Iridikron's Bargain with the Rebellious Titanforged

Do you guys think Iridikron would consider the Titanforged who broke free of the titans with their strong-wills — as exceptions to the many? :thinking:

I think it’d be a hell of a cool storyline to play out.

Just imagine: Titanforged armies of enormous proportions coming against us, then Iridikron just shows up, smirks and smugly says: Now – is the time for revolution!” and masses amongst them backstab the others & all start fighting, giving us more of a chance @ a winning edge to advance.

It’d be more intriguing if it was revealed the titans created the Titanforged using Elemental Spirits that were manipulated & molded to serve them — Explaining why they have souls, why most are elemental in nature and many have relationships with elemental beings … It’d also give precedent towards Iridikron allowing the titanforged to ‘redeem’ themselves, by breaking free of them.

Anyway, just a curious concept I thought would make the story exciting in ‘The Last Titan’ expansion — What do you guys think? :open_mouth:


Not sure, if Iridikron would do this… His whole theme is his hatred for the anything Titan or at least that what I got from him when I played in game. (IMO)

I think your suggestion would fit more with Sargeras or Xal (if she is still around).
Sargeras losing most of his Burning Legion or scattered to the Twisting Nether I can see he using them as a substitute… maybe even creating new types of Demons by corrupting the Titanforge? (IMO)
With Xal obviously to keep us occupied while she does whatever she wants at that time in the future. (IMO)

However your idea sound an surprising, interesting and unexpected turn of events since we know so little on Iridikrons end goal with the Titans. (IMO)

The stupid thing is that the whole “Zerith” thing from Shadowlands was alluding to this.

But regarding First Ones.

It seemed like the First Ones were designing robots and infusing those robots with the essences of Cosmic Entities - like Elune’s sister, and the Dreadlord Prime

The theory in the OP seems like a refabrication of old theories regarding the First Ones

Perhaps we will find the Titans took those “First One” directives on and perverted them.

It would be similar to the Greek Mythology, other than the nomenclature. With Progenitor hierarchies and all that

Huh, I didn’t consider that honestly. :thinking:

:person_shrugging: Personally I hated the whole concept of the First Ones, it just felt like the writers were just attempting to “One-Up” the Titans.

The afterlives being 3D printed machines that were nihilistically entropic & would crumble without anima + the Eternals were robot vessels, along with souls not being everlasting in such a realm was stupid.

As for the Titans using the Elemental Spirits –

at the very least you could argue that the Titanforged are still elemental beings unlike the “Eternals” of Shadowlands, where they were one thing placed into another – Little changed with the placement of elemental spirits, save except they’ve just had their memories wiped & directives inserted, like the Earthen had.

Yeah, but it’d be curiously intriguing to see if he could accept compromise and had a more noble side — I always find villains who hold such to be far more interesting, than just some diabolical psychopath.

Personally I’m hoping Iridikron will become an anti-hero to the threat of the titans, similarly to how Illidan was to the Burning Legion.

It’d be a cool storyline for Iridikron to humble the heroes of Azeroth by taking leadership of rebellious Titanforged who may have felt lost or defeated, by imbuing hope & new purpose into them and inspiring them to mark the dawn of freedom & a new age from their rising revolution.

I have doubts as i’m suspecting Iridikron’s goals blinded him from the threat of the void like Garrosh. :8ball::robot:

edit: Although speaking of Incarnates, eager to see Vyranoth interacting with the other Watchers/Keepers. Whenever it can happen. :world_map::robot:

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To Iridikron, the threat of the titans was greater than that of the void. :person_shrugging:

I don’t think he’d work with them directly, but I think Iridikron would be happy to manipulate them into fighting directly against other Titanforged. The idea of Titan creations fighting among themselves would probably appeal to him greatly.

Perhaps, though he’s in a for a surprise!

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I believe it would serve as a far more interesting narrative if he had them join alongside him for the purpose of freedom and reflect that’s his ultimate goal from liberating Azeroth of the titans, to secure the truest freedom; not just for the elemental spirits and dragonkind but all of Azeroth & those who have greater intelligence & free wills.

I mean he’s sort of half right. :person_shrugging:
At the moment as they currently stand — The titans are immeasurably more powerful.

  • The voidlords themselves tried to unify their power into corrupting even a single titan but they were barely a felt presence let alone a scratch of influence → Hence to why they created the old gods in the first place, so they may scry the cosmos & land on various worlds; hoping to land on one that contained a world soul, a pre-formed titan in their most vulnerable state before they ascend, so that they may turn it to their alignment (the void) prior to its awakening.

