Is anyone else amazed at how many different types of currency are introduced each expansion?

I only played DF a few weeks on release and recently started playing again. I got to 70 and I am getting lamb blasted like crazy with all new types of currency. I just started getting Drake and Whelping Awakened Crests recently and I literally have to have wowhead constantly open on my second monitor so I can search for what all these things do!

Less currency in War Within please! It gets way too messy overtime through the patches.


Read the quests you’re given and they clearly explain what each currency does and what it is used for.


The crests thing is pretty easy to figure out.
It’s just a gear progression system & gets phased out + replaced when a new season comes by.

Just make one or two currencies that does everything like bronze.


But then we run into the issue where the same currency that’s supposed to be used for buying cosmetics is also used for upgrading gear, which everyone hates.

So that doesn’t work too well in practice.


Drake’s awakened Crest Description: Earned from some outdoor activities, Normal difficulty raids, and Mythic 0 dungeons during Dragonflight Season 4.

Yeah it tells me nothing.

I believe I said quests, not tooltips.

There are way too many currencies, agreed.


I personally wouldn’t use the word amaze to describe new types of currency introduced for each expansion.

I’m amazed that you’re complaining about crests and not all the random white items cluttering your bags that may or may not be used as currency for something you may or may not be interested in purchasing.

I stopped caring about the various currencies several expansions ago.

Think it was in Lich King, I was stockpiling one of them to purchase something that I have long since forgotten about. Then a patch hit and all of that was converted into gold and a very poor rate.


We saw how miserable that made things in Remix

Was just using crests as an example of how many currencies we have.

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I think crests are one of the few currencies that are actually nice additions to the game. I wouldn’t mind seeing flightstones going away, though. Luckily, neither take up bag space anymore.

but then, what would keep us busy farming for hours on end every day? lol

Agreed! I get totally confused - well, not confused but tired of trying to keep up. Some of it just seems unnecessary.


To be fair, it could be like mechagon where there are so many currencies but they didn’t want to add “currencies” so they made you take up like 30 extra bag slots :joy:

^ This. People complain about spending the same currencies for gear vs cosmetics, then complain about having too many currencies when they are separate. :roll_eyes:

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Surprised? Not really, no.

Each activity is given its own independent currency for its rewards so that people have to engage with it instead of just farming whichever source is most efficient. A similar logic applies to each tier of difficulty in the upgrade system.

(and I agree with what others have said about using the same currency for progress and rewards feels bad if its an actual limiter - currencies like supplies/resources where one expects to obtains a surplus are fine for me, but when it’s actually forcing a choice of paths, like anima or bronze, it feels bad)

With every new expansion…actually, every new patch for that matter…the ‘time played metric’ hamster wheels need new currencies to pay for the new variety of carrot being offered at the end of the run. That is, if there is an end…

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