Is Aff the go-to spec right now?

kinda interested in leveling up my warlock.
I’ve always liked Destro in the past, but from looking around at the M+ people, and in PvP as well (mainly arena and BG blitz), seems most people are going with aff. Is the damage just that much better? or does it come down to playstyle preference?


Actually dont make the mistake of rolling a warlock (if you are somewhat serious about M+ or Raids that is). If it’s for some sort of class fantasy go right ahead.

All the Specs are sort of kind of around the same area. Depends on what your play style is really.

We are getting some class tuning after all the b**ching that went on recently, but overall this expansion Warlock is the least looked at class among everything. The developers have been awful to us this expac.

My advice roll a Mage or Ret Pally.


Affliction and Destro perform better at end game group content (both PvE and PVP) due to having better mobility than Demo. However, Demo outshines them in solo content (like delves) due to the effectiveness of the Felguard for tanking mobs for you.

Hope this helps!


Rocking Destro and went from 0 to 2000 M+ io yesterday with my buds at 606 ilvl. It is very viable to play as Destro. Much better to play something you enjoy so you can master more than swapping around to FoTM / FoTW to be absolute best. Unless you are aiming for the .1% goals, then Destro will hold up just fine for ya. It’s been my go to spec since MoP and I wouldn’t change it to AFF/Demo for anything, unless it’s for quick instant casts in old content but thats what my speed build is for.


I do amazing as demo in delves
Braan is heal spec. So solo is good


Same! Soloing delves is a breeze with Demo, even the T11 ones!


nah, just looking to have fun and get to a decent rating
but I just want to know what spec holds a significant advantage over the others
seems all 3 are sitting around the same in terms of viability?

Right now affliction is so messed up. It’s supposed to be about rot, decay and disease. Malefic rupture makes it about festering the skin, then popping pimples for damage. It lost its identity. Shadow priest is better at affliction. Those pimples take way too long to get enough to pop.


It depends on what content you’re wanting to do, really.

Affliction is currently solid in PVP because you can get respectable damage off while being focused and good in PVE with movement not completely trashing your DPS.

Destro is solid in PVE because of Shadowburn builds having higher mobility (for a lock lol) to maintain DPS during mechanic dodging and decent in PVP for the same reason. Taking Wither increases that mobility, too, and it’ll be viable if the changes on Tuesday go through as they are.

Demo seems best suited to solo PVE content or whenever you can plant and hard cast in order to perfectly time your Tyrant.

If I had to rank the 3 specs overall for current content:

1 - Destro
2 - Aff
3 - Demo

All of this is my opinion, though!


The Demo mobility problem is getting partially addressed by Call Dreadstalkers getting its core generation changed back to 100% chance - that is, every cast of Dreadstalkers will bring you 2 Demonic Cores.

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Yep, that’s true! Though the biggest problem is missing your Tyrant due to mechanics. Demo requires some big brain playing when it comes to watching boss timers so you don’t get interrupted mid-cast of it and end up whiffing the window. That’s been my experience in Palace, anyways.

Idk, I’m pretty sure Shadow Priest is still rocking the DF talent tree lol

Ya all 3 are viable.

For me Raids/M+ its Destro.
For solo content plus Delves Demo
Dont pvp so cant say what’s what there.

I leveled the class as Affliction, was’t too bad. I just personally dont like the play style thats all.

You got carried. This is a poor representation of what the grind to 2k… much less the grind to 2.5k will be like for the average player.

Warlocks in general…You are not a desired class. Your damage is middling at best. Your utility is non-existent. In PVP, you will be perma trained. Your recompense is that you get some sick visuals and neat class fantasy (some of the best).

Destro is fun and you feel good playing it. Just don’t look at the meter if you’re playing with competent teammates.


Destro is currently the most mobile, though Demo has gained more mobility recently.

Really, the “best Spec” always changes, so pick the Spec you enjoy the most.

Was not carried. Rest of my group was 610 range of ilvl. I push hard cause I’m not someone who sits around spamming filler all day long and not doing CDs on pulls. Locks can do great work as Destro.

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I do destro for everything really. I dont do arena or competitive pvp, casual bgs and it’s fun.

A lot of this.

Just a reminder to the people that are commenting on Delve viability - lets remember than any class or spec can clear 8+ delves with Brann doing the heavy lifting and is not indicative of a class’s performance. Delves are casual content and designed to be just that.

Destruction (Recommended)
Destruction is currently the main go to in Mythic+ and seen a lot in raid, not because of its big numbers (it actually sims the lowest of the 3), but because of its on demand casts (Shadowburn, RoF, Conflag, Infernal) in a very movement heavy season. Tomorrow’s buffs will make it the clear front runner if you care about your numbers.

Affliction (Viable)
A decent choice for Mythic+ but its numbers are somewhat lacking in higher keys for long boss fights / low mob HP can make it difficult to maintain high dps when you have to reapply dots outside of Vile Taint windows. Also shines in the Silken Court if you choose to raid.

Demonology (Not Recommended)
Currently simming the highest but performing the worst due to its dated kit design. Avoid Demonology for Mythic+ as you won’t be able to get half your spells off and align your summons optimally - but it has its place in certain raid fights if that interests you.

Hey point of view from an average dad gamer lol.

Been playing both affi and demo they feel ok for what I have been doing. If you check raid logs affi and demo are doing fine the only real fight where its mainly destro is for queen. Just a head’s up though if you do plan on raiding on demo or affi you should preplan your position for boss mechanics, so you don’t have to move too much. IE ports and gateways

For mythic +'s if you want to run demo you have to think on when do use your demos IE if there’s some RP going you can summon your charhound and he’ll be ready to go when the rp is done. When a pact is about to die save your imps for the next one and just implode right away. Also, you’ll use tyrant different in mythic+'s then you would in raids.

For PvP I just run affi, I find it super fun in Battleground blitz. Demo is good for those defending maps.

There’s a lot of good videos on YouTube so check them out.

Be sweet if we had a mythic delve and be able to solo it or with group and stay on par with raiders ect
Would be nice to have end game solo content thats on par.

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