the more we find out about covenants, soulbinds, and conduits it seems like Blizzard have no clue how the people who play this game actually play this game. so now we’re forced into picking one covenant (pick between the one you want and the one thats best for your class) and now soulbinds are on a week long cooldown to repsec? how is this going to work for triple DPS classes? whats the reasoning behind this change? why does there have to be “friction” in customizing our character? these covenant abilities are little more than an extra talent that are tied to cosmetic rewards. the more information we find out the more this expansion is looking like its going to be a BFA trainwreck on steroids. my hype for this epac is slowly fading away. let us play the way we want not the way you want us to Blizzard.
They will have until 9.3 to figure it out
You can respec the soulbinds as much as you would like - you just cannot swap out the conduits you’ve already socketed. This is fine. You only have, roughly, 4-5 conduits per given type of slot - so at most you’ll miss out on, what, 2 conduits? You’ll be fine
You probably should reread what they posted again, perhaps a bit slower this time around.
I don’t want to read the giant paragraph, but the short answer is: yes.
Blizzard determines fun based on a spreadsheet, and not player enjoyment.
I don’t think they are wholly clueless… but I can’t figure out their motivations for the life of me. It definitely won’t do what Ion said and just punishes players for having lives or wanting to play multiple things.
Weird, I was getting more and more convinced that’s how a section of the playerbase determines fun, too. Maybe the devs are more in tune with the players than we thought…
Arcane Mages have known this for years. Yes.
I’ll reserve judgement until I try it out for myself. But I will say I’m skeptical on how all these systems are gonna pan out over the long run.
Don’t be stupid…
That must be why they make 1.3 billion per year from this game, because nobody enjoys it huh?
Life advice we can all live by, truly.
You can be critical of a game while still enjoying parts of it. WoW is the best MMO, but it could be much much better. Nothing wrong with wanting the game to be better.
How else do you determine which combination is best?? Sims are just spreadsheets, and to know what Sims best (which is what the main argument against “locked” covenants and 1 week conduit cooldowns) you have to use, gasp, a spreadsheet. If you didn’t you could play whatever you liked.
[sarcasm]Well you’re supposed to roll 1d36! It’s all equal and the devs will figure it out![/sarcasm]
Loooool… Yes, the raider io folks and min/maxers love their spreadsheets as well.
What are you talking about? There is nothing wrong with people finding fun in building the strongest character they possibly can.
Feel like you responded to the wrong person.
My Brewmaster has 12 different conduit options, just for the potency slots (one of three different types of slots).
So this is just false.
Warcraft Accounting Simulator is pretty cool, yeah. It’s really neat how many different ways there are to enjoy this game when you think about it.
Are you sure? Because from my look at them, most of those are for other specs and we actually get 0 benefit from them. I’m not even totally sure why they’re an option.