Depends, aoe fight they went light forged blessing like brood on Mythic, and for single target they went recompense which compensate for the dps.
We talking top 10 ret parses in the world here… Just wowlog them
Depends, aoe fight they went light forged blessing like brood on Mythic, and for single target they went recompense which compensate for the dps.
We talking top 10 ret parses in the world here… Just wowlog them
Lightforged Blessings can be gotten without sacrificing that talent. And recompense is LOWER dps than that too.
And you can get Recompense and it too in any case.
All this bickering. For a talent tree that is disappearing soon.
Can we refocus on 11.0.5 please?
Also I wouldn’t worry about damage… it will be tuned in a week or so after the patch drops.
Although i wish they kept HoW out of wings…
Broski its a 0.2-0.4% of the dps… For a healing and Utility switch I will take it
Add it with recompense its barely 0.1%
It’s 0.4% dps sure, what healing/utility are you taking instead of it?
IT’S 0.4% DPS
How about you don’t take Divine Purpose? It’s around 1.3% dps.
See how dumb that sounds?
Recompense isn’t even going away, what’s your point?
Dude, just because you don’t know how to DPS, doesn’t mean the talent isn’t used in PVE.
It’s going away, it’s a DPS loss, what’s so hard to understand?
Not difficult to top dps when you get boosted by an augmen, you dont Mythic raid and act like your the top.
Barely do a +10 at 627 lmao, act like you know everything is gold, touch grass and calm down broski
Do you actually not know that augmentation dps is shown as augmentation dps in logs?
The only place aug doesn’t have its dps on itself is in the dmg meters during the raid.
It doesn’t boost your logs. lmao
I’m not acting like i’m the top, i’m acting like i know that that talent is used to DPS and it going away means lower dps, which you obviously have 0 clue about.
What do you mean barely do a 10? I can do 10s just fine. You can see my logs that i’m in 99% of cases the top dps in a given run, if a run fails it’s cause the others are lacking.
Always the other that are lacking, you went down in dps as you progress your ilvl… I wonder why.
You do act like you know everything even on the europe forum. Calm down its barely 0.2% dps for more utility, take recompense and go back on the Netherlands or Belgium forum
How did i went down in dps as i progress in lvl? That doesn’t even make sense.
You mister blue boy can go and learn to dps, then come to me, i’m doing fine for myself.
Best Perf. Avg
Best Perf. Avg
I haven’t really posted in EU lately… in the last few years that much. Idk what you’re imagining.
I’m saying it’s a dps loss, you’re saying it’s not when it obviously is.
And I just said it’s 9% total, you asked why it is, i told you why.
You got schooled that it is a dps loss to lose it, so take the L and leave.
I don’t like recompense so no thx and i’m not from the Netherlands or Belgium, i don’t even know why you’d think that.
In-game achievement on hard content may help get a grasp on the mechanics of a game but they aren’t required to understand how or why they work.
How is it none of the people that makes game are amongst the best players to play it?
Because those things aren’t linked.
Understanding aerodynamics doesn’t make you a great F1 driver and vice-versa.
are we talking about pvp or pve, cause this is a important distinction.
cause pve? yes, alot of casters arnt mure durable than prot paladin. they get ripped appart as soon as a mob looks at them funny
my dude, its a 9% overal nerf, with the aura buff is still a 3% overal nerf. more in aoe btw.
its not cause of touch of light. its because of seal of order and othe haste node, these two things were very impactful along with other small little damage boosts that were replaced.
OK, so Seal of the Crusader is being changed to a healing event and Touch of Light is being removed, but help me understand where this 10% GCD reduction is coming from. My first guess would be Seal of Order, but I believe SoO is being added in to Of Dusk and Dawn. Am I wrong or is there something else am I missing?
As far as i know it’s not added to Of Dusk and Dawn (wowhead shows the tooltip for both if you mouseover it in the current talent tree, so it’s probably just legacy tooltip in the new tree)… so yes, that’s where the 10% cd reduction is dropping from.
I’ll check the PTR in a bit, but i don’t remember seeing it there last time i was on, a few weeks back.
Edit: No realms are available now, so can’t double check.
Edit2: So i was curious how much would the extra Vengeful Wrath we’re getting actually is.
I simmed:
So basically
Since it’s 50% now and 60% after reset it should be higher, but since we get both DP and VW at the same time, they will also fight for GCD’s, BUT, since we’re (as far as i know) not getting the 10% cd reduction on generators, we should theoretically have more gcd’s open, so they shouldn’t but heads as often anyway.
So 6% + 0.5% = 6.5% is what we’re getting as far as dps increases go.
Being able to pick up both talents is already accounted for on the 3% nerf value.
As far as i know, no, since they said that we are getting a 9% nerf due to x, y, z.
While Blizz is buffing by 6% our dmg overall.
I haven’t heard that the loss of talents amount to 9.5% or whatever.
You’re high.
Idk about you, but I’ll notice a 40k dps decrease right away.
tl;dr It is an ungodly massive improvement to the gameplay options and quality of life of the class, but they’re removing a talent that gives you some haste so the sky is falling.
Are seal of the crusader and judgement of light going to proc off all targets with blessed champion or just the primary targets?