Is Alliance really that bad at PvP?

Where are people getting these numbers from? I’m just curious because I see these numbers thrown around often.

Here’s how it works for me:

Queue during normal playing hours: average Alliance player vs. average Horde player… Horde will crush you 9/10 times. Horde has far more skilled yet casual players as their participation in high end PvP and high end PvE is way higher. They also have a much higher % of enthusiastic PvPers queuing since their queue time is much longer. They’re more motivated to PvP and nothing’s worse than losing a 10-20 minute queue. Alliance, the time in queue is minimal so most people don’t care about winning or losing - they just wanna win or lose fast.

Also, as Alliance, don’t even think of grabbing a few your guildies for a “fun old random BG” during this time - you’re going to get slammed into a 5 man Horde Premade that has waited 30-40 minutes for you to show up. They aren’t there for honor. They aren’t there for rewards. They don’t just do this with their friends for kicks - they form groups of highly skilled PvPers and are just there to listen to the sounds you make while they GY stomp you. To them, that’s worth the insanely long queue.

Queue during off-hours (after midnight ET): The average Hardcore Alliance player vs. the average Hardcore Horde player - because lets face it, if your queueing at 1 AM ET on a Tuesday on an Eastern Server… you’re probably not just a casual player. These matches are A LOT more even, in fact, I daresay are more skewed to Alliance.

TLDR: Don’t bother queuing during the day as Alliance if you want to PvP - wait until off-hours. Your win rate will go through the roof.


Horde are there just as alliance to take the fast win and leave … nothing special in the makeup of players who play horde .

This is the only correct thing you said. Famously they have adjusted the faction numbers by buffing and nerfing the racials. Look at wod 90% of pvpers was alliance.

Moving into legion they nerfed hard the alliance racials. So they migrated back to the horde, and then when they finally mostly balanced the 2 racials there is zero incentive for anyone to move back over to alliance.
Then people end up gravitating to the faction with more people to group with.


Your server has nothing to do with bgs

I think people forget that this is all just pixels, and the entity controlling the pixels is another human being who is also a WoW nerd just like then.

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It’s one thing if you are moving to horde because there are not enough raiders on the alliance or what not but to attribute mythical powers to horde in BG’s ? :joy:


I know it’s 100% anecdotal, but so far this week (bg week) I’ve been running tons of little bgs to maximize honor/per hour, and Alliance has been just killin’ it in Seething Shore (in particular).

So far I’m 6-0 in Seething Shore, it’s actually kinda crazy :scream: I don’t know if it’s other Horde mercs also signing up or what, but seems like 100% win rate in Seething Shore so far.

alliance has been dominateing {randoms} ever since 8.2 has been out I have to put randoms specificly because I know epics is usually horde wins. 2 weeks ago ally won 16 in a row and about 3 days ago ally won 13 in a row

One out of X right ain’t bad on tequilla, the rest was talking masa :wink:

But serio considering rolling a Kul Tiran after the patch, or faction changing to one.

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Yes. They’re so bad that I paid Blizzard money to not be alliance anymore.


choosing the alliance was my biggest mistake since wod, it sucks so bad to pvp in the alliance, i recently made a switch to the horde and the difference in pvp quality is insane.

Come to the church of the haymaker, and make them fly from cliffs


Orale, you just reminded me of Throwdown’s album Haymaker :wink:

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Yes. I’ve been Alliance since 2009 with about 9 months as Horde during MoP. I can’t really recall specifics in Wrath and Cata as far as Alliance pvp but in MoP winning as Horde was easy peasy. You had 15+ min queues but you won pretty much all of the time. Alliance had crushing, demoralizing losses.

In WoD is went completely the other way and Alliance had ridiculous queues but won pretty easily a lot and Horde the games were terrible. I played both in MoP and WoD. It was bad as Alliance in Legion, so much so I stopped solo queuing bgs and just ran premades.

I’ve pvp’d in BfA practically never (which sucks because I use to love every single form of pvp) but I did try the old school AV and so far, as Alliance, I’m 0/4. Still had fun though, so far.

But in short, in my opinion, it’s been better to be Horde in every single expansion I’ve been in, except for WoD.


I dont remember have ques this long in mop as a horde. 8 to 9 mins at most during peak times

they are only good when they outnumber people other wise yes,