data: Classic population dropped 24k (-6.5%) in one week


This would give us 6-8more hours of content every week vs the 45 mins it is today.

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Yours is the most indirect method. The damage meter is worse, but at least with dbm we can compare it to the various ways to measure raiding population.

Now I do believe the hardcore raiding community has stayed with wow. The biggest names in the mmo space all went for pvp / casual pve. FF is super casual pve. There is no real competition for WoW there. At least half a mill still raiding? Very possible. Its also very possible that former raiders and even hardcore players who do M+ would download dbm as well.

On the other hand, how do you explain away the scans of the armory? That is the most direct and inclusive of all method presented and most likely is the closest to the true number.

I believe that this data is accurate based on my own data analytics.

WoW has been dying since it started. Every expansion, it has been dying. Even now, as we all are playing it, and awaiting new content, it is dying.

Let me know when it is actually dead, k?

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Did you account for other preactical reasons like some of us probably want to vacation before sending kids back to school?

Others probably are full bis and messing around on alts. Attunements ect?

T4 raiding is ummm, how do I put it…not that serious.


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A friend of a friend.


What a dumb post

The sky is falling! The end is nigh!

Doomsday is upon us!!

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This is nonsensical drivel

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wow really I thought all 20 million users played 18 hours a day, every day, 365 days a year…huh… :roll_eyes:

Harsh facts, sorry. When I see other entertainment options grew, attracted users, increased the player base.

WoW? Massive declines. While everyone had all the time in the world to play, they found something better to do than play WoW.

That’s damning.

ive definitely noticed it. Most players just raid log now. Which is how it was in tbc anyways. It sucks though for new characters trying to get quests done. Dungeons will always be run though because of rep/badges till the end of tbc. I think phases should be 2-3 months. Phase 2 will keep players engaged but not as long as phase 1 did because of leveling time (a lot of people took at least 2-3 weeks to hit 70) Phase 2 doesn’t have that much content unfortunately. 2 raids 2 rep grinds and a new arena season that’s basically it. There is no system in place to keep you playing every day and I think that’s a good thing. It’s unhealthy.

I know people who had every class max level with max professions and then the server died. Pay $200 to transfer all or quit. Spoilers they quit


Personally I think D2R is going to be a huge wake up call for blizzard. I think a lot of current players, especially the pvp disenfranchised, are going to stop paying for this garbage once they have that option.

Don’t have to worry about faction balance. Don’t have to worry about server health. Don’t have to worry about terrible pvp changes no one wanted. You actually get rewarded for grinding, unlike the suicide-inducing honor grind.

This is absolutely nothing like original TBC, and this time it has nothing to do with the players min/maxing/world buffs etc. Blizzard created/allowed all of these problems.

Blizzard is just letting TBC die. I wonder how many people are actually even working on TBC classic right now. Are the lights on? We havent seen a blue post in 36 days. T5 needs to be here soon before another massive wave quits. Once people leave the game its hard to pull them back in. More and more “small” servers will be forced to transfer to survive because blizzard wont release content that should already be out.

How people do not understand. Bots doing more money in tbc/classic for blizzard than real people. At this moment that drop is nothing.

We’re 3 months into phase 1, in tbc, where gearing toons out is insanely fast. It’s possible lots of people are just not raiding anymore. Gathers its data from players that are logging raids. If your entire guild is geared and ready for phase 2, there’s little to no incentive to keep raiding atm.

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