Is a macro to snap your cursor to a coordinate on screen ok?

I’ve been googling and reading through reddit posts and bnet forum posts for hours now, and no one seems to have an answer to this, I guess that’s because of how fringe it is. Also, yes, I did already reach out to support regarding this question, and they gave me advice on resetting my UI to try and fix any corrupted files that addons may have caused (??? huh?).

Anyways. I have severely jacked up hands because of genetics, speed typing, bad posture, other things, and I can’t really use a controller or mouse&keyboard anymore as a result. So I got a program called Voice Attack where I can speak a command into the mic and have it do that action as if I pressed the keyboard with my actual hand, that way I can at the very least play classic era again, albeit very slowly. I want to play Classic 100% hands free and voice only. A very basic example of what this program does is me saying “forward” into the mic and the program will press the “W” key, a nice and simple 1:1 command.

That being said, I immediately ran into the issue of not having any way to loot mobs. No macros that can do it, no addons that can do it, nothing. I have to use the mouse to loot. I know for a fact Voice Attack can make it so I speak a command and have the mouse teleport to whatever coordinate on the screen that I want, which would make it so I could hover over a dead mob with the mouse cursor… but the real question is, is something like that even allowed? I know that 1:1 macros are fine, but I cannot for the life of me find if teleporting your mouse to a certain pixel on the screen is ok. Also to note, the mouse teleporting in question would not be teleporting to the coordinate and clicking with the same command, since that would be 1 input for 2 actions, which I’m positive is not allowed.

This is such an insanely ambiguous question that now I don’t even know what constitutes as “1 input” anymore as far as mouse movement goes to even begin making any 1:1 mouse input recreations.

I know this post could have been shorter, and the formatting sucks, but I tried to keep it as detailed as possible so no one accidentally misinterprets what I’m saying, since that happens to me a lot. :frowning:

Thanks for any help, dudes.


Not sure on your question, but this sounds cool AF.

Big props to you for finding a way to play the game still despite the obstacles.


So, there has to be a way to do this since you can play the game with a controller and loot fine. I did some digging and there’s a keybind that might interest you… Keybindings -> Targeting -> Interact With Target. The caveat here is that you have to have the mob you just killed targeted, and when your target dies you untarget it. There is also a keybind in that same category, Target Last Target.

With your voice command program, should be able to tell it to execute those two keybinds and have a much easier time looting. You should also be able to use an extermal macro program to execute both of those key presses with a delay in between. I don’t think this is against the ToS or anything but I’m honestly not sure.

Whatever you end up doing, automation can be a touchy subject in WoW. You have an absolutely legitimate use case, but to Blizzard’s detection tools, it might not look all that different from botting. My intent here isn’t to discourage you, just to make you more aware. Maybe try moving this post over to the customer support forum, which you can do by editing your post and changing the sub forum. Hopefully someone there has more comprehensive answers!

I know you reached out to support already, but perhaps with more specific questions you can fight through the AI and get some answers haha. Also, fellow players participate in this forum and they are usually both knowledgeable and helpful :slight_smile:

Best of luck to you!


Ahh, yes! That’s the one! I had messed around with Interact With Target before I made this post but I completely missed Target Last Target! Oh goodness, thank you! Haha, awesome. Thanks so much for the digging! I was getting kind of discouraged lol.

As to your second point, I would only be using multiple “input” macros (for lack of a better way of phrasing) if it’s supported by WoW’s in-game macro system. I’m staying as far away as possible from 1 input equaling more than 1 action in Voice Attack since I’m positive that’s gonna get me axed off the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

And yeah, I know automation is definitely very very touchy. :confused: But that’s why I’m gonna stick with 1:1 and see how it goes. In all honesty, I’m completely ok with whatever happens to my account as a result of this whole journey. If bot detection doesn’t like me because I look like a literal robot due to Voice Attack making my play look, well, robotic, then that’s ok. And if I appeal and it gets denied, that’s ok too. That just means that I followed the rules as close as I possibly could and I won’t be able to play WoW in the way that I want to as a result, much to my dismay. XD I’m definitely gonna record a video of my entire set-up once it’s all and squeaky clean and ready to go just in case I need it for the future lolol.

Sheesh I type a lot. There goes the rest of my pain-ish free typing for today. x( Thanks again! And yes I will move my post over. :slight_smile:

Oopsies. I’ve never used the forums before, so I deleted my last post since it looked like it didn’t reply to you, but I think it did? idk what’s going on here lol.

Hopefully I’m doing this right with the “multiple replies in one post” thing. But thanks! Using VA is very fun. I get to sit back and kick my feet up and take at least 10x as long to complete a task as everyone else. :smiley:

Edit: I have no idea how to move this to Customer Support. :sob: I can’t find the edit button you’re talking about.

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Its a neat idea but…,

I’m glad it was helpful! :slight_smile:

I edited it out but I had a bit here about checking in on this but I did some more googling and it looks like Blizzard does take firm stance on this. Which in this particular case is a bit silly because there is no “loot nearest target” button. I’m all for strong policies against automation and botting, but it’s clearly not having an impact and you having to issue two commands to do what should be a simple action is a bit silly. Oh well, this is the world we live in haha.

When you click edit on your post (your original post), underneath the title there’s a drop down to pick which sub forum. Click it and it will expand, then you can find the customer support forum in the list. I’m not sure if it will move the whole topic or just your original post, but if you don’t get the outcome you desire just move it back.

If it doesn’t move the whole topic though, it might be worth reposting if there’s more questions you have :slight_smile:

Happy adventuring!

Yeah, I’m fine with them keeping their stance firm on this. As much as I’d like to have a command that does “target last target + interact with last target”, I know that’d get me booted off Azeroth ASAP lol.

