Is 11.0.5 a buff or nerf for Ret paladin?

Some guide are saying its a nerf but after reading most of it, it seems to be a buff.

It will be a massive quality of life improvement, in my opinion. Much more flexibility in what utility we bring. I’ll let the eggheads figure out the mathematical impact on damage output, though.


If it comes out to be a “nerf,” it’ll be so small you won’t even notice. Like Zakary said, it’ll be a huge QoL improvement more than anything, which is a buff to me.


ONE step forward and 2 steps back is never an even trade off, and no one here should ever accept that.


Even if I’m taking one step forward and two tiptoes back?


Its a slight overall damage nerf but wont really hurt rets acceptance into parties. Devotion aura, passive healing, and most importantly doubling armor on lay on hands for 30 seconds are amazing tradeoffs for doing slightly less damage. Overall much healthier for both class fantasy and something groups will want to bring.

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tell that to all the nerds who live for details parses

lay onhands has such a long cd, its a nion factor in most fights.

and armor doesnt is worthless in this game.

cloth casters who have tons of LESS armor than plate wearers are more tanky than plate wearers

look at prot and all its armor thats does zero for it


your calling armor worthless in a game where alot of tank fiend for extra sources of armor is peak comedy.

while yes the paladin class tree changes are suspect. its not for any of the reasons you listed.

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are you trying to say many of the cloth casters in this game arent more durable than prot paladin?

frost mage
arcane mage
all warlocks

armor is worthless here

same can be said about hunters-- their mail with their walls and more than make up for whatever armor plate offers


The patch notes show a 6% aura buff for ret. This should more than cover the 4% haste we are losing. Everything else we are “losing” is becoming a passive. We will be fine.


There’s actually the 10% GCD reduction, Seal of the Crusader and Touch of Light that we are also losing besides the 4%+ haste.
They(which are not in the room with us) are saying it’s a total of 9% dmg nerf, so getting the 6% buff we would net a 3% dps loss.

Well, i’ll just upg some trinkets on Wednesday after spamming some 9-10s and make up the dmg loss. :joy:


I’ll let Warlocks stand as debatable, but I promise you, Mages and Priests melt infinitely faster than a Prot Paladin when our tools run out.

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Most of what is lost is compensated, what wasn’t directly is now through the 6% aura buff.

More flexibility, less throughput, it’s an overall win.

Some weird thing are still in the air.

LoH could potentially be a 30sec DPS CD on warriors depending on interactions with their talents.

Some of the talents added seems pretty “meh”.

The capstone can still all be taken but at least most their effect doesn’t feel like you have to take them at all.

It is far better than it was.

Ret is a damage dealer idk hoe many times history had to show you nobody brings a ret paladin for their sac or freedom or bop. They bring them for their damage. Ret is a damage dealer jesus christ you dont get it lol


Bro what are you even saying, please post with your main

Top Ret dont play touch of light, we are getting a judgment 1sec reduction which is HUGE, 10% dmg on judgment, again huge for aoe and a blank 6% buff to overall. It covers WAY more than the haste we are losing

Tell me where and how you calculated the 9% dmg lost lmao

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This is my main, it’s on EU, i can’t post here with my EU account.

We are talking about PVE too you know, that is a dmg talent that anyone can take without sacrificing other dmg talents. It’s mandatory for PVE builds…

It’s the 1 sec cd reduction on Judgment from Seal of Alacrity rank 2 is 1 sec, they are just making that baseline, but not the 4% haste.

This is the Justification talent that is going away, they are just making it baseline.

I told you above, and i wasn’t the one that calculated it.

Those apparently add up to 9%.
We are getting the 6% dmg buff and 60% dmg on Hammer of Wrath under 30% (just remembered this).
So that probably covers 1% or so… idk, but we are losing a very small amount of dps, probably around 2%.

P.S. 4% haste talent isn’t actually 4%, it’s more than that. If you don’t believe me, go in-game, notice your % haste then take that off, it will drop more than 4%, it also scales higher with procs and BL.


Its not taken… Top m+ ret dont take it. Go check the talents of Xanriel, dackor and Saedle. Some take it, most don’t

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The vast majority of players take it, show me 1 in raids without it, i’ll show you a fool.


Xail, catdespair, ranishka, branderps, etc…

And 70% dont take it in m+

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Show me one of their raid boss parses where they didn’t get it. What did they get instead?

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