it’s an illusion in malorne mind, it’s in the quest text
Blizz stated we havent seen the last of the Burning Legion. You can actually only truly kill them when they move 100% into this plane. Otherwise, they simply get defeated and banished. And those ones are not true demons either. They are just powerful beings that have demonic powers. Mannoroth is a true demon.
Edit oh and also we could go to their plane of exitance and kill them in it but we are still not strong enough to do so yet.
I think it’s implied that Archimonde is dead dead. First with the mass wisp explosion Malfurion utilized at the end of Warcraft 3 seems to have obliterated him entirely, beyond regeneration. Hard to tell what exactly that would do to someone because it’s only been done twice (The second time during the War of Thorns) but going by Arche’s final moments it seemed extremely unpleasant.
Second in the Hellfire Citadel encounter where you finish his alternate timeline self in the Nether itself.
With Argus destroyed there’s no chance for him or any of the other Demons to come back. For all intents and purposes Arche, and the Burning Legion, are finished.
Unless Sargeras breaks free of his imprisonment and does…something.
The concept of demons and their mortality and respawning has gone through a lot of rewrites and adjustments over time.
As I last recall it, the most recent adaption is that the only reason demons were being reborn was because of the power of Argus being manipulated by Sargeras. Once that was stopped, Sargeras no longer had an unstoppable respawning army.
The idea of what a demon is also changed dramatically but thats another story.
The timeline stuff is and remains weird & complicated. It’s honestly easier to not even consider it.
I was going to mention that. Last we heard the demons aren’t “immortal” outside the TN anymore.
Which is the absolute stupidest lore change Blizz has done in a long, long time. WoD only made sense as an alternative timeline that wouldn’t affect our own timeline. But then Blizz made this silly rule about demons existing outside of the timelines just to try to add a little bit of stake to the conflict, and ended up screwing everything up.
How does it work? Was Archimonde in HFC from our past or our present? If he’s from our past then permakilling him in the Twisting Nether would change our timeline severely as he wouldn’t be there for Mount Hyjal. If he’s from our present then how exactly does this explain demonic interactions across multiple timelines? Surely Mannaroth doesn’t just hop from timeline to timeline doing the exact same thing with the whole making orcs drink his blood thing and carry out the exact same plans expecting something different, right? If they are able to just freely hop around timelines and do the same thing in each timeline, then why are they unable to time travel, or why are they unable to carry lessons learned from one timeline and use it to conquer the others?
What about Argus? The planet was literally dragged into the Twisting Nether, but it was orginally just in space or whatever they call it in WoW, the same space as what Azeroth is in. Did all timelines Argus get merged into one or are the other timelines Argus not in the Twisting Nether? Or are there billions of Argus floating around in the Twisting Nether? Did other timelines Illidans commence an invasion on Argus? Are there billions of Illidans and Khadgars and Velens all fighting the one singular Kiljaedan? In fact, Archimonde and Kiljaedan were originally not demons, but now are demons and exist outside of the timelines and there’s only one of them according to Blizzard. So… did all the billions of Archimondes and Kiljaedans all get merged into one? Was only one single timeline Archimonde and Kiljaedan corrupted? Same question could also be asked of the big man Sargeras himself, even.
Why would Archimonde need to be alive? What’s to say the demons haven’t fallen into an anarchic mess of internal warring, with new leaders rising and falling trying to fill the power vacuum? What if one of those new leaders happened to be really good at being a leader and brought the demons together under his banner?
Archimonde is dead dead, we can never encounter him again unless there’s massive retcons with the twisting nether
Same with Kiljaden
Magtheradin, Mannoroth, Brutalist, etc can all return though
Albeit it won’t be any time soon due to their strength and losing their nitro boost resurrection speed
Let’s be real even if he was killed in the Nether, he’s got that comic book swag and he’ll be retconned back sooner or later. ffs we have a lot of time travel and always have.
Malornes Nightmare
It wasn’t even real
Interview with Dave Kosak. “And the idea was if you played in Mythic and defeated Archimonde, you actually defeated him in the Nether and that he’d be dead dead for good. That was the idea that we played with. We tried to explain that and I don’t know if… that certainly doesn’t come across in-game because it’s not necessarily explained in-game.”
Archimonde drew us to fight his Soul in the Nether and after enough hits he perished in Draenor itself. His Soul might not be dead but definitely too damaged to keep us in the Nether or to keep his Body alive in Draenor.
The Cutscene had him die on Draenor even on Mythic despite Dave Kosak’s statements.
In that case he needs R&R before he reforms in the Twisting Nether.
Furthermore the AUs in Dragonflight include a Legion conquered Azeroth and Archimonde is the only one who would be still interested in invading Azeroth to conquer it.
Of course the World Soul itself would be the most worthy of prizes to him so having his Legion drill it out of the Planet is likely on Archimonde’s top priority which means every newly formed Legion-controlled Azeroth AU will have the Legion working faster and faster(due to Archimonde’s habit of killing Demons who fail him) to get at the World Soul to bring it into the Twisting Nether before the Timeline collapses.
Since then he showed up as an avatar in Argus.
I don’t think Illy will see that happen.
So if you didnt do mythic, then the canon ending is that he’s still alive out there somewhere, got it.
illidan did a 180 in a sense, so could Sargeras as his main goal was to defeat void lords.
Hmm,good question since we didn’t stop the burning legion at the time of his death he could very much be alive, demon don’t die a physical death as we know it.

So if you didnt do mythic, then the canon ending is that he’s still alive out there somewhere, got it.
Blizzard devs confirmed he’s dead
Mythic raids are canon by lore
You’re in denial
It will be retconned and that supposed figment of imagination is actually the real one who will become good and join us vs void lords.
no, i think he was pretty clear about ending all life in the Universe as his goal.
if we’re redeeming Sargeras, I think we’ve basically obsoleted “evil”.
Read up Sargeras lore. He would 100% side with us if we directly fought void lords. He was never evil, he was like Illidan trying to defeat an enemy we can’t comprehend via his own means.
well, he also killed a nascent titan so regardless of his intentions, he is a murderer of his own kind…