I want to know how they balanced racials. In Vanilla, the Alliance had the OP racials and I know that Blizzard can’t let that happen.
I hate this comment. But damn did it make me laugh.
Nope. The reason you’re mostly hearing about classic is because it just entered “beta”. While in current we’re in the tail end of a raid tier, and a bit into the ptr for the next patch.
By that logic it would be ok for them to remove flying from kalimdor and the eastern kingdoms, right?
What? People get excited for a game that does not and never will have flying? Is that what you are saying?
In Classic or current? In Classic, there was no flying. That didn’t come until BC.
Would I want to remove it now, in the current game? No, because it’s current content.
That is most likely your friend group bias. People who play BfA are buzzing about all the 8.2 reveals, the new mounts, the new raids, where the story is going, the new Thrall cinematic etc.
If you’re not hearing about BfA its because you’re not around people who play BfA.
Indeed, and in this regard classic is a step backwards. The fact someone says “not being able to fly drove me away from the game, so i want to play this other version that doesn’t have it” sounds pretty stupid.
For a little while? Yes.
In the long term? Probably not.
Classic is going to attract a good chunk of players from BfA as they relive the old glory days (I might be tempted myself if only so I can try (and fail) to reclaim the title of “Captain of the Horde” I unofficially earned when I was a wee 6 year old and a lot more of a beast at PvP than I am now). And a small number of players will stay in Classic cos of nostalgia. But I would be beyond shocked if Classic inadvertently kills BfA. I’d be more worried about ESO and Zeni (which is currently attracting a good percentage of WoW refugees at the moment, which is overwhelming ESO’s servers, just in time for Elsewyr launch tomorrow) killing BfA than I am Classic killing BfA.
You’re preaching to the choir. I was there for vanilla too. I’m just referencing the base forum mentality when it comes to the average forum goer being any form of emotion regarding excitement or anger.
I’m just as happy as any other person classic is going to be a thing. I just take stuff I read on the forums with a grain of salt, until I see anything for myself.
Only if you don’t know how to view things within their context. There was no flying in Classic. But like I said in an earlier post, it woudn’t have been as beneficial as it is now, because you weren’t required to hit up every zone to do multiple world quests, like we are now.
There is nothing requiring you to do that now. But once again, bfa hasn’t had flying yet either, so it’s also just the way bfa is, for another month or two. More than likely we’ll be able to fly in bfa within a month of classic releasing…which will have no flying. But sure, use any ridiculous rationale you want.
I took my glasses off along time ago op.
I’ll tell you this: if Classic retains the racials as they were, allowing the Alliance to have the OP racials for once, I’ll only play Classic.
I could just log on and stand around Orgrimmar listening to the toxic chat for hours at a time. But I generally log on to play.
But not having flying is why I have put my 120’s on the shelf and am only playing my low level characters now. I can’t stomach any more world quests while grounded.
Current has way more things to do then classic does, not only world quests. If you’re bored in current that’ll be way worse in classic once you hit max level.
I played Classic, and boring isn’t a word I’d use to describe it. Not by my experience.
That was 15 years ago. As i said, anything you could do in classic you can still do in bfa.
Vanilla will be dead when people remember/realize how annoying everything was back then without any of the various QoL improvements we’ve gotten over the years.
Well, you will have a decent shift in player population, but many will return. Many people that “Have been playing since Vanilla” have never seen the log on screen for it or any number of pre-BfA expansions. They might be in for a shock they cannot handle.