Currently the void doesn’t hold a significant threat or presence as much as the titans do, albeit I’d wager Iridikron isn’t blind to the dangers they could pose should they gain enough power — which is why the dialog between him and Vyranoth was made addressing such; although it’s shown that Iridikron whilst aware of this, believes it to be a necessary gamble in order to attain his goal.

:dracthyr_nod: That’s why I’ve drawn the dynamic between Iridikron and Illidan in the past and believe he too would serve as a fantastic anti-hero for the story. Both of them willing to go through extreme measures and forge dire or questionable pacts, along with presenting controversial morals in order to fulfill their great ambitions and accomplish their grand goals.

I’m assuming Iridikron has his reason to be angry against the Titans. Although i’m curious why he’d want a perished Galakrond for his scheme instead of tipping the scales to help Galakrond destroy the Keepers before Order Magic corrupts the planet. :bone::robot:

Well he wanted to stick it to the titans, not just the keepers. So Galakrond alone couldn’t do that … That being said, I doubt he’d want Galakrond either considering he was a hungry bugger who wanted to eat everything & everyone — probably including Iridikron himself.

I rather like villains who aren’t so crazy they’d destroy everything to achieve their goals, but merely do morally questionable or undesirable things that are in conflict with us or our allies.

:clap: However, like I’ve stated I’d much prefer if Iridikron becomes an anti-hero for us to rock with (pun intended) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah it’s not happening. Iridikron has been explained to be crazy. That’s why the ice dragon left him and joined us. He used fyrakk as bait essentially. he’s clearly in league with the void/xal. He is pure hatred towards the titans. Some of these head cannons are something special.

He hates the titans because they ordered the proto drakes into the aspects, who in turn started ordering proto drake eggs. Against their will. Azahara comes to regret that choice which is why vyranoth comes back, aside from seeing iridikrons pure evil when he used fyrakk as bait. He never wanted galakrond. He wanted the hunger that powered him, void energy of some sort. Just like dalaran was absorbed for its energy.

Except the only reason he hates the titans is they ordered proto drakes against their will. He sees proto drakes as superior to dragons. Nothing at all to do with the void. He’s essentially shaved head white power but as a proto drake who hates ordered dragons.

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He hasn’t been explained to be crazy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • It’s like arguing Illidan “has been explained to be completely crazy” — which despite his controversial tactics, he obviously wasn’t … At least not entirely anyway, lol

Saying he’s crazy is just headcanon, or at best perhaps misused terminology. Not every well-written villain is crazy, deranged or cartoonishly-evil in an absolute unredeemable manner.

Vyranoth simply left Iridikron because she didn’t like his questionable methods or morality of how far he was willing to go to achieve his goals — Just like Alexstrasza warned the other aspects about @ the start of the expansion.

Again, your headcanon.

Vyranoth even desired dragon-kind — ALL of dragon-kind, to be free from the titans edicts, implementations & shackles. She had that mindset when she was a part of the Primalists & Incarnates-bond, well & truly before she left.

Iridikron simply despised the titans: He didn’t “hate all dragon-kind who weren’t protos” – He simply wasn’t a fan of the order magics that made the aspects, mostly due to how they forced those aforementioned magics upon the greater dragonkind & dealt with it in such a manner of absolutes.

  • “ONLY A SITH DEALS IN ABSOLUTES” – Iridikron, probably :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Iridikron viewed their inherently deep-rooted elemental powers, origins and greater potential of such to be superior to that of the titans “gifts” and like the other Primal Incarnates – felt that the aspects were robbing that birthright away from dragonkind, by forcefully changing ALL of them; without compromise — with order magics.


There’s non-proto dragons who weren’t created or made the way they are by “order magics” or the titans, such the dragons from the elemental planes themselves – Like the Stone drake from Deepholme known as Slabhide or the Storm Dragon Altairus from the Vortex Pinnacle in Stormwall / Skywall. We also have the storm drakes that Vryanoth liberated from Odyn in Stormheim.

You realize all the dragons that aren’t proto dragons at that time are ordered dragons… He is crazy, he will use and sacrifice anyone and anything to punish the titans. This isn’t the burning legion on a crusade eradicating all life in the cosmos. There’s no reason or path to reclamation for iridikron. Stretch things however you want. Storm drake liberation all come later on after iridikron has already gone mad. That’s not how it works you can’t use that for your argument. I’m not making headcannon. I’m just following the story blizzard is writing. Your literally touting illidan 2.0 which is definition of headcannon. Again it doesn’t matter who iridikron is even mad at. The whole point is he is consumed with hate and rage that he is blind to everything else and will sacrifice everyone.

