ::cough cough:: azerite armor reforging).
The reality is people will be getting loads of conduits for all specs the first few months and will want to test them out. Its obvious but the team obviously doesnt play their own game.
Legion and BFA’s dungeons and Raids are pretty solid and very entertaining. I dont regard Legion and BFA as flops. To me who used to be a WoW addict but now Casual, I regard Legion and BFA as the BEST Casual-friendly expansions. A game where a Casual player (less play time not noob) could become badazz and beat Heroic/Mythic difficulty gameplays. BTW, Casual also means actively playing regularly but lesser hours per day… not a vanishing player who shows up on release of expansion then vanish for months then come back on end patch feeling entitled to end game that he doesnt deserve.
World Quest noobs would never ever going to appreciate the fun of playing WoW Dungeons.
Make your own game.
Blizzard clueless? WoW was the best MMO 15 years ago and arguably still the best 15 years after. WoW is a juggernaut MMO. SHadowlands is just on Beta and some people are already freaking like the sky is falling. Hey relax, Shadowlands would still be a WoW way way better than other competing MMO’s right now.
It’s normal. Remember when BFA was about to be released during Legion and there’s tons of doomsayers. I never listened to any of them. I just played… chill… enjoyed the dungeons and raids. Actually, I am having a Blast right now on 8.3.
It’s either they’re so detached to their fans (like the announcement of Diablo Immortal) or they just don’t care at all.
At which point we’ll have three or four additional layers of progression.
lmao imagine not having a phone
I don’t think blizzard is clueless. I think they just believe the way players want to play the game is wrong and I agree. This min/max culture is toxic AF and needs to end. let players play what they want without players trying to enforce a meta.
Everything is viable already. Any class/spec build can do all of the content. Are there certain builds that out perform others? Yes. Do you need to play them to complete the content? not at all.
They probably don’t particularly care to cater to people who want to play for a week or two and either unsub or just raid-log until the next patch.
This is exactly what everyone freaking out about covenants sound like to me. Rather than see a path to choose and potential fun to it, they see restrictions. As if they had all these capabilities previously and they’re being taken away.
I’d agree with you, except gameplay trumps the design of covenants for the majority of people, even casuals. I’m not going to pick a covenant that has a skill that feels like garbage, even if I love the design of the covenant itself.
I’d love to go Fae on my DK, but that ability doesn’t really fit my playstyle, so vampires it is.
I don’t care about being locked in, I care about being unable to pick the covenant AND skill I want. Why can’t we just have slightly to-taste versions of each skill in each covenant, and then you just choose a skill to lock in also?
Lol ok, we may not agree on some of our back and forth, but respect to this well-played reply.
Pretty much yea.
I expect Covenants to be a failure, as the elitists seize back control of WoW.