Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

I’d assume so. The first time I did it, I killed that priest and my blood elf companion started sniggering over it. On a subsequent run through, I only killed soldiers, and got no special messages.

Don’t think I even saw any sleeping guy.

I’m pretty much done with them due to the offspec loot. For my main, for Enhance spec, the only two ilevel upgrades have been an intellect mace, and a shield. Two things I have no use for unless I change specs.
Perhaps Blizzard is suggesting I switch?
I’ll probably get plate next time :frowning:

My thoughts exactly. And it is sad that they would actually cave and write out alternative quests lines to protect the sense of loyalty these players have to a literal genocidal maniac. As if the time spent doing so couldn’t have been used in a better way ( I dunno, like improving the writing overall and finding a way to put out the dumpster fire that is BFA’s plot). :rofl::joy:


It’s possible.

Remember what they did to demo locks?

They basically made the spec unplayble so people would stop playing it. Admitted as much in one of the Q&As.

Should probably ask about yours in a future Q&A.

So you were running around Silvermoon and heard “Our enemies will fall!” and “Death to those who oppose us!” and thought the Blood Elves were an angelic and peaceful race?

Azeroth is a violent place. So violent, that the Sin’dorei were almost completely wiped out. The Blood Elves will do whatever they need to to survive and win. It’s victory or death, and victory lies ahead.


Well, it’s not exactly a “war crime” to step on a bunch of ants or to wash your hands to clean them of harmful bacteria.

Yes, technically the Alliance are living creatures. No one is disputing that. But they lack sentience and the capacity to feel emotion(s). They’re essentially living calculators who simply respond to stimuli. That doesn’t make it unethical to remove them from the world. I’m sure your character has killed many wild animals while leveling up. Bees, wolves, slimes, etc. Alliance are no different. You did nothing wrong!

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Thats sounds more like a plea deal in an insanity case against a serial killer.


Well, with all these alts, something like multiple personality disorder was bound to set in.

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Nope. Because this is just a game.


10 c

Really? When?

The oath Turalyon gave was to stand against the invading forces of the Horde. Pretty sure he’s keeping that Oath.

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Ok did Liandrin swear an oath to the horde or to the Silver hand first?

Does her oath to the silver hand supercede her oath to her people and the horde ?

If it does , doesn’t that mean Turalyon violated his oath too by bringing in the Light Forged

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I’m leveling my horde toons using archaeology. It goes pretty fast with the rested buff. If you haven’t done a lot of it in the past you can dig up some cool stuff.

As for the Horde story line? Sadly I think I’m going to be keeping up with that through wowhead and youtube.


Actually, firing on a medic in a real life war is a crime under the Geneva convention (1864). Mostly because healing doesn’t take place in seconds on the live battlefield, and a lot of injured soldiers don’t come back to the battlefield. There is no tactical motive for killing a field doctor, and exceedingly little for killing their patients – it’s only really done for shock value and spite.

Obviously this isn’t applicable to a game where combat medics push combatants back to full capacity in the heat of combat. But even then, one assumes there’s a certain delineation in honorable combat – if that monk is treating noncombatants and not punching you in the face, she too is effectively a noncombatant.


He wasn’t in the order hall when that oath to “place order above faction” was made.

The fel addled “paladin” was, and should be dealt with as the oathbreaker that she is.


I can’t stomache it. I tried playing horde but how they are in bfa is how I’ve always thought of them.

In legion we kinda worked together so I thought I’d give them a try but nope. Just gross.
Staying 100% with my Alliance.


I bet you’d like it if we just sat in a friendship circle and sang Kumbaya.

Well then, I was mistaken

And a true one; I still remember all the “Thank you Garrosh for putting the WAR back in WARcraft!!” threads, lambasting Thrall for being a feckless leader.

Also… (gestures at responses in this very thread)


Yeah, unfortunately, for some reason, when people think World of Warcraft, literally the only war they can imagine is faction wars, because their minds can’t comprehend other types of wars.

That and their just blood thirsty savages… it’s unfortunate, and is really mind-numbingly awful to try to deal with.