No, you’re making up nonsense and proclaiming it as Blizzard’s writing.

You literally are.
I thought you might’ve simply made a mistake, but you’re clearly just a liar.

I listed simply what is canon …

  • Stating I’m “stretching things” however I want — is incredibly rich coming from the guy who makes up lore and proclaims it as word of truth.

But hey :open_hands: To give benefit of the doubt, in case you are just simply misinformed — I’ll at least provide sources …

No they’re LITERALLY not :upside_down_face:

That’s just a pure baseless lie, lol
The Elemental Dragons who aren’t proto-drakes were NOT creations of the titans …

Source: Ask CDev

Ask CDev (Ask Creative Development) was a series of Q&As carried out by Blizzard’s Creative Development team who met with Chris Metzen and Alex Afrasiabi in order to provide official answers to fan questions concerning World of Warcraft.

'What are the origins of stone and storm drakes?’

  • “Brann Bronzebeard recently uncovered evidence, corroborated by reports from adventurers in Deepholm, that proto-dragons and dragons may have origins in these—and other—elemental drakes. The inhabitants of Deepholm, the Skywall, the Firelands, and the Abyssal Maw are less than talkative on these matters, however, and most of them were not around when the elemental prisons were created.”

Literally the opposite of what you said … Proto-drakes descended from the elemental dragons, they weren’t the other way around and then ordered into such.

:clap: Additionally, dragon-kinds ultimate origins come from being elemental spirits in the first place, that had their forms changed when they become creatures of flesh & blood.

SOURCE: Chronicles, Volume 1 – Page 40.

“When the Keepers had sealed off the Elemental Plane, some stragglers had escaped banishment. The fury of these spirits had ebbed over time, and they had become creatures of flesh and blood. It was from these former elementals that some forms of wildlife, such as the proto-dragons, came to be.”

I never declared Iridikron being an anti-hero as truth, I had made a comparison and suggested for Iridikron to become an anti-hero — Towards and with the titan conflict that most of us can see coming in the future …

:person_shrugging: Ultimately, Iridikron’s story hasn’t come to a close yet – So Blizzard can still work with his character development, provide more story excerpts, reveals and add other expanding lore to his character — Comparatively, like they had done to Illidan; as to why I mentioned him earlier.

When headcannons fire, does the recoil snap every bone in the person’s body?


Yes, they also take years to repair and reload.

Read the dragon flight book and let me know how many elemental dragons you hear about. Proto drakes came from the elements. Not elemental dragons… Iridikrons beggining world there are two types of dragons. Proto and ordered, the exsistence of other types means literally nothing because they are unknown to him. You can’t use anything related to that as an argument. Full stop. Iridikron is fully consumed by hatred hes clearly bad, asking for him to get reclamation is crappy writing. Nice try tho maybe stick to iridikron and story told not just cobble future events and knowledge to try and fit your fantasy mate. Vyranoth dislikes order magic but she didn’t go with iridikron until after alexstraza stole the proto drake eggs and ordered them. Alexstraza realizing she was wrong to do that as well as iridikrons utter madness and rage is why shes back on team aspects. Yes titans are bad. Or at least two or three are. Doesn’t mean iridikron needs or is capable of a redemption arc.

I did … The elemental spirits take many variety of shapes & forms though. They’re not all the same.

That’s like common knowledge 101.

Additionally, as what I’ve already mentioned — The story developers themselves already stated proto-drakes descended from the elemental dragons; that’s the type of elemental spirits they were - saying it hasn’t ever been mentioned is disingenuous, I’ve already linked two sources.

Writing-Wise, however?

They’ve already had 4 crazy-dragon monarchs as it is.

  • Galakrond, crazy from being consumed by an endless hunger & necrotic energies.
  • Neltharion, crazy from the old gods & the void who became known as Deathwing.
  • Malygos, crazy from overwhelming grief.
  • Raszageth, was noted to be maddened from being completely awake & mentally aware for eons during her entire captivity — as opposed to the rest of the Incarnates, which deteriorated her sanity.

Having yet another dragon: “Absolutely consumed with craziness & beyond reasoning within any shape or form” — would just feel like poor repetitive writing.