Is Archimonde alive?

Lol what? No. Illidan was never evil. We simply didn’t understand his plan to take out the Legion. He’s a good guy who understood sacrifices had to be made in order to defeat the Legion, and he was correct. We lost Varian, Tirion, Vol’jin, and a few others along the way to defeat them.


we killed him in the nether where his soul returns or w/e when he usually dies so now hes dead dead


Good one.

You’re more likely to find a lightforged demon hunter than Sargeras repent and turn to the light. He will forever remain in his abominable chains.

You never know with wow lore anymore. Illidan was dead for a long time then we revived him out of the blue. Sylvannas was “dead” but then we “revived” the other part of her that was good from the jailer. Etc etc…anything can happen now.

Maybe you haven’t heard but, what you’re suggesting is impossible! The Maw is, inescapable.

uses hearthstone

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surprised pikachu face

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No. Mythic is the canon ending. You don’t get to pick and choose. lol

So all of Legion gets retconned then? You’re not making much sense here. Archimonde is dead and gone. No reason to bring him back.

Blame Blizz, but it’s true.

Echo, not avatar:

Another echo appeared in Eredath during the Argus Campaign.

Sargeras won’t suddenly turn good, but he’s honestly not that much different than Illidan. Give him the incentive he needs to stop the Void and he’ll help. Doesn’t make him good or evil. It just makes him what he always was: the good of the universe outweighs the good of one planet.

Cause hes a fan favorite and they will show that he actually is alive but is finding new purpose after Sargeras is gone then join us for void lords cause Sargeras will aid us.

This sounds so awful that I wouldn’t be surprised if this was going to be the official plot.

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When legion came back, Illidan rejoined us after we revived him and it was the best expansion yet. It can be def 100% great if done well. The only one who should stay dead is KJ, he’s got so much draenei blood on his hands. But Archimonde is cool. Were gonna need all the help we can get to fight back the void lords, and eventually the light since were their willing pawns right now.

This is so far fetched and makes no sense. Sorry, but that’s not Archimonde. He’s dead and gone, the soul forge is dead and gone, there’s no more rezzing him.

I disagree.

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Wrong, the soul forge only sped up the process. They can still revive but way way slower.

You can’t revive Archimonde. He died in the Nether.

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Lmao ok the Kill-kill an Die-death reminds me of Skaven speak :joy:


In what world does Archimonde not have just as much blood on his hands


He literally committed atrocities that the book didn’t wipe away. He also did it all for selfish reasons the book never wiped away. The legion was out to kill him. He intended to hide until he realized he couldn’t.

What? That was a nightmare that Malorne was having of the time when he was killed by Archimonde during the War of the Ancients.

We went in to help him defeat Archimonde and wake Malorne up from the dream.

Ps. Both versions of Archimonde are dead.

Pps. Didn’t someone just make basically ther exact same thread about Denathrius? What’s with this weird fascination with “Hey, this guy should lead the Legion!” lately?

Yep. Because he’s the epitome of “sacrifice the few to save the many.” He did what was needed to get to the Legion and stop them.

Nope. Very little of what he did was for his love of Tyrande. Sure, he will always love her, but he did everything to stop the Legion from destroying Azeroth and other worlds. He did it all to stop Sargeras after he saw what the corrupted Titan wanted to do.

Archimonde is worse actually. KJ didn’t care about the Draenei. He wanted to move on with real goals. But Archimonde was DETERMINED to get Velen and the Draenei and dedicated a lot of legion resources to it. Ultimately leading to the discovery of Draenor by the legion and the orc invasion of Azeroth. So basically, all the lore from the first war on is because of Archimonde’s obsession with his boyfriend who ghosted him.