Iridikron hates anything and anyone Titan-related; if Titanforged are a race, Iridikron is racist against them. Titanforged rejecting the Titans wouldn’t be enough for him. He wants anything or anyone Titan gone.
You’re assuming their goals are beneficial for others. Illidan’s weren’t until those retcons in Legion whitewashed him. Now, it’s up in the air. Iridikron’s goals are not beneficial for the world if you’re Titanforged. So ordered dragons, the Wild Gods, Vry’kul, humans, dwarfs, gnomes (maybe elves too given they’re trolls altered by arcane)… all on his hitlist.
Yeah, but if the titanforged are rebelling against the titans themselves — Having him make a compromise & open to some morally grey decisions for his perspective of ‘the greater good’ would make for a better narrative & story than a simple: “Hurdur dey all bad, I bonk at thee on the heads! GRR!”
Yeah that’s true. Albeit as far as retcons go – I feel Legion whitewashed him pretty well
However, Iridikron’s story hasn’t been finished yet; so there’s still room for development, evolution and plot twists ahoy