Is bear tank viable?

Can a feral Druid be main tank in a raid?

People are doing it damn near every raid.

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every tank is viable in wrath just some are better or some have to be healed more then others but a druid war combo works well or even a druid pally combo even better druid tanks are just not good if its alot of spell casting but otherwise u should have np


No. Only paladins are viable because some YouTuber who doesn’t tank told me so.


They are viable however most guilds will go by a video and the video will say they are worse than the other tanks.

All four tanks are solid in WOTLK. The problem with warriors and druids is they have nothing for aoe spell damage. Paladins do have a little bit more passive magic damage reduction, but overall they have ardent defender which is what a lot of youtubers and forum jockeys are pushing as being “better”.

Every single one of the tanks in WOTLK can main tank all tiers of content and will be fine. Bears rely on very large hp pools and warriors rely on entirely different set of mechanics that have a significantly higher skill cap to play than paladins as main tanks. This is why some “influencers” are rating warriors and druids as “worse”. They aren’t worse, they just require better players to get the same results.

The same people that complained all through wrath about how weak x class was to everyone else would go to the logs and show how a certain class would be significantly under represented on damage. But those people were looking at the majority of the player base. When you snap shotted the top 10-15% of players across all specs and content you saw a significant drop in the gaps between all specs, reduced to less than 3-4% from the lowest to the very highest, with the exception of 3 specific specs.

The classes weren’t actually weak, the players were just bad. Scottyjaye did a video on this using some old legacy data and talked about it.

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Lich king on heroic could be a little tough due to lack of block.
But other than that, yes, bears can tank the entirety of Wrath just fine.

DK’s just got insane self healing.
Paladins get a free insta brez.
Bears are boxing meat sacks, but lack magical damage resistance.
Heck, even warriors can tank 25m content.

But yeah, for real though, Bane and LoD are probably the only 2 things bears might struggle. Still doable, just easier with paladin.

If you’re a general player, not a hardcore raiding guild, play what you like. Be good at your class. Know when to use cooldowns. Gear up properly.

Wait paladin has Brez in wrath? I don’t remember this lol. Unless you mean Lay on Hands?

Nah, argent defender. Procs on would-be-death hits. So they don’t die, but get back up to 35% HP iirc

Oh okay, fair enough I miss understood. I was thinking like a in combat brez resurrect haha. Yeah a great defensive tool indeed.

I think what they mean is Paladins get a talent that is pretty much a get out of jail free card.

Like if the boss squashes them they don’t die but they are reduced to low hp instead, Im not 100% sure of the details but its not the same as a druids battle rez.

yes, better than worrio .

In Classic TBC, Druid is one of the roughest tank to tank with. They’re decent solo tanks but still bottom of the totem pole. However in wrath, every tank is viable. Tanks just get better, and all tanks just produce more threat.

how much do pallies get in passive magic reduction?

We cleared most of the heroic content in Wrath with a bear and a prot warrior, the two apparently least effective raid tanks in Wrath. So yes, you’re fine.

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Shield of the templar and Righteous fury provide a flat 9% damage reduction if I recall correctly.

I mean the first lk heroic kill had a bear main tank so they can’t be too bad


Yah, those health pools are no joke.

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Is that all?

It really isn’t significant, but if you were to let youtubers and content creators tell you what to think you would be under the impression warriors and druids are bad tanks.

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