data: Classic population dropped 24k (-6.5%) in one week

Final Fantasy 14 is boasting about having 20 million players. I guess everyone really did follow Asmongold.


20 million registered accounts =/= 20 million active players =/= 20 million subscribers.


Sulfuras Alliance is imploding (which is a player-exacerbated problem, in this case). :expressionless:

Point being, Square Enix doesn’t have to hide it’s numbers like blizzard has since WOD. It is a very safe assumption that FFXIV has more active players than wow.

I’m definitely digging the black mage. Got that whole “witch” asthetic and uses fire, ice, and thunder/lightning. Everything I ever wanted in a caster class. It’s mobility sucks though. It’s definitely a turret most of the time.

I always scroll down one or two comments below threads like these because I know Delimicus will be there, calling out misninformations as he sees’em.


20 million means 20 million. Sorry you can’t deal with WoW being dead.


I gave up on Classic. Sub ends in 8 days. I am trying Retail again until my time is up. I’m weird about not getting my money’s worth. I don’t know why.

I’m tired of the BG queues (almost 30 minutes now), Pre-Made Groups, and the lack of interest the game seems to be getting (my entire guild un-subbed or went back to retail). I can’t believe we still don’t have a LFG Tool. Meanwhile, I can’t even find groups for the dungeons I would want to run. I tried to create an alt but even on a High Pop. server, no one else seems to be running those dungeons. The Honor/Mark grind from BG is so slow that is just isn’t fun anymore. It takes at least a week or two to get one item, a lot of time queued, and many terrible teams and matches against well-geared Pre-Mades; those are the worst because everyone just gives up and sits in the graveyard. Not worth the 30 min. queue.

I think when my sub ends, I will go back to FF. I have a Samurai there that I remember enjoying. I think WoW has seen its best days. I’m glad I came back to try TBCC, but the memories are better when it first came out, and the lack of features just pushes me towards Retail. The problem is: Retail is littered with its own problems. That’s the problem with revisiting things, I guess; it looks better in your head than it plays out in reality.

Finally, with Blizzard under fire and its image decaying pretty fast, I’m sure things over there are a wreck. I’ve had a good time over the years and I will always remember them. But I’m not recapturing anything with this nostalgic trip. I had a few fun times leveling up and teaming up here and there, but there’s no ambition to keep going.

Thanks for the memories, Blizzard!


The game is dying and they need to release Phase 2 already. My guild is going through attrition from the lack of raiding content. It’s 45 mins and you are done.

you can still do naxx on vanilla. that’s 3 hours of content right there (if not more).

personally i find vanilla raiding much more engaging that tbc & wotlk ever was.

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I always see this point brought up but no one can truthfully answer this:

If Blizzard no longer publicly reveals subscription numbers because of the drop in subs during WoD, why would they have even revealed that nearly 5 million subscriber drop in the first place? Maybe they were telling the truth when they said it was because they decided on better metrics to indicate the success of Blizzard overall?

5.6 million in June 2015. 5.5 million in September 2015. Maybe they decided on better metrics because the subscribers were stabilizing down to a core playerbase which wouldn’t properly indicate financial success or failure.

Warcraftlogs creator, who is an FF14 fan as evidenced by their FF14 character profile picture:

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That’s not going to fix the problem though. You’ll get a handful of the hard cores back, but once the casuals find out it’s balanced for the sweat lords they’ll all quit again. Or even faster, it dawns on them they have to complete the attunement.

Bringing out P2 does nothing for the folks that will be stuck in T4 for another 6 months.

We know. But it doesn’t matter because arena and Joe needs bis on his third alt but can only play once every two weeks

Yeah. Their better metrics are amount of Azerite and Anima farmed. That’s why retail is dying… they insist on forcing the player to log on to do boring things.

The main problem for Blizzard is they can’t find a happy medium: either too much grindy crap to do (Shadowlands) or not enough to keep you coming back (TBCC).

Final Fantasy has gain a tremendous amount of steam due to the plethora of MMO friendly things to do: from mini games, to multiple classes per one character, to gearing out said classes in ALL of the created raids, to player housing.

I still play classic WoW because I love the raids and dungeons, but even those are becoming stale this late into Phase 1. And I would play Shadowlands if it didn’t force me to do things I don’t want to do.

This is why they need to stop dragging feet with phase 2 and push it out already. My casual guild only got 1st mag kill sunday but is already mostly raid logging. When your guild barely has anyone on outside raid times, it’s not a good sign. They are 1 step away from quitting due to boredom.

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Not even close. I’d be surprised if 14 even has half the players that classic does.

FF has more more players than retail and classic but not both combined.

And your source is?

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there’s no official source but a bunch of videos and info about the subject. It’s estimated that WoW only has about 1.2mil players as of now.

Ah, so your claim is unsubstantiated then. Thank you.

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