Unfortunately I can’t see any edit button on my original post at all, it’s not there. D: I can see the edit button on my posts underneath the original post, but the post itself unfortunately doesn’t have an edit button. I’m not sure if I’m just not allowed to have one yet because this was my first post and that’s a privilege that I need to earn or what lol.

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The Edit button does not say EDIT. It’s a small pencil :wink:

Yes, I understand that. :confused: I’ve already edited my other posts multiple times above. What I’m trying to say is that there is no pencil on my original post. It has only had like, share, bookmark, and reply since the post was created. I have had and still don’t have a way to edit that post at all, just everything that comes after it.

Edit: bruh idk why but “System” just edited out the quote that I’m trying to reply to, oh my lord.

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It is not on your original post, but next to/after the title. For you - if you scroll all the way up - it should say: Is a macro to snap your cursor to a coordinate on screen ok? :pencil2:

It’s not there either. :confused: I checked all over the screen before I went to bed last night and I have no pencil at all anywhere. I have no idea why it’s not there. :C

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You posted the first post on your character, Keeyo-Fearlina, but you’re now posting on Kylewashere-Fearina. I think if you wanna edit your original post you have to switch back to your hunter. You can do that by clicking your portrait in the top right and, at the bottom, selecting switch character.

Or just don’t worry about it haha. I think you have all the answers you were looking for, yea? :slight_smile:

This is a whole thing and it frustrates me haha. It will do this when you fully quote the text of the topic you’re replying to and nothing more. I actually have no idea how you worked around it in your subsequent post, lol.

Oh my lord, that was it. -_-; of course I do something stupid to make it so it doesn’t show up haha. But yeah I believe I do have everything I’m looking for. I might just end up using my feet on a controller to move the mouse around or something at this point lol.

I don’t know either. :smiley:

Thanks again for all your help! You’re a very helpful lifesaver for sure~

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The TL;DR version: if what you want to accomplish can be done with an in-game macro (I’m not aware of any way to do this), it’s fine. Using an out-of-game tool to center the mouse would be considered automation.


One thing you can try is to reach out to the Accessibility team. While none of Blizzard staff will ever red light/green light any programs or the like - the Accessibility team exists to help players in this vein.

Now, just because, I do need to state that responses are never guaranteed. But a lot of folks that have been directed there in a similar fashion has come back to state they did get a response from that specific team in regards to their questions or particular issues. So please do drop them a line. I wish you all the best!


I was just about to post that link! I would send them a message and see if they reply. They may not be able to give you an official green light (programs can change after all) but I know they have proved helpful for folks in the past.

Edit: I know you said you played Classic, but if you ever go to retail and play hunter, your pet can fetch nearby loot for you via a skill from Legion. There’s also a loot-a-rang toy that does basically the same thing.


Yeah I figured this might be the case. I’ll probably stumble upon a weird way around this by using a dance pad so my feet can be the mouse or something haha.

I just sent them an email! I definitely got the impression that responses weren’t guaranteed based off of the auto-reply email I received, but I have my fingers crossed that hopefully someone will see the email and give me some assistance with my issue. Thanks for the link. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I figured it’s a bit dodgy for anyone at blizzard to give the ok on third party programs, but it doesn’t hurt to ask, I suppose. :smiley: And yeah, I don’t really plan on playing retail. Even when my hands did work perfectly, it still never appealed to me, unfortunately. :frowning: Only Classic Era specifically is what’s most interesting to me at this time. But who knows!

Thanks for the replies, everyone. :slight_smile:


I don’t think it’s quite that simple. It’s more about moving the cursor, as the mouse itself isn’t what would be moved here. Not everyone uses a mouse to move the cursor. It’s acceptable to use other peripherals. We’re all using an out of game tool to center the cursor.

We’ve all been here long enough to know this is a complicated issue. Things that truly help those struggling are borderline, and often tip easily into automation. I love that this has been a helpful conversation to try to give guidance, because we all know how impossible it usually is for Bliz to comment on these things. As soon as they say ‘ok’, someone else finds a way to abuse it.

I hope the accessibility team is responsive and helpful. It was a great suggestion. Being in a community of older gamers, I often hear folks looking for (game-legal) tips and tricks to keep doing what they love as life throws challenges. Best of luck, and a heartfelt thank you to the kindness in this thread.


I’m going to preface this with “I’ve been writing maintaining add-ons for the better part of 2 decades.”
While most of the info you all have added to OP’s question is right. It’s not completely in context.
The base rule for any mod/macro is it can not do any self deciding tasks. if it does it is considered a bot.
With that said, VA is nothing more than an Input device. It takes the verbal command you give it and turns that into an action. I use it for other games like Arma 3, so I’m quite familiar with it.
If you are keeping within those confines that blizzard has set it should not be an issue to say select corpse and have it select the corpse, then say loot corpse and have it loot corpse. your 1 for 1 rule.

So, with that exception of VA, the rest of this is every bit of what you can do in the game that is allowed for certain. Other wise is would not be there.
Va is arguably a grey area but it’s not been out right stated you can’t use it by blizzard that I’m aware of.

Anyhow, I’m all for helping folks technology wise within the rules, so here you go.

This has to be done first or interact will not work.
Go into options under controls find enable interact key. put a selection in the box. Under that you will see interact with target, pick a key to bind, say like f3. (you only need to do one bind not both.) (Also Note: you will lose the default setting to select your 3rd party member.)
and make a VA command to use f3.

make an in-game macro. enter, /macro
name “Select last target”
macro context - /targetlasttarget
bind it to f2 for example. (note: you will lose the default setting which is to select you 2nd party member.)
make a VA command select last target. and have it respond by “pressing” f2


This goes far beyond accessibility and way into automation.